December 17, 2009

Colors of December

Several months ago, Sue posted a "Colors of Late October" on her blog, Life Looms Large. The next month, she challenged other bloggers to join in. I wasn't prepared for a photo post then, but this month I am. Here are my "Colors of December."

Sweet Gum seedlings behind the goat(less) shed

Close-up of the same.

A red bellied woodpecker in the pine trees.

Nandina aka "Heavenly Bamboo"

In the woods behind our house.

Little pine trees in the field behind the garden

My rabbiteye blueberry bush.

Neighbors bushes along the property line.

For more Colors of December including a list of challenge participants, check out Sue's blog here.

Care to comment?

Colors of December photos & text (what little there is of it) copyright December 2009 by Leigh at


Renee Nefe said...

Very pretty! Our yard looks dead with weeds. :(

Merry Christmas!

Theresa said...

Beautiful Leigh! A great look around your homestead too. Lots of diversity there. I bet the back of the shed area won't be goatless for too long....I was pretty annoyed at my wee flock, I would have sent them over
in a nanosecond. ;-)

Life Looms Large said...

You did really find a lot of red and green outdoors.

We're having a really cold snap, so it's great to see somewhere that looks warmer and snowless! (Although I've heard rumors - or do they call them forecasts? - of a southern snowstorm this week.)

Thanks for sharing your colors!


Annie said...

Lovely pictures, Leigh! And much more colour than we have at the moment: since yesterday all is (very!) white here.

Leigh said...

Aw Renee, even weeds have color! It's just a matter or whether or not you like those colors. :)

Thanks Theresa. Hmm, would I want naughty goats????? ;)

Sue, that southern snowstorm is predicted for today and tomorrow! With highs in the low 40s though, it won't last.

Annie, I think my December colors are not the "norm," but then, that's what makes Sue's challenge interesting, montly colors are different around the world!

Randy said...

Beautiful pictures! I felt like i was right there in the woods!

Kathy said...

Thank you so much for sharing those, Leigh. I miss woods like that - and when I saw them I thought "Catzee's Garden".
I heard snow is headed your direction. Wanna borrow a shovel or two? ;)

Sharon said...

Your colors are so vibrant for December. I haven't taken mine yet - it's going to involve some work to not post snow.

Leigh said...

Lynn, I was amazed at how much red and green I found. I've always thought of those as traditional December colors, but not in the natural sense. So this was an interesting exercise.

Kathy, aw, "Catzee's Garden". That's what it was. Last week I dreamed I was at a motel and I opened the door and she came running in. It was so vivid, *sigh. The snow missed us though, and we're just a couple of degrees about freezing so no ice!

Sharon, well white is a color of December too! I'll be looking forward to seeing yours.

m said...

When can I come to visit?
It looks so lovely!

Thanks for sharing your colour with us.

m said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Delighted Hands said...

Nice to see the colors are still there if you look for them! I like the bamboo with berries.....very pretty!

Margreet said...

Leigh, lovely pictures! And it looks so much warmer than it is over here at the moment but that can be deceptive. It is about -8C but it felt much colder on the bike this afternoon.

Julie said...

Your pictures are so pretty! Your December looks like yes our October!

Merry Christmas!

charlotte said...

You live in a beautiful place with many lovely colors. I like the woodpecker!