July 26, 2010

Colors of July

It's time to show our Colors of July. Sue, over at Life Looms Large, hosts a monthly local color photography challenge, and I've been joining in. There is almost too much to choose from this month, but I think these photos give a fair sampling.....

Crepe myrtles & Japanese maple (yellow) over housetop


Ripening blueberries

Summer squash blossoms


Purple petunias, black eyed Susans, & calendula

Butterfly weed
(Petunias & calendula in the background)

Colors of July (especially the photos) © July 2010 by Leigh at http://my5acredream.blogspot.com/


Woolly Bits said...

lovely, how colourful your garden is at this time of the year! I am behind with my "colours" again - light blue doesn't really inspire me so much:))
do you ever let milkweeds go to seed? I tried to grow several varieties, but they like it warmer than in our climate - I'd like to try out the seed hairs in spinning!

Julie said...

Boy your yard has come along ways! Its just beautiful I love all the flowering trees.

Wendy E said...

How beautiful! Your corner of the world is lovely. Thank you for sharing!

Nina said...

We don't have much in the way of flowering trees at this time of year. Yours are very pretty. The Marigolds are nice too. I have them growing but have been harvesting flowers to freeze for a winter dye pot.

Mr. H. said...

Your flowers are absolutely beautiful and your squash plants are looking really good...and those berries.:)

Robin said...

Wow, you have a lot blooming over there. I don't think we have that much going on over here. Most of the wild flowers and what not have already finished up.

bspinner said...

Lovely!!!! I'm not taking any photos for July. Everything around here is so dry and has no color.

Thanks for sharing your colors.

Sharon said...

I'm going to collect my pictures tomorrow. Those are wonderful!

Leigh said...

Bettina, I haven't seen milkweed around. I'm sure it is, but not in our yard of fields. I've heard their seeds spin quite well!

Julie, thanks! I love them too. They bring color to another layer. :)

Wendy E, thank you! And thanks for visiting!

Nina I'll have to add marigold flowers to my list of future homestead dyeing experiments.

Mr H, I love having all those blueberries. The bush is so loaded, that I'm really thankful they don't all ripen at the same time!

Robin and Barb, it's funny how folks associate flowers with color and no-flowers as no color. But really, the colors of the month challenge is for things the way they are!

Sharon, you always have good photos. I can't wait to see them!

Tina T-P said...

How beautiful your yard is. I know how much hard work you've put into it too. Good job (on the yard AND the photos!) XOX T.

Janet said...

Inspiring photos Leigh. You have put so much work into your garden - it's all paying off now.

Katrien said...

It all looks so wonderful! Here at the height of summer everything is starting to look a little tattered. Luckily we've been getting some thunderstorms here and there to top off the rain barrels and water the garden.
I'm hoping to have so many flowers too, next year.

Valerie said...

amazing to me that trees bloom in midsummer. My mindset is they bloom is spring...period.

Lovely photo's, Leigh

Leigh said...

Tina thank you! You know all about that hard work too. :)

Thank you Janet. It's encouraging at this point, though the battle of the weeds seems never ending!

Katrien, the color is wonderful. I think you've done well with edibles as your priority though. And the rain barrels!

Valerie, crepe myrtles are signature color for the South. They call them the "lilacs of the South" except that crepe myrtles bloom all summer!

Life Looms Large said...

Thanks for showing your colors!!

Crepe myrtles are so beautiful. I've heard of them, and noticed them when we visited Charleston in March one year. But they weren't in bloom yet.

Now, seeing them in bloom, I understand why they're such a valued shrub or tree. Gorgeous!

Those squash blossoms look good enough to eat!

I can't believe tomorrow is August 1. July has been beautiful!


Annie said...

Lovely colours, Leigh! Crepe myrtles: I hadn't heard about them before, but they sure look beautiful!