July 30, 2012

The Joys of Free Ranging Chickens

I'd wondered why I hadn't found any white eggs lately...

Clutch of Barred Holland eggs found in the hay mow

I found 16 of them in a corner of the hay mow the other day. Amazingly, all but two passed the float test. Technically the chickens aren't allowed in here. Some of them though, always manage to find their way where they aren't supposed to be!  :) At least they weren't deposited out in the woods somewhere.


Izzy said...

Nice find, now at least you know!

DebbieB said...

You sent me to Google, Leigh, to figure out what the 'float test' was. Obviously I'm a city girl! Now I want to go float all the eggs in the carton in my fridge...

Glad the mystery is solved.

Bernadine said...

Great find! I'm going to go to Google as well to learn about the 'float test' since I don't have chickens yet.

Renee Nefe said...

I had to google the float test too. I'm glad you found the eggs...nothing like an Easter Egg hunt to get your day going.

Nina said...

I'm still trying to find where a couple of my girls are laying. One seems to just lay any old place. I've even found her eggs in the bottom of the bbq! Too funny. At least your girls are laying in one place. It looks like they've made themselves one cozy, comfy nest!

Farmer Barb said...

COOL! I would love to be able to have a rooster...

Laura said...

I have one chicken who plops eggs out as she's walking around...

I have them in a pen (164' of Premier's Poultry net) which works well. They're going into moult, so egg production is down...

I'm debating about freezing some eggs, as my pullets won't be laying for a couple more months, and I refuse to buy store eggs.

Anonymous said...

I have been getting small beginner eggs but not the bigger ones all the time. I noticed yesterday the two escapees that get out have taken to laying in a hidden nest. I have a rooster in hopes we would hatch some but they don't actually sit on any of the eggs just lay them and leave. ;(

bspinner said...

Funny. You never know where the chicken will lay eggs. They have minds of their own that's for sure.

CaliforniaGrammy said...

I learned a lesson on egg freshness today too. Thanks for the "float test" idea which I just googled. Never too old to learn something new!

A Wild Thing said...

I have 4 hens and get 3 eggs every day...hmmm...lol!

Unknown said...


Unknown said...

wow those are a lot of eggs!

Renee Nefe said...

Wild Thing: they're taking turns taking a break. ;o)

Julia said...

We've found that once we steal from a found nest they relocate somewhere else and start hiding the eggs all over again. We put a wooden or ceramic egg in the place we've found them hiding eggs and then they seem to return there so at least we aren't playing easter egg hunt. :)

NancyDe said...

Sometimes it helps to "think like a chicken" to find those hidden eggs.

Leigh said...

I love hearing everyone elses's chicken stories. :)

Debbie, Bernadine, Renee, & Janice, good on you all for googling "float test!"

Laura, freezing eggs works great!

Julia, I found the same thing to be true. I have three that "escape" the pasture and wander around the yard. I clip wings but they still make it over the fence!

Nancy, LOL

Sherri B. said...

Chickens are so funny! Several years ago, we had stacked some tires up about 3 high, with the intention of growing potatoes in them..well that tower of tires laid empty. I think you know where I am going with this..yes, the chickens somehow got down in there and thought it quite funny to lay the eggs in there! xo

Bridget said...

She must have been in hatching mood.

Susan said...

That was quite a find. Mine are now dealing with four broody hens in three nesting boxes. I'm disgusted - there's no room to lay an egg!

Unknown said...

Hilarious, what a sneaky girl, getting into places you wouldn't think of. Glad you found them and almost all were good to go, enjoy :)

Julene said...

Even chickens have the need to steal away!