April 24, 2011

Surprise's Easter Twins

Twins! Early this afternoon, Surprise gave birth to twin bucklings.

Surprise and her brand new twins

Right after Bible study I went to check on her and realized she was in labor.

Baby Boy #1

The first little guy was born at 12:23 pm. His brother followed at 12:46.

Baby Boy #2

Thankfully the birth was uneventful and both kids were up on their feet very soon afterward.

Onlookers for the occasion included Crybaby's Boy and Lord B.

That doubles our goat population, with Jasmine still to kid. I have her due date down for mid May. Of course I was hoping for some girls, but am just relieved that all went well. I'm not quite ready to play Dr. Harriot yet(!) In any event, it made for a very happy Easter.


Amanda J said...

Congrats on twin boys. We had 8 goat babies born here this year. It was our first year for kidding, 6 doelings and 2 buckings. It has been so much fun to watch them grow and play.

Sherri B. said...

Contratulations on the new twin boys and how extra nice to come on Easter.

Norma from Misty Haven Alpacas said...

Happy Easter! Love the pictures.

Mama Pea said...

Congrats on the twin bucks. It's so nice when births go easy. They're good looking little guys.

Megan said...

Congrats! What a fun Easter surprise! :) What sweet pictures!

Madness, Trouble, Squish and Milkbone said...

Oh how adorable! Two more boys. You are going to have a fun time with your 3 boys.
I suspect now Surprise will also be nicer to Crybaby's boy.

Donna said...

Congratulations on Surprise's Easter surprise.

Leigh said...

Thank you to everyone for you happy thoughts and kind wishes! All are appreciated. :)

Sharon said...

That was a wonderful Easter surprise :)
They are very cute, you'll have so much fun watching them. You'll be able to trade in "chichen TV" for "baby goat TV" for a while ;)

Benita said...

While it would have been nicer if at least one of those twins had been a doe, like you said, there's something to be happy about an uneventful birth. They are all so pretty!

BrokenRoadFarm said...

They are so cute!! What a great Easter gift!

Jane @ Hard Work Homestead said...

So very very cute. What a great Easter present.

Razzberry Corner said...

They are adorable!!!! Happy Easter!

DebbieB said...

TWINS! No wonder Surprise was so grumpy! :) What a lovely gift on a lovely day. I'm so glad everyone is healthy. Now we hope and pray for Jasmine to have a doe (or two!)

Michelle said...

Yay! I'm glad they are here, and that everything went well. Should we be praying for Jasmine to give you some girls?

Renee Nefe said...

Wow Surprise lived up to her name. :D Congratulations!

Isn't the day you predicted that she would kid?... not too shabby with the prediction considering she did have twins. :D

Hoping that Jasmine has a girl. any signs that she's really pregnant?

Alicia@ eco friendly homemaking said...

Oh congratulations!! They are so cute. What a great Easter blessing! I have hit a milestone on my blog and am having an all natural organic giveaway. I would love for you to enter.

Nina said...

congrats! It's wonderful that you've lovely, healthy babies.

Sarah said...

if Jasmine ends up having a boy too, you might need to consider using a different Buck next breeding! From the looks of it, the current one is prejudiced towards having daughters. The boys are cute though, and now Crybaby's boy has some friends to play with!

Anonymous said...

FUN! I called my children over, and my twin boys, also born about 20 minutes apart, were especially giddy!

bspinner said...

Congrats. Twin healthy boys on Easter. Thanks for sharing your pictures.

Ontario Farm Girl said...

They're beautiful! We're getting our pasture ready for our first goat and lamb. We can't wait for their arrival.

trump said...

I love watching goats, they do some pretty funny things sometimes.Almost had my finger taken off while trying to give it a treat one time.I still have nightmares to this day, i wont even ride in a pontiac GTO because some called it a (Goat). Richard from Lebanon county's Amish community.

Leigh said...

Sharon we love both chicken TV as well as baby goat TV, LOL.

Benita, agreed, but, what can one do????

BRF, thanks!

Jane & Lynn, thanks!

Debbie, you know, she's mellowed out tremendously since giving birth. Maybe this is what she needed all along. :)

Michelle, yes please! Would love to have some little girls.

Renee, my predicted due date was today, so she was one day "early." Of course, that was based on behavioral observations, so my dates probably weren't accurate. Still, it's nice to be semi-prepared!

Alicia, congrats! I'm on my way!

Nina, thanks!

Sarah, I thought about that. Fortunately, the baby daddy is long gone, never to be seen again. :)

Q, you have twins! That's so neat. I guess your boys could identify a bit. :)

Barb, thanks!

Ontario Farm Girl, that is so exciting. It's a big job getting pasture ready, but oh so worth it.

Richard, I can only guess that you enjoy watching them from a distance! Goats can get greedy when it comes to treats.

denise/deBRAT said...

Congratulations! What fun to have twins and on Easter too. I was a bit disappointed for you when reading they were baby boys, but still who wouldn't be excited about twins and uneventful to boot! Thanks again for keeping us up-to-date on the progress. Next time, Surprise should be the first to be "available" so she can kid first and not be so snippy towards other's kids.