July 24, 2009

Corn Relish

I made corn relish this week. I wish I could tell you that I made it with corn from my own garden, but having only been planted in June, my corn just now topping knee high.

DH however, brought home 3+ dozen ears of sweet corn from Indiana. After eating it twice a day for about a week and giving some away, we still had plenty. At that point I decided to try a batch of corn relish, just to see if we like it because I'll have to do something with mine soon enough.

I couldn't find a recipe that matched what I have on hand, so I combined about four corn relish recipes to make my own. Mostly I was concerned about the proportions of vegetables to sugar, vinegar, and water. Happily the result is pretty tasty and DH said, "make more."
Corn Relish
10 cups vegetables:
1 chopped green bell pepper
1 chopped red bell pepper
1 chopped onion
Corn, cooked & cut off the cob; enough to make up the difference for 10 cups
1 cup sugar
1 & 3/4 cup cider vinegar
2 tsp salt
2 tsp dry mustard
1 tsp turmeric
2 tbsp unbleached flour

Mix all ingredients except the flour and bring to a simmer. Blend flour with 1/4 cup of the hot pot liquor and add to vegetables. Simmer 5 minutes, stirring constantly. Fill sterile pint jars leaving 1/4 inch headspace. Secure lids and water bath process for 15 minutes. Makes 5+ (almost 6) pints.

The one ingredient that did come from my garden was the green bell pepper. One of these days, all the ingredients will. :)

Corn Relish copyright July 2009 by Leigh 


Renee Nefe said...

you're making me hungry! LOL! I'm glad you at least had some of the veggies you needed. I know you'll have more soon enough and get a pantry of canned veggies to help get you through the winter. Next year you'll not have to buy any...won't that be lovely?

bspinner said...

Looks and sounds delicious!! Thanks fcr the recipe.

Julie said...

That's looks so good, thanks for the recipe!

Seldom Seen said...

I love corn relish. My mom used to make it every year and we'd eat it on a variety of things. I made it a couple years ago but have used all of it up now. I hope you enjoy it as much as our family does.