April 14, 2011

First Kid!

I expected Surprise to kid first but surprise! CryBaby beat her to it.

At 3:40 yesterday afternoon, she gave birth to a little buck kid. These photos were taken when he was just minutes old.

I've been checking the girls frequently, and around 2:30, noticed CryBaby lying down by herself, licking at her sides in a way I hadn't observed before. A closer look showed tinged mucus hanging from her behind, so I dragged her (literally, she didn't want to go) into the birthing stall.

All my birthing supplies were already in the shed, so all I had to do was pull up a stool, watch, and wait.

Fortunately the birth was very routine, and a little over an hour later, she had a hungry baby boy. This morning I was able to get some better shots.

The bandage is because he appears (as best as I can tell), to have a contracted tendon.

This is apparently not all that uncommon and will correct itself. Some folks splint, some don't, and there's a full gamut of what to give him for it. I splinted because his leg tends to bow outward when he tries to get around. The splint adds a little support to the leg, and he's actually getting around pretty well.

[UPDATE 10:06 AM: Just got back from the vet's office. I was concerned about the leg joints when I removed the splint. Vet says everything feels normal, and simply to exercise the joints several times a day. The ligaments should tighten up and the leg should be fine soon.]

[UPDATE 15 April, 7:04 AM: Baby Boy's leg is doing better. I left the splint off at the vet's advice and he's definitely getting around better. The leg still tends to bow outward, but not as much. He's testing his legs out with a little jumping/hopping/bouncing and while still clumsy, is getting the hang of it.]

He wants to be jumping and bouncing, but can't quite manage that yet because of his leg.

I'm still waiting on Surprise. She missed my first guess at a due date (April 6th). My next guess, based on her behavior with Petey, is April 25. Baby, I had down for April 10, so that one was pretty right on target. At least that gives us some time.


Seeking Serenity said...

Congratulations! He's a cutie and I hope he straightens out quickly.
Lets have some girls now!

Sharon said...

Congrats on the new little one. He's adorable.

Anonymous said...

He is so sweet! Amazing how they get up and go so quickly.


Congratulations! He's a handsome lil buck.

Jen said...

So cute! Isn't spring great?

BrokenRoadFarm said...

How adorable!!

Alison said...

Congratulations again, Leigh. He is a beauty!

A. Wright said...

He is too flippin' cute! Big congrats :)

Anonymous said...

CONGRATS!! How exciting! That's neat that you were able to watch :)

Laura said...

Welcome to the wonderful world of baby animals.

A hint - if you haven't given the does BoSe (assuming you're in a selenium deficient area), you should. You should (see parens above) also give the kids .5 cc of BoSe when they hit the ground. It stimulates their immune systems, and helps with legs that don't want to work quite right. You can also give them a vitamine E - poke a hold in it and squeeze it into their mouths.

He is very cute - little goats always are!!

What Pigs Don't Know said...

Yay! I've been checking in periodically specifically looking for news of a new baby! Glad to hear everything was relatively routine. He looks so sweet! Can't wait to see more of them and hear your stories. -Carrie

Theresa said...

I'll second the BoSe, I know a lot of folks that use it, since I have never bred my animals I can't give you a first hand recommendation. I do know we supplement selenium for the horses in their vit mix as we are in a deficient area.
He's a cutie. Got a name picked out?

DebbieB said...

YAHOO!! A healthy beautiful baby boy! How wonderful. He looks so soft. Oh, this is great! Thanks for all the pics.

chris said...

OMG! he is too cute! congrats! what is his name?

Sherri B. said...

Congratulations! He is so sweet and looks so much like mom. Hope the leg gets better soon.

Lynda said...

I just love baby goats! Looks like Cry Baby's a great Mom.

Nina said...

That is exciting news. He certainly rates off the scale in adorable cuteness.

Norma from Misty Haven Alpacas said...

Love the pictures. What nice colours on those kids.

Michelle said...

Congratulations! He's adorable! Makes me want Nubians!!!

Jane @ Hard Work Homestead said...

So sweet!

The Sumerlin Dorper Farm said...

He is so cute! Congrats on the new arrival :)

DebbieB said...

Also, I appreciate the link to the leg condition - I've never heard of it, but it makes total sense.

Anonymous said...

Congratulations!!!... Great Photos! :-)

Take care and have a nice weekend :-)


Madness, Trouble, Squish and Milkbone said...

Welcome Bebe goat! He made us wait, but it was worth it. He is adorable.

Renee Nefe said...

my daughter says "SQUEE!" which means he's so cute!

Congratulations! :D

Sara said...

Oh, he is so cute! And, a pretty color...

Makes me wish I lived on a farm so I could have some...

Kari said...

Ohmygosh, what a cutie pie! Congratulations!

Tina T-P said...

Congrats! He's so cute - I hope his leg get better soon. T.

Leigh said...

Thank you to everyone for your kind comments. They are very much appreciated. No name at this point, not even sure we'll name him because unless we keep him as a companion for the buck we plan to get, we won't keep him.

Laura, I wish I'd asked the vet about selenium when I had him there. Sounds like something I definitely need to have on hand, so I'll see if I can find some.

Benita said...

He's beautiful! And I am so glad it was an uneventful birth - for both of you.

I can't wait to see what you name him.

Megan said...

Congratulations! He is incredibly cute! Hope the other one comes soon!

denise/deBRAT said...

Congratulations! I know I repeat so many but how adoreable he is! I will be watching with great interest for CryBaby's day! denise/deBRAT a suburban type gal. not the vehicle horrors THAT would be a Miata. I so enjoy your posts and reading of a life so different from mine.

bspinner said...

Congrats on your first beautiful bsby. Hope this is just the first of many more

Sarah said...

cute kid! Congratulations!

Nezzy (Cow Patty Surprise) said...

Awwww, there's just nothin' cuter!!!
I bet his little legs strengthens before ya know it. He looks like a feisty little fella! Congrats!

God bless and have a fantastic weekend!!! :o)

luckybunny said...

Congrats on the new kid! he's just adorable. :)

robin said...

Ah, how sweet. Little baby goats are just the cutest.

Toni aka irishlas said...

So cute!

Mary Ann said...

What a beautiful buckling, and now I have learned yet something ELSE to be prepared for when we have goats. Thanks so much for the frank explanation of his problems.

Linda said...

He is so adorable! Looks like mommy is taking good care of him.

Leigh said...

Thank you to everyone for their congratulations!

Mary Ann, yes, something else to be aware of. Of course, I'd never heard of it until it happened to me! The internet helped, but in the end the trip to the vet helped the most. That leg is still a little weak, but it's getting stronger. And he compensates for it beautifully, by hopping!

Sharon said...

Don't you just fall in love with the sound? I think there's nothing like the call of a kid and the doe's response.