January 11, 2025

A Little Snow

Not as much as was in the forecast, but it was snow nonetheless.

Kale, my lone garden survivor.

It measured one inch before turning to "wintry mix" by afternoon and rain by evening. Overnight was well below freezing so that this morning, everything was covered in a coating of ice.

Mini icicles on the goat gate

Vine covered hoop house

Icy tree limbs sparkling in the sun.

It's been three years since we've had snow, so I suppose we were due for some. This winter has been one of persistent cold (20s to 40s with occasional overnight lows in the teens), whereas the past few winters have been periodic cold, i.e. 20s to 50s with occasional dips down to the single digits. 

Happily, I had the foresight to do my weekly errands the day before the storm. Except for critter chores, I was able to spend the day indoors making split pea soup, baking a hot fudge cake, and working on a weaving problem

I'm guessing most of it will melt today, but it's back into the teens again tonight, so likely more ice in the morning. But it's winter, so this is what we expect. 

How has everyone else fared that nasty winter storm? Everyone doing okay?

A Little Snow © Jan 2025 by Leigh


Quinn said...

It's been snowing here since the wee hours of the morning, and it's a wet snow. The goats are staying mostly in the shelters, which is unusual for my well-insulated bunch. Leigh, I know you mentioned that Carolina horse nettle is a problem in your neck of the woods, and I wondered if your goats have had any ill effects from eating it? I just took delivery of 50 bales of the best-looking hay I've seen in 2 years, and when I open the first bale I got stabbed with horse nettle. No fruits (yet) and only a small piece of leaf or stem here and there in this first bale. If I see fruits I'll have to call the farmer and ask if he can replace this hay, but at this point I'm so tired I'm thinking of feeding it out and letting the goats pick through it to avoid the leaves and stems. Advice very very welcome!

Ed said...

Oddly enough, all the big storms this year have passed to the south of us. We've maybe had an inch of snow all season thus far. I haven't even started up my snowblower yet. Temperature wise, it has been cold but relatively speaking, it certainly has been colder in previous years. I'm not complaining at all yet.

Florida Farm Girl said...

We got about three inches of snow which is now hardened by a cap of ice, likely from a bit of sleet last night. Not expecting temps above freezing until tomorrow when 45 is expected. Let's hope this all melts. We're cozy and warm, watching the birds go nuts at the feeders outside. Even having lived in snowy winter locales, I'm just not a fan and will be glad when its gone. I'll take the cold, but lets ditch the snow and ice.

Leigh said...

Quinn, mostly my goats don't touch it, although I think a few have nibbled on it with no ill effect. Getting it in bales of hay is annoying because you have to wear gloves to handle it. I pull the horse nettle out if I find it. And of course, you definitely don't want the seeds. I think the only way to get rid of it is to spray it.

Leigh said...

Ed, not bad to have all that snow miss you! It looks neat, but it's really a nuisance. I just figure summer is hot and winter is cold and that's just the way it is. :)

Leigh said...

Sue, I think it's mostly kids who love snow. Right now it seems that the sun has melted most of our snow. It will freeze again tonight with lows in the teens, but hopefully it will dry out in a day or two. Always have to be cautious about winter weather.

Quinn said...

Thanks, Leigh. I'll try feeding it out and see how it goes. I hope those devilish thorns will decompose quickly where they get left on the ground. And if I do see fruits in any bale, I'll have to call the farmer. Honestly, if that stuff ever gets a roothold here I might as well sell up.

Leigh said...

I suspect he already knows it, but definitely let him know if you find any berries. They say the stuff only grows in overgrazed pastures, but we have it growing in places that have never been pasture. I hope you're successful in keeping it out.

Carol said...

We received about 10 inches last Sunday and Monday and then we got another 6 yesterday. It has been a long time since we had snow like this. Our schools have been closed all week and with the cold temps and so many back roads and gravel roads this week does not look promising.

Leigh said...

Carol, 10 inches is a lot of snow! If cold persists it will be awhile. Do stay warm and safe!

Michelle said...

Our winter has been milder and wetter than average, although we are enjoying some drier conditions right now. We could still get snow events, but it won't hurt my feelings if we don't.

Leigh said...

Michelle, I'm glad to hear your winter is tolerable. Funny how nobody is interested in snow. :)

daisy g said...

We got a couple of inches of snow this week and it is slowly melting, so we've got ice as well. I get excited about the snow because I lived in Florida for over 40 years, and to me it is so magical. I'm grateful for our fireplace when I come back inside. Here in North Carolina, we usually have some cold days and then it warms up, but not this year. This is the coldest it has consistently been since we moved here 8 years ago. I'd rather have the cold than the extreme hot of summer, so I'm not complaining Stay toasty, everyone!

Leigh said...

Daisy, I'm glad somebody likes the snow!

This winter is reminiscent of our first several winters here 15 years ago. By March I was terribly tired of being cold. But all of our energy upgrades to our home have helped a lot.

Pioneer Woman at Heart said...

We had another storm come thru about Friday. Nothing we can't handle. Maybe 2-3 more inches for us. Roads are good, but today (Sunday) there is no sunshine so far.

Leigh said...

2 or 3 inches isn't bad. No sunshine though usually means slow melting!

Nina said...

We've been hit with lake effect snow squalls on and off for 2 weeks now. Not a lot of accumulation around here because of a lot of wind blowing it about, but a lot of really bad roads and very cold weather. We expect snow and cold here, but after a couple of milder winters, this more normal one is a bit of a shock. I'm glad I got new snow tires this fall though. They help a lot.

Leigh said...

Nina, this winter has been a bit of a shock for us too, as in no warming up during the day for relief from the cold. It's cold all day every day. Glad to hear you got those new snow tires! Sounds like it was a timely decision.

Toirdhealbheach Beucail said...

Leigh, I was actually in the position where New Home 2.0 was warmer than New Home per the reports of The Ravishing Mrs. TB. We even went so far as to have sun here! - That said, temps have been in mid-30's to mid-40's, which I gather is typical for this time of year.

Leigh said...

TB, 30s to 40s sounds tolerable! Of course, we all get those weather systems from time to time. The one we have here now seems to have settled in for awhile. The forecast says to expect more of the same for a couple more weeks.

Rosalea said...

Snowing here today as well, adding another couple of inches to our base. This winter is so much more 'normal' here than the last one was.
That kale will easily survive! The sunlight through the icy branches is so pretty.
Split pea soup...MMM ..... one of our favourites!

Leigh said...

Rosalea, the kale has been champion. And I think there's a few collards mixed in there too, which have also done well. Stay warm and dry!