April 13, 2011

Riley's I Spy

Riley's I Spy photographs © April 2011 by Leigh at http://my5acredream.blogspot.com/


Sherri B. said...

You got some great shots...very cute!

Woolly Bits said...

ha, she looks like she's already calculating the distance - will I make it that far up?:)) or is she licking her face in anticipation?:))

Jane @ Hard Work Homestead said...

I know a lot of people don't like squirrels, but I think they are cutie pie's. I hope Riley finds it to much work to take that challenge.

Seeking Serenity said...

very cute photos!
I cannot believe how grown the babies are already

Mr. H. said...

Did they throw any pine cones at her.:)

Renee Nefe said...

Riley looks as if he is doing a good job of protecting your garden from those bad critters!

Great photos!

Leigh said...

Sherri thanks! The first 2 squirrel photos were taken with my new camera. I'm so pleased with it.

Bettina, actually Riley has never tried to make the jump. Just waits to see if any squirrels make it to the ground!

Jane, we don't have an opinion about squirrels one way or another. We do have a lot of them though, and the cats do catch them on occasion. I don't think the general population is in any danger however!

Peaceful, thanks! They do grow quickly, don't they?

Mr. H, LOL, no pine cones but oh how they love to tease!

Renee, thanks. Riley is turning in to a good watchcat and hunter. :)

Bootzey said...

If your cat is anything like my cat, he will sit there for hours, just waiting....

DebbieB said...

Patience is a cat watching squirrels. We have a lot of squirrels (and 6 cats! all indoor, though) and sometimes our cats will stare out the window for hours at squirrel antics.

The Sumerlin Dorper Farm said...

Great pics!

Mama Pea said...

A really good set of shots, Leigh! 'Twould be fun to put captions to those pictures!

tracy said...

what fun shots. my cats freak out over creatures they find outside. they make the funniest noises.