Here's what's happening in my garden in November.
Harvest: the last of the tatume squash. |
Broccoli bed. We're getting a modest harvest. All the beds behind have been mulched with our abundance of leaves. |
My garlic is doing well. Behind, is that huge cushaw I showed you earlier. |
Here's a fuzzy close-up. The strawberry plants are happy in our cooler weather. I picked it the next day. It weighs 30 pounds and is 29 inches long. |
I was dismayed when I realized I had no turnip seeds to plant for fall! Happily, two volunteer turnips are obliging me. These will be for seed. |
Swiss chard and parsley I potted when Dan tilled the beds they were in. |
The last of the okra pods to dry for seed. |
1st harvest of Jerusalem artichokes. I'm going to lacto-ferment these. |
Lunch: toasted goat cheese on sourdough bread with Farmgirl Susan's Green Tomato relish and the last of the countertop ripened Amish Paste tomatoes. |
Parting Shot
Do you remember that I told you the guineas love hanging around in the chicken yard? The other day I walked into the chicken coop, and the the guineas had taken over! They appeared pretty pleased with themselves. |
November Garden Tour © November 2013
Fun to see things green and growing in a garden this time of year. (We had a season low of 4° this morning at 5 a.m.)
You must have needed a wheelbarrow (or fork lift) to get that squash inside!
The bucket of okra pods gave me a start . . . I first thought it was an awful collection of giant slugs or leeches!
Now give me a slice of that wonderful looking toasted sandwich and I'll go away. ;o}
Looks great! I have to trek out to my garden for some carrots & onion to make my veggie broth for Thanksgiving. I've got a pot of turkey broth from backs & wings in the frig that I need to can.
I bet the chickens weren't pleased with the guineas in their coop. ;)
Well, even blurry one can tell what a productive garden you have! The cheese toast looks yummy. For a minute I thought you had big bats hanging around but then, I realized what it was. Man, birds really are only a few steps from the dinosaurs....thank heavens they have pretty feathers. ;)
My garden has been put to rest for a while now. I planted the hardneck garlic in October so it will overwinter and grow up here. The only thing green right now are the winter onions, which will give a lovely sweet treat first thing in the spring.
Funny about the guinea hens. They look right at home there. Are they nesting at night or just hanging out during the day?
I know what you mean when you say you're lost without your camera. Been there. Can't imagine being without it again. ;0o
Your garden looks great. My garlic is just a bit behind yours. That sandwich looks dee-lish!
I took my little point and shoot camera to the beach a few years ago and kept it in my pocket where I evidently stuck my sandy hands a few times. Long story short, the lens stuck like yours and refused to retract or take focused pictures. I tried all kinds of little picks and air brushed to blow it out with no success. Finally deciding it was junk and I had nothing to lose, I pointed the lens down and rapped it hard a few times on my desk. I couldn't believe all the dirt and sand that came out of it. I blew it out one more time and then it worked fine for another couple years before the lens jammed again. I'm not sure if it was from a new inclusion or a delayed result from my previous clearing technique. I tried rapping it against a hard surface again but never got it to work again.
You still have vegetables growing, how awesome!!! Ours are done until spring. Cold weather has moved in.
Deer do love gardens, something more interesting to eat than their tradition food.
Mama Pea, 4°!!! I admit the okra pods look pretty creepy like that, LOL. Much prettier as nice fresh okra.
Renee, the chickens aren't very please with the guineas no matter where they are!
Theresa, LOL. The guineas really are quite prehistoric looking. We often think they were inspiration for Jurassic Park. :)
Nina, I'm always curious as to what other gardeners can grow this time of year. Garlic and onions is good!
The guineas didn't stay long in the coop. I think the chickens chased them out. They were back in their own spot by nightfall.
Daisy, I confess I am very hard on cameras, and it's always a malfunctioning lens!
Ed, maybe I should try that. I did like you, and tried to run a pin around lens sections but that didn't help. I have another old camera that doesn't take very good photos at all, but it's a backup. Maybe a few whacks to this one will help.
Sandy, if I would put up row covers or a hoop house, I could probably get greens even longer, but somehow I never get around to it.
That squash is absolutely huge! Let us know how it tastes :)
And I am busting a gut laughing at the guineas in the coop...I am surprised they don't break the roost poles. They look too heavy for them lol.
Love the coop takeover... Too funny. Sorry to hear about the camera!
We've been neglecting our garden for a month now, but that hasn't stopped it from producing. Got some mild peppers, and tons of citrus still ripening.
Any update on the book?
I love coming to this place....your pictures are always so soothing and lovely to look at! We had snow today, so now we are left dreaming about next year's garden :)
That squash is gigantic... Whoa. Guineas are funny aren't they. Have a great day!
Stephanie, I certainly will tell all about the squash. Once I cut into it, I'm gonna have to do something with it!
Badgerpendous, thanks! The book is almost ready to release for print. It's the cover that's been giving me fits. I think I finally have it now, so hopefully around the first week of December!
Marie, welcome and thank you! You have a lovely blog. :)
Jaclyn, thank you! All we need are the seed catalogs to arrive in the mail, right? :)
Jen, guineas are a hoot. Never a dull moment!
your Nov garden is very impressive; here, the garden plays out by mid-October. my rosemary plant is still doing okay but that's because I dug it up, potted it and it's now in the house.
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