December 28, 2014

Around the Homestead

It's been six months since my last "Around The Homestead." Time flies! Here are a few updates on projects I've mentioned but haven't followed up on.


Pasture improvement and maintenance is ongoing. This fall I replanted two, the buck pasture and back pasture. They are both coming along slowly (too slowly, but what can one do?).

Back pasture. New forage is growing, but slowly
Buck pasture, a little farther along.

We've been fortunate that November and December have been mild and rainy enough to make for good growing conditions, but the growth is still too young and tender to let the goats on it.

Winter Wheat

I have two small patches of winter wheat.

There was a long dry spell after I planted, but at last it came up!


I'm using cattle panels to plant Jerusalem artichokes
along the fence line. The idea is that the goats can eat
the leaves without demolishing the plants. I hope. 

It's the time of year for that. I've been relocating Jerusalem artichokes and moving volunteer blueberry bushes.

Garden (Lone Bed)

Lettuce, radishes, mesclun, and my garlic

Overhauling the garden this winter meant I didn't get much planted for a fall and winter garden.  What I did plant has been pretty sparse in coming up. I lament that, but we do enjoy the little bit we get.

Barn Razing

Everything's down and gone, except the concrete slab which used to
be the "coal barn" carport. Hopefully that will become my milking room.

We've got the old coal barn completely down and the area pretty much cleaned up. The next step will be to trim the dead branches from the old oak tree which could cause damage. That will also be next year's firewood, so that's two benefits with one job.

Goat Breeding

Daphne & Helen

I'm about 95% confident that my Kinder girls have been bred, and about 95% that Surprise hasn't. This is based on whether or not any of them have (or haven't) gone back into heat. I'm not planning to do any other testing, but will keep an eye on them. Helen's due date would be around March 11, Daphne's would be closer to April 2. I've had Surprise with Gruffy repeatedly, but she keeps going back into heat so I'm assuming first generation Kinders are a no go.

Little Series of Homestead How-Tos eBook

How to Make
An Herbal Salve
Thank you to everyone for your kind words about the publication of Book 3 in the series. They are encouraging! If you think it is worthy of your endorsement, please consider writing a review at either Amazon or Smashwords, or better yet, both! Reviews are what help Indie authors get the word out and sell books. Folks want to know what you think!

Look for Book 4 of the series to come out next month.


Mama Pea said...

I enjoy your occasional "around the homestead" posts! They give a good overview of your place and what's been happening. (Always LOTS!)

Farmer Barb said...

It is a good thing to stop and look at progress. I often don't do it when I should. I am envious of winter growth. We have had unseasonably warm weather and I should have seeded while most of the birds are away. Woulda-shoulda-coulda. Oh well. This is an ongoing process as you remind us. Thanks!

PioneerPreppy said...

Pastures are looking good. We started getting some cuttings off our Alfalfa pasture this year for Spring lambing season so it's well worth the effort.

Harry Flashman said...

I'm glad things are going well there. You've put a lot of work in.

Unknown said...

It looks so green!

Sandy Livesay said...


I always enjoy reading updates around your homestead. Your pastures are doing very well considering the dry spell. As for a winter garden small is good, you had plenty to keep you busy during the fall and winter. Before you know it Spring will be will your large vegetable garden. Enjoy the brief gardening break.
Happy New Year to you and Dan.

Leigh said...

Mama Pea, thank you!

Barb, I so agree. Too often we get hung up on all the loose ends that need tying!

In spite of our ordinarily mild winters, winter crops and pasture are things for which there are no guarantees. Some years it's too cold and everything goes dormant! But I still try because most of the time it pays off.

PioneerPreppy, thanks! I've not tried alfalfa yet because it isn't supposed to grow well here. But I'd love to add some to our homegrown hay.

Harry thanks! Eventually the hard work begins to bear fruit. :)

Nancy, isn't it lovely this time of year. Unless we get a really frigid spell, then it will stay green all through the winter.

Sandy, that's an excellent way to look at it!

Anonymous said...

You both have accomplished quite a bit this past year. Congrats on all the progress!

Lynda said...

Everything looks great, Leigh! I'm looking forward to catching your posts in 2015. Take Care.

Mark said...

Thanks for the look around the homestead, Leigh. I always enjoy these and find them a bit motivational.

DFW said...

Thanks for the update. Love seeing progress!

Unknown said...


Anonymous said...

Thanks for the update Leigh. The pastures are coming along nicely. My own are much greener than I expect they should be this time of year, but then things haven't been all that cold yet.

Matt H.

Leigh said...

Thanks Stephanie!

Lynda, good to hear from you! I hope you'll get back to blogging in the upcoming year.

Mark, thank you! It's nice to stop and take a look at what we've accomplished. :)

DFW, thanks!

Lynda, ditto. :)

Matt, it's been a good winter so far for keeping things green. I'm very glad to have this much growth this time of year.