May 13, 2018

A Very Exciting "Coming Soon!!!"

Yes! My newest book is scheduled to be released next month and is ready to pre-order at Amazon, Barnes & Noble, or your favorite independently owned local bookstore! It is part of Ulysses Press's prepper series and is my first non-self-published book. I've reviewed a number of books in this excellent series, and was surprised when they asked me to participate with a prepper's book for livestock. I was excited to say yes.

Dan and I have always thought that the best preparedness strategy is to become as self-reliant as possible. We knew that if we wanted fresh milk, eggs, cheese, and meat as part of our preparedness pantry, then we have to figure out self-reliant ways to feed our critters, plus learn ways to preserve and store these items without having to buy supplies or rely on electricity. This book is a compilation of everything I've learned about self-sufficient livestock keeping.

Who is this book for?

Anyone who is interested in:
  • Self-reliant, sustainable homesteading
  • Feeding your farm animals from your land
  • Long-term food preparedness that goes beyond canned foods and dry goods

How is it different from other books on homestead livestock?

It approaches livestock keeping from the goal of self-sufficiency. It is written to help you transition from modern philosophies and techniques to sustainable, alternative, and off-grid ways of: managing livestock, growing your own forage, hay, feeds, and alternative feeds, preserving and keeping eggs, milk, and meat. In other words, it covers everything Dan and I wish we'd known before we got started!

I've included charts to help you compare various breeds of animals (some breeds are better suited for self-reliance than others!), and find important information at a glance such as pasture grasses, legumes, and forbs divided into warm and cool weather annuals and perennials. There are also supply lists for routine and emergency health care, pregnancy, labor, and delivery. It offers traditional and alternative methods for keeping your critters healthy. Also how to keep your livestock safe and how to identify predators from the signs they leave behind. An extensive resource list helps you find more information to meet your specific goals and needs.

The last chapter, "Keeping Things Manageable," is written to help you stay on track and avoid the pitfalls that can lead to homestead burnout. I think this is so important because it doesn't take long for things to become overwhelming. Helping you succeed is important to me.

Would it be corny to say "and more?" I know that sounds kinda salesy, but this book covers so much more than anything I've ever blogged about. I'm really pleased to offer it all as a handy resource.

The book is 192 pages and lists at $15.95. It will be available on June 15 in either paperback or eBook formats, but if you are interested in reserving a copy or two, you can pre-order now at:

Any of the above links will take you to a blurb about the book, but if you have any questions, please ask!


Frugal in Derbyshire said...

This sounds like a book that covers those aspects of Self Sufficiency that are so often brushed over, such as growing fodder and not overstretching yourself. The very best of luck with this publication Leigh.

Chris said...

That's fantastic news Leigh. You share so much for free, but you should also be paid for organising it in such a specialised format. It sounds like a great resource. I hope you sell many.

Leigh said...

Gill, thanks! It's true though, of all the livestock books I've looked at, none of them teach you how move toward independent critter keeping. I just hope this helps fill that information void out there.

Chris, thanks! No matter how self-reliant folks become, we all need some sort of "tent-making" to cover the reality of money. I feel very fortunate that I haven't had to get a job outside the home, although that was one of the distinct possibilities after Dan had his accident. That would have meant no more blogging and no more sharing of what we're learning. I would really have felt like an insignificant cog in the wheel then. Dan and I hope this book does well so we can keep on keeping on.

Stephanie said...

The books sounds very interesting and a great resource. I know have a hardcopy (resource books I want a copy I can hold) preordered thru Amazon. It'll be in my mailbox by June 17th. Too late for my usually summer reading on our "camping" trip to our retirement homestead but I'll still have it for summer reading. I know I'll have chickens, pigs and goats eventually so I need to learn what I can.

Kris said...

Wow! Sounds exciting! Wish I were 20-30 yrs younger (and stronger and healthier and smarter and better looking etc) and starting over again.... Hope it's a best seller, Leigh. I'm rooting for ya! Kris

Leigh said...

Stephanie, thanks! I hope it encourages you and helps you toward your goals. I hope you'll do a review on it after you read it!

Kris, thanks! It was a lot of work, especially since I had a deadline, so it's exciting to have it done and ready!

deb harvey said...

so glad it is a paper publication.
i hate ebooks.
useful for those who travel or have no space for books, but useless for us old and old fashioned people who end the day by reading in bed.

Caroline J. Baines said...

Congratulations, Leigh. I wish you success!

Toirdhealbheach Beucail said...

Congratulations! Well done!

Leigh said...

Deborah, agreed. I've done a few eBooks, but I think they are really only suitable for fiction, not for nonfiction and especially not for resource materials. But my publisher makes it available in that format, and I know some folks prefer that, so so be it.

Caroline, thanks!

TB, thank you! I appreciate that.

Cozy Thyme Cottage said...

Congratulations on your new book. Now with all the other things going on, when do you find time to write! The only animal I have is Coco and she doesn't qualify in helping with self-sufficiency. Quite the opposite! Nancy

Leigh said...

Aw, Coco's useful Nancy. What would you do will all your extra green beans if it wasn't for her? P)

Yarrow said...

What a wonderful book, and how exciting for you :D I wish you every success.x

jewlz said...

Well how did I miss this post? Yeehaw, another book!! Congrats Leigh, I'll get it ordered, or preordered, today. Oddly enough, I've been day dreaming lately about what (new) species I should introduce to the farm. I bet I'll get a few good ideas in this book :)

Wishing it (you) much success!

Leigh said...

Yarrow, thanks!

Jewlz, thank you! I hope it lives up to your expectations and I hope you'll consider doing a review when you've read it. :)