October 28, 2011

Um, Replacing the Kitchen Window Means We Have to Paint the House. Right?

This is one of those things that anyone who has done remodeling or home repair will understand. Our current project is straightforward enough, we're finally starting our kitchen remodel, and one of the things we need to do (while the weather is still nice), is replace a window with broken casing and a cracked pane.

So. The first step is to tear out some old built in cabinets next to the window. We knew the wall paint was hiding previous water damage under this window, likely from improper installation....

Rain water damaged kitchen wall. Notice you can
see outside through the hole under the window?

So. The wall must be torn down and and replaced. If we have to do that, we might as well put in a bigger window. Unfortunately it turns out the rim joist under the window is also rotted out ....

Rotted floor joist

So. We must repair the joist, rebuild the wall, and then we can install the new window. We get to work.

So. That done, we now need to protect the new exterior from possible rain damage. We choose a barn board look panel siding, figuring we'll at least get that rebuilt corner covered ....

Starting to put the new panels up

So. Since relocating the electric meter is the next project on the list, Dan points out that we might as well install the meter box on top of the new siding panels, rather than later cutting a panel to fit around it.

So. If we're going to do that, it only makes sense to continue siding from the new window, around to where the meter box will be installed. The old plank siding on the back isn't looking so good these days anyway.

And, while we're in at it, we might as well do the porch wall Dan had to rebuild (which also had a rotten rim joist), when we installed the new porch backdoor .

So. Once we get a few panels up, I start priming. The new siding needs to be protected and I figure primer should do for now. One of these days we'll finish the rest of the house and then I can paint the whole thing.

1st wall of new siding all primed

Oops. I learn that primer doesn't protect the wood and must be painted within thirty days. That means I have to paint both the siding and the trim. Sigh. And while I'm at it, I might as well paint the new back door as well. I go buy paint.

So you see, replacing that kitchen window meant we had to paint the house! Here's what we've gotten done so far...

Back door, siding, and trim all painted from both rebuilt walls.....

..... around to where the new electric meter is installed.

This is our stopping point for now. I have to say that the blue in these photos isn't entirely accurate. The blue in the first photo (paint can) is closest. This is basically the same color scheme I chose two years ago, when we had the roof replaced. I liked it then and am delighted with it now. We still plan to add brick red shutters, eventually.

The old white vinyl siding has a few cracks and holes in it, and covers the original wood plank siding, which is in very bad shape.  With winter on the way, finishing the rest of the house will just have to wait. Besides, it's time to get back to work on the kitchen!

I admit I have some reservations about doing it in sections like this. I am concerned about things like whether the siding we chose will still be available in the future, and paint color matching; but under the circumstances, I'm not sure we could have done anything differently, except cover the house in tarps!

So. It seems like a very long detour from our original project, but I am very thankful to now have a sturdy, well built, well insulated wall and window in that kitchen corner. It was a frigid spot our first two winters. Plus I enjoy seeing our house with a new fresh, colorful face.  All in all, I think things worked out pretty well.


icebear said...

Looks good! Don't you just love how one project rabbit trails into others, lol

Suzan said...

All your hard work looks great!! Doesn't it feel good to have things fixed!! Have a great weekend!

pelenaka said...

Your singing to the choir sister been there & haven't left, lol.
Just think about all the free time you'll have when the house is done.

Red doors in Chinese culture bring good luck mine's red also.

Sylvanna said...

Getting that blue on really gives it a finished look. It makes the porch show up well when I hardly noticed it before in that sea of white. Idea: Buy the rest of the siding you will need for the future?

bspinner said...

All your hard work is sure paying off! It's looking great!

Renee Nefe said...

"If you give a mouse a cookie...he's gonna ask for a glass of milk..."

But it's looking great! We've had to go back for paint on our house a few times and have learned that it is best to color match the faded paint or you end up looking splotchy.

Anonymous said...

I love your new color scheme! There's nothing like paint to make you feel as though something terrific has been accomplished, especially since you both have had to do a lot of infrastructure work that doesn't show itself as new. And I wouldn't worry about matching the siding especially--the paint will help with that, too.-Sue in MA

Mama Pea said...

I had to smile all the way through this post because you know we've been there, done that. As my husband said yesterday afternoon after we finished a little, teeny-tiny, small project, "Ya know, I would have guessed that would take us only 20 minutes max." How long did it take? An hour and a half and we were both pushing along.

On the other hand, everything you had to do to put in that window now puts you that much farther ahead. Love your color choices for the house and trim!

Nina said...

Nice colours! I love the colour of the door... awesome... It's the same colour family as the door in my last house and the colour I've been considering for this one.

CaliforniaGrammy said...

What a difference the lovely blue paint makes. So much work, but when it's all over and the dust settles you will be so proud and pleased with the results.

Carolyn said...

It's nice being able to see before & after pictures, if only to remind ourselves that it WAS a LOT of work! Looks great!

Speaking of one thing leading to another, I started cleaning out my fabric bin and four hours later ended up cleaning the laundry room. How does THAT happen???

Prairie Cat said...

It is amazing how one project always leads into 5 more, isn't it? We are finally starting to realize the can of worms that our projects eventually turn into.

I love the blue color! Very cheerful, and I imagine it will look even more fantastic once snow blankets everything.

Leigh said...

Icebear, the trick is getting back on track! LOL

Suzan, thanks! You're right, it feels great.

Pelenaka, I knew ya'll understand. I like red doors. We picked the color to match the bricks.

Sylvanna, good point. When we bought the place, everything was white, outside and in. Buying all the siding would be a good idea, but I think money-wise, we'll have to buy as we go.

Barb, thanks!

Renee, great idea! This paint is supposed to be fade resistant, but we all know how that goes. We'll probably start on the next section next spring.

Sue, thanks! Good point about the siding. I figure if we can get another barn board look, that's all that counts. The color is the icing on the cake, the attaboy to ourselves for all the unseen work!

Mama Pea, that's an excellent way of looking at it. It's funny about those projects. We used to plan two projects in a day, one for morning, one for afternoon. Now we skip the afternoon project because we never manage to get to it!

Nina, thanks! I chose it to match the bricks. Actually, I was amazed at how close it came to them, considering they are different materials.

CaliforniaGrammy, it's amazing, isn't it? I'm sure once we finally get the front of the house done, the neighbors will be especially happy. :)

Carolyn, LOL. Sounds like you caught the cleaning bug.

Prairie Cat, so true! It seems to take awhile before we mentally prepare ourselves for the unexpected. And gosh, snow. That time is getting close, isn't it?

trump said...

Man i have to admit that i really hate panting, maybe because i make such a mess of everything,lol. But you seem much better at it than i am and it looks very good. I do love how it makes everything look so fresh and clean!. Richard

Susan said...

It looks great. Amazing how some projects snowball and grow, isn't it?

I'm overwhelmed right now on the major project on my to-do list: move the loom into the dining room (no need for a dining room when it's just me). It means gutting the room that it is in currently so that I can get it out, clearing a spot for the dining table in the living room (it will house the table loom and the carder), and putting all the odds and ends in new places. Makes me tired just listing it all!

Gingerbreadshouse7 said...

When remodeling it's more work than you can see! there is so much more that's hidden...once done the house is always better and it's yours really yours :o) your doing a wonderful job and making memories..:o)
We remember tiling a wall after friends went home about 11 pm one night (seems they were enjoying the company and we couldn't wait for them to leave to get to work on that project. We often wonder how the wall is today 30 years later :o)

Leigh said...

Richard, I have to confess that I make a big mess when I paint too. For some reason, I seem to make a lot more work for myself than necessary!

Susan, that sounds like a great project actually. Definitely a lot of work, but well worth it. That's what I always try to tell myself. :)

Ginny, now I'd call that raring to go! What time did you finish? You're right though about both the hidden things that need to be done, plus the joy of making it one's own.

Paula said...

I read somewhere that the five most expensive words in home remodeling are "while we're at it".

Congrats on getting it done.

Leigh said...

Paula, LOLOL. That's so true. We really have to stop ourselves when that happens and ask if it's something we could actually do later, or if it's actually something necessary to complete the project. We stopped ourselves from doing more, even though it seemed logical to do so. It is a relief to have this part done though, and the house more weather secure.

Tina T-P said...

Oh that's very pretty and I love the red door! T.

C and C Antiques and Animals - What a Life! said...

The blue color is very nice. Always funny how a project that seems so simple leads into more projects. I think doing one thing at a time is the practical thing to do.

BrokenRoadFarm said...

Don't you love how one thing leads to another, which leads to another, leading to yet another??!!? It looks great! Good job!

Leigh said...

Tina, thanks!

Connie, you're so right. It's the trying to stay focused on one thing at a time that makes all those offshoot projects a challenge. :)

BRF, so true, so true!

Benita said...

Nice, refreshing, pretty blue!

Are you going to install you wood cook stove this year?

Leigh said...

Benita, pretty soon we'll be known on the street as "the blue house."

Yes to the wood cook stove question. It is near the top of the to-do list. We need to finish planting our winter wheat, and then we'll be back in the kitchen. Dan wants to deal with the ceiling first, and I want to get the wall behind where the stove will go painted. The challenge is with the floor, which has some severe dips in it. If it isn't chickens, it's feathers. :)

Angela said...

Redoing a kitchen is such a costly and time consuming job. I wish you luck. We took the easy way out and decided to just give our kitchen a facelift and tried to make it more useable and efficient. We are building a summer kitchen right off the back porch that will be off the grid that will be such a great addition to the house when we're done.
I can't wait to see how everything turns out.

Leigh said...

Angela, I saw some estimate ranges once, on the cost to do anywhere from minor to major remodeling to a kitchen. Some of the estimates could pay our house off! Quite a bit of our work is structural repair, but some will be just cosmetic. We're trying to plan carefully to keep costs down, and paying as we can afford it. You will love having a summer kitchen. Having it off grid is all the better!

Angela said...

Thanks for stopping by our website! Here's a link to what we did to our kitchen this year...I wish we could have remodeled everything, but we just didn't have the money for all the soapstone I wanted LOL :)


Ronald Miller said...

Um, sort of. Hehe! But I must admit, your house looks so much better now! We had our last home renovation so many years ago, and our house looks kinda outdated now. Well, I guess we should do some house remodeling too. =)

Leigh said...

Angela, thanks! Gosh but I must have forgotten you gave this to me because I never responded. Bad me.

Ronald, it seems like a never ending job, doesn't it. :)