It's happened again. Last August a horrific lightening storm fried the ethernet card in my computer. Late Tuesday an intense summer storm blew in and thanks to a nearby lightening strike, I am once again unable to get online. I'm on a library computer right now, but will soon be on my way to try and buy another ethernet card. I say try, because cards for wired computers are getting harder to find these days. Seems electronics stores assume we're all wireless!
Thank you for all the comments on my "Slow Living, Slow Results" post. I appreciate every one. I'm not neglecting answering your comments, I just haven't been able to get online. Hopefully I'll rectifiy that soon and be able to do so, as well as return the blog visits!
Thats ok we know you are here :)
Computers are WONDERFUL when they're working. When they're not . . . well, we've all gone through it to one extent or another. Thanks for the note letting us know what's going on. I think we all get a little concerned when we don't hear from each other on a kinda regular basis.
And, yes, we dinosaurs who are not wireless are sometimes treated like we are nothing but old fogeys!
We'll be here when you can get back on schedule.
I don't know how much you shop online if at all but I got a Belkin surge protector off Amazon for in around $20 some time ago that also protects the Ethernet cable. Good luck on your part search.
Good luck. We will always be here in the shadows.
Look into something called a battery back-up surge protector. I have a fussy German sewing machine and the dealer told me I could not sew without it. It cleans up the power and helps protect the more sensitive computer elements in the machine. We always keep our wired whatnot plugged into it. We have all manner of electrical fry-outs here.
Big internet hugs to you and your fried little ethernet card...
Leigh, it's a shame you're having to deal with this same issue again. I hope you have an easy time finding your replacement card and can be back on the "internet superhighway" quickly. And I second the recommendation for the super-surge protector...
So sorry about your computer problems. I'm looking forward to you next posting.
Glad to hear everythings okay and looking forward to when you're back online!
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