July 16, 2015

Piglet Report

Two of our six American Guinea Hog piglets

Polly's piglets are ten days old now. They are still pretty small, but they are beginning to fill out. We have three males and three females. They follow Polly around but take frequent naps too.

They startle pretty easily so I don't handle them much. At the moment we humans are the big things to be avoided.

Time to tank up.

Polly is a very good mom and accommodates them whenever they are hungry.

Sometimes they accommodate themselves

Waldo is still separated but not because we think he would harm the piglets. In fact, the other day they all slipped through the fence into his pasture. When I found them Waldo was sound asleep with four of the little piggies trying to figure out how to get a meal from papa pig! He is separated because I want to feed Polly extra and Waldo would want to eat it himself.

Rooting comes instinctively.

They are beginning to root in the dirt and nibble on grass. Hard to believe they'll be ready to wean at 5 or 6 weeks old.


Frank and Fern said...

They are pretty cute, Leigh. I'm surprised they are afraid of you, though. As tame as Polly is, and knowing the demeanor of this breed, I figured they would be very friendly. It will be interesting to see how quickly they warm up to you. Thanks for the update!


Michelle said...

Oh my goodness; that last photo is PRECIOUS!!!

Fiona from Arbordale Farm said...

Man the cute factor of this post is off the radar. I love piglets!!

Jason and Michelle said...

They are so cute!

Erika keller said...

Too cute! But what lovely bacon, ham.....

Perry - StoneHillRidge said...

So jealous! Hope all continues to go well with this litter.

Anonymous said...

My 7yo read over my shoulder and oohed and aaahed over the piglets. We have a little feral kitty who "adopted" us recently, and as she is all-black, the little girls named her Doom Kitty (after a character in a Canadian children's show called Ruby Gloom)... the 7yo's comment was, "OH, those little pigs remind me of Doom... they're DOOM PIGGIES!" What lovely little creatures!

Renee Nefe said...

Adorable! I agree with you about keeping poppa out of the food. Maybe if you brought some treats for the babies they would warm up to you?

Sandy Livesay said...


They're so, so cute!!! It's a good idea to keep Waldo away for now.
What are your plans with the babies, if you don't mind me asking?

Leigh said...

Actually both Waldo and Polly were pretty shy at first, but got friendlier once they figured out who brought the food. :) Now they come running just to get petted and scratched (and still for food, of course).

Leigh said...


Farmer Barb said...

So sweet to see them being piggy.

The Cranky said...

I think I'm in love!

Renovation in Galicia said...

They are so cute, I love them!

Lynda said...

We just put our nice pig in the freezer...today as a matter of fact. Looks like the grand kids have worked out a plan with Papa to keep their 4-H hog breeding project here on the ranch...next year we should have lots and lots of little piglets!

Leigh said...

LOL, that is so cute. In addition, we have black chickens and black goats. :)

Leigh said...

Sandy, we'll keep a couple for meat and lard and then sell or trade the rest.

Leigh said...

As they are supposed to be! So happy we can offer them that.

Leigh said...

This breed is hard not to love. :)

Leigh said...

And the kids do all the work! Doesn't get any better than that. :)

Unknown said...

I'd say how cute they are but that's getting a bit tired. So im going to say they are gorgeous little Doom Piggies. Unfortunately, i think some of them might be, doomed that is.

Leigh said...

Ha! Well, maybe we ought to call them destiny pigs - some of them are destined to become sausage, ham, and chops. :)

Harry Flashman said...

I sure do like them. Would they wander off, do you think, if they weren't pinned up. I mean, away from the house?

Leigh said...

Harry, this breed used to be nicknamed "Yard Pigs" and they simply lived in the yard because they ate snakes. I think that if they were kept penned in the beginning, until they learned where they were fed and where home was, they wouldn't wander very far.

Fiona said...

Healthy fine looking young swine!

A Haiku to your piglets

Looking up
Towering people loom awkwardly
They smile and talk to us
Security, love....we will see,
Mother grunts.....ohh dinner!