April 8, 2016

A Drake for the Ducks

When I first traded an American Guinea Hog piglet for Muscovy ducks, I got one drake and five ducks. They started by living in the chicken coop, but soon moved out for higher nighttime perching grounds. One morning the drake was gone, so I've only had the five ladies ever since. Patience and keeping an eye on Craigslist finally paid off, and I found someone who was giving away Muscovys. I asked about getting one drake.

Sir Drake with 3 of his 5 ladies.

He made himself right at home, wasting no time to start courting the ladies. It's interesting how the social dynamics have changed since his arrival. The black headed one was getting picked on quite a bit, but all the girls are behaving themselves for the Mister.

We've loved the eggs and heard that Muscovy meat is the best of duck meat. Now one of these days we'll get to find out about that for ourselves.


PioneerPreppy said...

I hope he works out for you and keeps those ducks in line!!! I hafta admit even though I am not sure my rooster is getting the job done with the hens he does at least keep em from picking on each other. He doesn't put up with a lot of that nonsense.

jewlz said...

Handsome fella, and a welcome addition!

Dawn said...

I hope Sir Drake does the job for you and soon you have some little webbed feet to enjoy :-)

Quinn said...

I'm always happy when herd or flock dynamics shift toward peace! Hope you'll see ducklings soon. My two roosters have made no difference in poultry population yet.

Mama Pea said...

And a fine looking fella he is. Glad you finally found a sire for your "herd!" (Love the top picture!)

Renee Nefe said...

can't wait for baby duckies!

Barbara said...

I love ducks. Wish I was a country girl again.

Renovation in Galicia said...

Muscovy's are lovey ducks and so intelligent, and yes, the meat is first class. When they do breed for you slaughter at 14 weeks as the pin feathers get very hard to remove after this time.

Leigh said...

It's interesting to observe the social order amongst critters. When we were roosterless one of my hens tried to take over the roll and even tried to crow. Balance seems to require both sexes.

Leigh said...

I'm happy to have him and so are the ladies!

Leigh said...

One of these days!

Leigh said...

Well, it requires a lady willing to hatch them out and raise them up!

Leigh said...

Thanks! Those two goats loved playing "king of the hill" LOL

Leigh said...

We'll see!

Leigh said...

And to think I never would have gotten them on my own. It was one of the best trades I've ever made. :)

Leigh said...

Ah, thank you for that. I knew it had to be young, but I didn't realize why. Good info.

Farmer Barb said...

Wow, he's big!

Chris said...

Glad to hear you found a replacement drake and that he's settling in without dramas. Also glad the former owner, managed to give them to you. If he was going to go anywhere, yours is the perfect place. :)

Leigh said...

They told me he's about 10 months old so I can't help but wonder if he'll get any bigger!

Leigh said...

They were really happy that he was going to a good home. Apparently they had two drakes and one duck, and this guy was not the alpha. So he was on the outs and one lonely, picked-on guy! So he's better off here in more ways than one. :)

Sandy Livesay said...


Good to hear you found another male on Craigslist.
He knew he had to work for his shelter and food. He's doing a good job :-)

Chris said...

Drake probably didn't know what hit him, after all that - suddenly finding he got given a harem of five ducks. No wonder he got straight to business. ;)