April 4, 2012

Riley's Wordless Wednesday

Riley in his off duty station


Renee Nefe said...

I think you're gonna need a bigger box. ;o)

Mama Pea said...

Life. It's so hard on a cat. Sigh.

Susan said...

That is one relaxed cat! Wonderful shot.

Florida Farm Girl said...

How absolutely perfect!!! The life of Riley.

GrannyAnnie said...

Awwww..... so comfy cozy!

sista said...

The man bought our aging cat a heated bed around Christmas time and she spent the first two weeks in it getting out only to eat and use the bathroom. She also put on 5 pounds instantly. Now she is a regular fatty! Cats know how to live.

Leigh said...

Renee, LOL. It is a tight fit. :)

Mama Pea, in all fairness, he's usually outside on night duty. :)

Susan, thanks!

FFG, I couldn't resist!

Anna, I think that's a priority for a cat!

Sista, aw. That's sweet. I'm sure it takes a lot of calories to keep warm. :)

Cassandra said...

Aw, handsome fellow.

Nina said...

I sure wish I could sleep curled up like that. He must be comfortable despite how it looks. Do you keep the "cat basket" for him, or was this a special occasion? giggle

Leigh said...

Cassandra, thanks!

Nina, this is his basket. Actually, it's one he stole from Katy, though I had to replace hers with a bigger one for him. :) It's his favorite indoor place to sleep.

CaliforniaGrammy said...

I've never been a cat person, I grew up with dogs. However my husband is definitely a cat person. We've never had a cat simply because our daughter was allergic to them.

Now, a stray cat has adopted us. I've never let her in the house simply because I've seen what they can do to furniture and also would like to keep the house cat-free should our daughter come to visit as she does at least once a year.

We purchased a "heated cat house" of all things for our adopted "G.G." (which stands for Gopher Guard). She loved it the first week, however now chooses to sleep in her regular bed (even during the times it was below freezing at night). Needless to say, G.G. is well loved but I'm quite aware that cats have minds of their own and are not at all like dogs in their dispositions.

Sorry to go on and on about our G.G. But seeing your Riley sleeping in his basket reminded me of G.G. sleeping soundly outside on a patio chair in the most awkward looking position.

Kristi said...

He looks for cute, but I can't imagine he's comfortable. Love that basket. Just like ones my g'ma used to have.

Unknown said...


Natalie said...

Awesome. My cat's off duty station is wherever my "current project" is.

Carolyn said...

Thanks for the kitty picture! Yay for kitties :)

Leigh said...

Janice, we cat people love hearing cat stories. :)

Kristi, he rarely looks comfortable but he seems to love it anyway!

Nancy, thanks!

Natalie, LOL. We used to have a cat like that. :)

Carolyn, I agree!

bspinner said...

Nothing like a cat nap even if its in close quarters.

Leigh said...

Barb, every cat I've ever had has loved a tight spot for napping. I've never been able to figure out why!

Jody said...

I wonder what on duty Riley looks like?

Cat Eye Cottage said...

Ahh, the life of a cat! I tell mine all the time how lucky they are.