December 5, 2009

Thank You Cottage Homestead!

You may recall that awhile ago I entered a give-a-way over at Cottage Homestead. I am excited to announce that I won!

The prize? A beautiful cast iron hand crank coffee grinder, something that's been on my wish list for quite awhile.

The grind can be adjusted from coarse to fine. Even at the fine setting the crank is easy to turn. I'm not sure how much coffee one hopperful will make as DH and I usually only make coffee two mugs at a time.

Cottage Homestead offers these for sale at her eBay store, Cottage Bedding And More (currently on sale too I might add). Among other things, she also offers a really nice collection of unfinished Amish made furniture at reasonable prices. There are some really nice pieces on offer: cabinets, shelves, accessories, children's furniture, and cutest of all, doll furniture.

But back to the coffee grinder. One of the things we plan to do (eventually) is make a greenhouse. And one of the things I plan to grow in it is a dwarf coffee tree. Yes, DH and I love our cup of coffee in the morning or after dinner.

I'm not sure exactly when (or where) we'll build the greenhouse, but I already have a dwarf lemon tree for it, so we'll need one eventually. Like everything else around here though, it will have to wait it's turn.

Thank You Cottage Homestead! photos & text copyright 


Life Looms Large said...

Cool coffee grinder!! What a great prize!

I like that you're amassing plants and plans for your greenhouse.....making it more likely that we'll get to see your greenhouse soon! I love greenhouses!!


Renee Nefe said...


I would like a greenhouse too, to extend our too short growing season here.

Randy said...

Congratulations on winning! How exciting!

Theresa said...

Good for you! That's a fine looking grinder I must say. I bet the coffee is heavenly.
Wow, a greenhouse growing your own beans. I'm very impressed. And who wouldn't love a dwarf lemon tree!
I love lemons. :-)

MiniKat said...

Very cool! It's really a beautiful piece.

FH said, "Neat." :-)

bspinner said...

Congratulations on your cool coffee grinder. Fits in with you home and life style.

charlotte said...

Congratulations, that's fantastic! We have an old manual coffe grinder and use it in the weekends, but it's very shabby. Nothing beats the sound and smell of coffee grinding in the morning!

Benita said...

Well, I'm just as jealous as all get out! What a cool thing and Scott is a huge coffee lover (drinks at least a pot a day all by his lonesome) and this would be such a great thing to have.

A greenhouse has been on my want list for years, now.

Sharon said...

I'm afraid we're electric grinders here, but we did roast our own beans for years. It was delicious and fun to mix the beans and roasts. Oddly roasting coffee stinks. When our roaster burned out, we quit though Ian is making sounds of starting up again.

Woolly Bits said...

it's so great that you won the grinder! I don't know if you'll ever be able to pick your own beans, but I think you'd at least be able to grow a lovely plant (I like the leaves of the coffee plant a lot, but the plant doesn't like our very cold glasshouses in winter:(()

Julie said...

Congrats! What a fun prize!

Leigh said...

Thank you! The green house is on the "to do" list but we don't know when. We still haven't figured out where to put it actually, since so much of the yard is shaded and the sunny spots are in the process of becoming garden or for the fruit trees. Our master plan seems to be in a constant state of evolution, which isn't necessarily bad, but sometimes we do wonder if we'll ever get it all figured out.

Marie said...

Leigh, I am so excited that you are happy with your grinder, it has been such a pleasure getting to "know" you through your blog.

Leigh said...

It's been a pleasure getting to know you as well. This is one of the things I love about the blogosphere, new friends! (And I do live the grinder. :)