September 13, 2009

Garden in Late Summer

My husband has been over the road for the past few days, so I have nothing new to report on the hearth, or the wiring (other than since the K&T is no longer connected, I have no overhead lights in the back half of my house.)

I can however, show you how my little garden is doing.

These have been the tastiest tomatoes ever!Tomatoes are still ripening, though no longer blooming.

Waiting for these to turn red.My lone pepper plant is doing well.

I love okra flowers.  They are kin to hibiscusOkra has really taken off.

Cucumbers have done very wellCucumbers are still flowering and producing, in spite of losing leaves.

This is an heirloom variety & so I can save the seed. I left a couple in the garden for next year's seed.

Lots of flowers, practically no pumpkins!This is my only pumpkin. I had two, but when the first was
ready to pick I discovered a big worm hole in it. Disappointing.

Kentucky Wonder are great producers.Green beans still producing well. I'm leaving the rest for seed.

Poor things droop all afternoon Impatiens miss the shade of the two old oaks.

FooeyProblems with pickleworm in my winter squashes. I'll still have
some butternuts, but he acorns were all lost.

Next year - moreDidn't plant a lot of corn so didn't get a lot.

I love zinniasZinnias are happy.

The seed heads are almost ready to harvest.Sunflowers are drooping with heavy heads.

............ and fall planting has begun.

Garden in Late Summer photos and text copyright September 2009


Julie said...

Your garden looks like it is still doing well. I wish we could have gotten one in but I'm looking forward to next spring.

Lori said...

Loved reading about your garden! :) I was wondering about your okra (I pronounce it okree)...ours is about 7 or 8 feet tall this summer! We've gotten lots of rain in East Tennessee. The past two years we had drought conditions and the okra then was just about 4 or 5 feet tall. What a difference rain makes! :)

Renee Nefe said...

Between the hail and squash bugs it is a wonder that I've gotten anything at all our of my garden...we did get some lettuce and we might get some tomatoes before the season is over. oh and there are some bell peppers too.

I have a friend who had better luck because she was able to put up a cover over her tomatoes each time we had a hail storm.

Maybe next year will do better.

Your garden looks very yummy!

Dorothy said...

I am very impressed with how well your new garden has done. We are eating home-grown runner beans, potatoes, a rare "heritage" variety kale called Ragged Jack,and just gathered the last of our onion crop today. Home grown onions are much, much tastier. Judging by your tomatoes, peppers and corn you have a warmer summer than us.

Will you plant any veg. to grow or crop over winter?

Life Looms Large said...

The tomatoes and peppers look absolutely beautiful & delicious!

I've never seen okra has a pretty flower.

Your garden definitely tempts me to do more with mine!


bspinner said...

Everything looks yummy!! If this is what you got this year imagine what you'll get next year after all your prep work on your new garden.

Sharon said...

I'd say that congratulations are in order for your produce. We were thwarted on several fronts - the harsh winds emptied the apple tree in one event. We were able to feed the downed apples to our equestrian visitors so I think I'm good with that. I've got my fingers crossed on tomatoes~

Theresa said...

Great update and I'd say all things considered you have a pretty productive little garden. Thank you for sharing the bounty and here's too a fab garden next year!

Woolly Bits said...

I think you must have the perfect climate for gardening! no tomatoes outside here, no squashes, pumpkins etc. either (too cold during summer:() - never mind okra (the flowers are beautiful!)...the only thing that grew and fruited well this year have been runner beans - an old german variety, which doesn't mind cool summers with a lot of rain.

Leigh said...

Julie, you will definitely enjoy having a garden next year.

Lori, that is an interesting observation about the okra and rain. We've had enough rain this year so that we are no longer in a drought, officially, but the past month has been very dry. I planted my okra late however, about 4 or 6 weeks later than I normally would. Hopefully they'll produce well right up until first frost.

Renee, I've got my fingers crossed for you for those tomatoes!

Dorothy, you've got some things that I am anxious to plant next year! Just the idea of homegrown potatoes and onions makes my mouth water.

I did start a fall garden, though there isn't much to show for it yet. I'm not sure what I'm going to do with the rest of that space though, except plant a shade tree late this autumn. Eventually it will become a shade garden, but I'm not exactly sure what I'll do with it until the shade tree produces some shade. The grass would be more than happy to take over once again.

Sue, okra is a real Southern treat. I'm not sure of it's range, but it's easy and produces a lot. Plus (as you see) it's pretty to look at.

Barb, that's the plan!

Sharon, thanks. Is wind a problem every year for you? I hope you get some tomatoes too!

Theresa, thank you!

Bettina, even so I imagine those beans are tasty ones. :)

Marie said...

Your late summer garden looks great, we are still getting some summer squash, but our tomatoes got a fungus. Also thought you and your readers might be interested in the give-a-way I am having. Take care

Heather said...

I never knew that Okra had such a gorgeous bloom. What a lovely photo.