April 12, 2016

Twins for Lini

Little girls! The light brown one has wattles like her mama.

They were born last night sometime between 8:30 and 9:15. Lini's due date was actually this upcoming Thursday, but yesterday I figured something was up when she kept going off by herself during the afternoon. There was no mucous discharge yet, so I ran the extension cord out to the goat shed, figuring we'd need a light sometime during the night. I finally put her in the kidding stall about 7:30 that evening and went back out to check on her again at 8:15. I watched her for awhile, looking for discharge or pushing. She just stood there calmly eating hay so I headed back to the house around 8:30. I made another check at 9:15 and found her lying down with two hollering wet babies by her side! Both girls.

I didn't get photos until this morning, so they are about ten hours old in these pics.

The little brown one was dryest when I first found them, so she must have been born first.

The white one appears to have grizzled (black and white mixed hairs) spots. Their coloring can change quite a bit as they get older, however, so time will tell. In the photo above she was actually falling asleep on her feet, but at least she was holding still. They're already starting to bounce around the kidding stall.

Lini is a first time mama, so she wasn't too sure about them at first. But by morning she was nursing them like an old pro.

And the other kids? Here are a few more shots taken this morning.

Jessie's April is now 12 days old. Look at those ears!

Daffy's boys were too busy to smile for the camera. They are 7 weeks old.

Stella will be next. Her official due date is April 22nd.


Renee Nefe said...

the cuteness continues! Congrats. Looks like your gender numbers are pretty even so far. April is going to start flying with those ears! he he

Quinn said...

Congrats and good job, Lini!

Perry - StoneHillRidge said...

Congrats! So jealous!

Mama Pea said...

Two more does! Sounds as if it was a pretty easy birth for the first time mama. All the little ones look very healthy and happy. Can't ask for more than that!

Dawn said...

They wait until your back is turned, well done they are so cute

Cozy Thyme Cottage said...

Ohhhh, they are so cute! Congratulations!! How exciting! Nancy

DFW said...

Oh my gosh. They are all soooo cute!

Leigh said...

Thanks Everyone! So thankful it was an easy delivery, that mother and babies are doing well, and that they are girls. :)

Sandy Livesay said...


Congrats!!! Lini's twins are adorable. Does one of them have blue eyes??

Seeking Serenity said...

YAY GIRLS !!!!!!

Sarah said...

The twins are too, too cute!!! Looks like your kidding season is going very well! Congrats!

1st Man said...

Oh my that's is ten, no, a hundred, kinds of cute! Congrats!!

Susan said...

Congrats! Gotta love easy births, and does that can get things done without help.

Debbie - Mountain Mama said...

Too cute!!!!! How can you stand it? I'd want to cuddle them all the time! Glad they are all healthy!

Jason and Michelle said...

They are so cute!

Henny Penny said...

They are adorable! I do believe those two are the cutest I have ever seen!!!

Ed said...


I am reminded of a first time guilt ready to give birth and I was in charge of taking the night shift. I kept checking every hour all night and there was no sign of giving birth. That morning, my father came in and woke me up. We went to check and she had a whole litter nursing. I don't think my father believed me when I told him that an hour ago there weren't any piglets!

Rain said...

You definitely need that barn! :) How wonderful, you're so blessed Leigh. They are so sweet. Congrats.

Anonymous said...

They looks very cute. Love both the colors...

Debby Riddle said...

They are really pretty , congratulations!

Debby Riddle said...

They are really pretty , congratulations!

Ngo Family Farm said...

Too cute. Way too cute!!!!!