April 16, 2012

Floor? ................ Done!

The kitchen floor is finished.

New kitchen plank floor

We put down three coats of high traffic oil based semi-gloss polyurethane. I'm really pleased with the results.

One area of concern had been the wood cookstove hearth. There was originally a serious dip in the floor here (see Our Dippy Kitchen Floor.)

Since this was the best spot for the wood cookstove, the dip needed to be fixed so we could level the stove. In addition, this a high traffic area, so we needed the cement floor protector to be flush with the floor so it wouldn't be tripped over. As you can see, it turned out well. The floor is pretty near flush with the hearth. It's only off about 1/16th of an inch in the corners, and 1/8th of an inch on the side. We didn't expect that the floor would be perfectly flat and level. And it's not. But it's a whole lot better than it was before.

Now we can start to put the kitchen back together again! I am soooooooooooo ready for that.

Next: Progress on the Cabinetry

Related Posts:
Old Kitchen Floor: Problems & Preps
More on the Floor (Kitchen Floor That Is)
New Kitchen Floor
New Kitchen Floor: A Scary Decision
New Kitchen Floor: Applying the Poly


Rob said...

Now you two have made everyone else jealous. Good job, what's next for your home??

Anonymous said...

It came out so nice Leigh!! Well done to both of you:)

Bridget said...

Wow! That looks great! I really loove your stove.

Dani said...

It looks amazing - congrats! And well done on all that hard work.

I bet you can't wait to get back into your beautiful kitchen :)

Linda said...

You have a done a beautiful job....are you for hire? I have a bathroom job that is not finished yet...oh how I wish it was!

Amy Dingmann said...

Looks great, and what an awesome feeling to be done!

A. Wright said...

Gorgeous! You are going to have so much fun setting up the kitchen and getting everything in just where you've been dreaming :)

Jocelyn said...

Beautiful!! Congratulations!

Norma from Misty Haven Alpacas said...

Wow. That is stunning! Great job.

The Mom said...

It's absolutely gorgeous!

Leigh said...

I appreciate everyone's kind comments. It's so much fun to share this kind of progress!

Ali said...

It looks great. I bet you are ready to put the kitchen back together! Good luck with the rest of the project!

Natalie said...

Yippee. I am excited for you and your new floor. Now, I look forward to the rest of your posts as you put it all back together again. Thanks.

Vic said...
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Vic said...

Beautiful! A treasure to behold!

sista said...

Great job! Makes me hopeful that we will actually be able to finish our bath remodel.

Lynda said...

Beautiful! You two have done a wonderful job...now get in there and cook something on that awesome wood stove!!!!

Unknown said...

Leigh...your floor is GORGEOUS!! Really a beautiful piece of work - well done :)

CaliforniaGrammy said...

Finally you'll have your kitchen the way you've always dreamed . . . the floor is just gorgeous Leigh!

Michelle said...

How exciting -- and gorgeous! I bet you've been doing the happy dance all over it; a little celebrating is in order before going full steam ahead on finishing the kitchen.

badgerpendous said...

Beautiful!!!! Congratulations!

Susan said...

What a beautiful job you two did! That is one amazingly gorgeous floor!

Made In The South said...

What a great job! I love the brick around your fire stove.

Michelle said...

Hooray!!! It's lovely!

Madness, Trouble, Squish and Milkbone said...

I've been waiting impatiently to see the finished floor - it is beautiful! I really like the dark color.

Donna OShaughnessy said...

Vonderful darhlink ! Now what time shall I be there for dinner and what shall I bring?

Carol............. said...

Beautiful! I'm excited now since we are having our wood floors redone this year!

Sue said...

You both must be so excited (and exhausted!). It is gorgeous, and looks like it will last forever. Congrats!!

So, what's next on the agenda?

Benita said...

Congratulations!! And that floor looks awesome. I can hardly wait to see what the new and improved kitchen looks like.

icebear said...

its absolutely lovely!

Carolyn said...

Oh my gawd, does that look GREAT! I'm soooooooo jealous. Going to have to leave this post up on the computer so when DH gets home he can see it! (And maybe get his butt in gear)

Kristi@LetThisMindBeInYou said...

Wow, Leigh---it looks GREAT! Lovelovelove it! You are one lucky girl!

Doug Pitcher said...

We are talking about putting hardwood in our place but I have no hardwood applicating skills. How long did it take to put your floor in and what was the hardest part?

GrannyAnnie said...

It's beautiful! Congratulations! And I love that stove.

Nina said...

Where is the Love button when you need it?
love, love, love.. it's gorgeous..

Mama Pea said...

That's the most beautiful floor I've seen in a loooooong time! It must have been so hard to stay off of that area while you were applying the necessary three coats. Let's hope it wears so well you won't have to do a thing to it for . . . oh, maybe 75 years!

Sarah said...

What a beautiful floor!! I love the stove too!

Sylvanna said...

Amazing! You make me want to start sanding...

Cassandra said...

Wow, it looks wonderful!

Leigh said...

Ya'll, thanks!

How long did it take to put in? Good question Doug and hard to say because of Dan's work schedule. Laying it took 2 days, but that was because of problems with the unevenness of the old floor. That's the only thing that made it hard. We spent one day filling cracks and screw holes, another sanding. The stain was another day, and each coat of poly was given a full day to dry. Scrunched together, I reckon it was a week's project.

Sue, next is the floor cabinets!

100 Thoughts of Love said...

really beautiful...good job!

Leigh said...

Thank you! I appreciate it.