November 28, 2013

And Falling ............

Leaves, rain, temperatures, even a dash of snow are falling!

In light of the recent ice, snow, rain, and freezing temperatures which have crossed the U.S. as we approach our Thanksgiving holiday, I just wanted to say I hope you all are safe, warm, and not without power!

If the past week or so is any indicator, then I fear we are in for a rather frigid winter this year. Last year we only got down into lows of the 20s a handful of days. Last week we were in the 20s every night, and it's only November! Thankfully, it's been above freezing with the rainfall. Even so, we are prone to power outages due to ice storms, so if you don't hear from me for awhile, you'll know why!

Wishing my American readers a very Happy Thanksgiving!

And Falling ............ © November 2013 


Bill said...

Same here in Virginia. I don't think we had 24 hours below freezing all winter last year and this year that's already happened twice. Yesterday was snowy, sleeting and windy. We had (like you it seems) three inches of rain Tuesday (an all-time record). Based on how things are starting out, we're in for a cold winter. Last year we nursed the fall gardens all the way to spring. This year I'm not sure they'll make it till December.

Crazy weather notwithstanding, we're counting our blessings today. Thanks for the Thanksgiving wishes!

Renee Nefe said...

seems that we're getting our last taste of warm so that we can hurry and get our Christmas lights up this weekend.

wishing you and yours a very happy Thanksgiving filled with the blessings of family and love.

Quinn said...

Rollercoaster weather here. Single-digits one day, in the 40s the next. This morning, the gate latches were frozen shut and I had to use a hatchet to pry them open so I could get into the paddock with the feed buckets. There was quite a chorus going on throughout the endeavor, as I'm sure you can imagine!

Unknown said...

Happy Thanksgiving, Leigh!

Anonymous said...

Happy Thanksgiving! In here, we still have sun and it's not so good as I miss coats, gloves, cold mornings with hot coffee:(( I hope we can live a winter soon.. like in January( I'll be thankful than:))

Michelle said...

Sounds like we are in the same weather patterns as you. Our weather man is concerned about a possible ice storm heading this way late next week. I'm praying it stays away!

Happy Thanksgiving to you, too!

Farmer Barb said...

Sorry! I didn't see this one! I was baking bread for 24. I have been getting my garage ready for the power outage and the snow, too. All I will have to do is roll out the generator and plug it in. I am keeping gasoline on hand for the snow blower. I got my snow tires on and have my ice scraper in the car. I have enough hay in the hopper to feed the sheep for three months. We have three cords of wood split and stacked.

I am ready for this winter--whatever it may bring. And just because of that, it will probably NOT be a rough one.