December 20, 2024

Christmas Songs of My Ancestors: English

Continued from Christmas Songs of My Ancestors: Irish

Prior to my early American ancestors' migration to the New World from England, my family tree is filled with several centuries of primarily English ancestors. They were scattered about England, south to north.

This offering is an old traditional English Christmas carol sung in Middle English (spoken roughly from the 12th to 15th centuries).


barbaradougherty126 said...

love these songs. Keep 'em coming

Leigh said...

Barbara, from now until Christmas! :)

Ed said...

Of all the English ancestors I have traced, and it is well over a dozen different families, they all come from Northern England. I'm guessing poverty was an issue since most of them tended to be working in the mines or woolen mills.

Leigh said...

Ed, interesting. They weren't farmers? Occupations always paint a more interesting picture.