March 10, 2015

Baby Goat Coats

I'd sincerely hoped to have baby goat pictures to show you today. Helen's official due date is tomorrow, but from talking with other Kinder owners, I was expecting her to be early (Kinders averaging a 147 day gestation). Alas, I am still waiting and Helen appears to be in no hurry.

Helen on the left, Bunny (standing), Daphne on the right

Hopefully something will happen today!

While I've been waiting, I've been making baby goat coats. March can be mild and spring-like, or cold and winter-like, so I wanted to be prepared. I used a puppy dog coat pattern I found on clearance.

Simplicity 2013

I  used Surprise's thrift shop sweatshirt coat for the fabric. I was able to make three little coats from that one sweat shirt.

I simplified it by hand sewing the two layers together with a blanket stitch and leftover sock yarn. I wasn't sure if the size was right, so I used longer strips of velcro so that I could adjust as necessary.

Now I just need a model to try it on. That will hopefully happen soon.


Chris said...

How clever are you! Great thinking 99! Simple but effective. I hope those little ones arrive safely and mama doe's recover quickly. You seem well prepared though.

As always, I'm waiting on every post to read about the babies arriving.

You may want to pop over to my old Gully Grove blog, as I have some news. ;)

Quinn said...

Looking forward to baby pictures :)

Farmer Barb said...


Rosalyn said...

It looks great, and I love that it was a repurpose project. I've been wondering about when we start breeding our does (I am using "when" and not "if", staying positive that town council will let me get them!) what would be the best way to time the kidding. March is cold here. No matter what the calendar says, it isn't spring. I can't wait to see your babies. I appreciated your comment about the testing. I hadn't thought of that--we have a veterinary college here that will perform tests as well so I may try to see if I can get all three done with the unregistered kinders a friend of mine has. It seems the only way I will get this breed, since I have been searching the net far and wide for registered breeders anywhere in the country and it hasn't been a very fruitful search!

Mama Pea said...

Ready, set . . . where's da babies?? Just like human births, these things can't be rushed. But you should feel good about being as ready as you can be, that's for sure. What a nice, soft, comfy place your mama goats have in which to kid. (Now get on with it, ladies!)

Sandy Livesay said...


Great looking sweater for your baby goats. I really like the idea of using Velcro, this way you can make it as snug or loose as you want. Hurry up babies, I want to see a model with the sweater on :-)

This maybe a great thing to consider making and placing for sale on your blog :)

Melanie said...

I have several books about goats and I always swoon over the goats in sweaters and little coats. I love it.

I don't have goats yet (I'm approaching that day slowly), but there is a little homestead down the street that keeps a dwarf breed. You can always tell when the babies have arrived - all the school children from the elementary school down the street cross the road to see the goats after school. When the crowd at the fence suddenly explodes with activity, I know there are babies to visit!

Renee Nefe said...

I bought that same pattern but haven't opened it yet. :p Now that I see how easy it is, I should whip up one of those...although Lilly doesn't seem interested in using one. oh well

Gill - That British Woman said...

those are so cute, can't wait to see them on the little babies.....

Gill - That British Woman said...

those are so cute, can't wait to see them on the little babies.....

Karen@ said...

You crafty girl! I don't sew. I'll have to figure out something else. I really need to check our kidding supplies. If my boys would get done with school at a decent time maybe I could do that today.

Harry Flashman said...

My ferrets have cold weather gear, since they like to go out and they have a low tolerance for temperature extremes. My daughter has a coat for her horse, which makes him look like a medieval charger!

Ngo Family Farm said...

That is so clever! I look forward to your baby goat pictures every year - can't wait!!!

Tuesday said...

I can't wait to see the babies!!!

Cat Eye Cottage said...

What a great idea!