June 7, 2024

June Blooms

Making this a crossover post with my much neglected photography journal.




butterfly weed

rose of sharon


June Blooms © June 2024 by Leigh


Boud said...

Some of my favorite flowers there, thank you.

coffeeontheporchwithme said...

It’s so interesting- in about a month, I’ll have some of those blooms! Here, my peonies just bloomed ( southern Ontario). - Jenn

Leigh said...

Boud, I'm so glad you like them! The color this month is really a joy.

Jenn, then you have a lot to look forward to. :)

daisy g said...

Gorgeous color you have there! I've been harvesting buckwheat seeds this week. Love how if fills in the spaces. Enjoy your blooms!

Leigh said...

Daisy, it's such a colorful time of year. Buckwheat is a great plant. Makes a nice cover crop, often reseeds itself, plus the seeds are edible!

Quinn said...

Lovely variety of shapes and colors, Leigh :)

Eggs In My Pocket said...

How lovely all of your blossoms are and in such lovely colors!

Leigh said...

Quinn, I don't reckon photography is the same as mark making, but I love making a record. :)

Eggs, I agree! Bright gems of creation wherever I look.

Rosalea said...

Beautiful colours! Our turn is coming up here...Peony buds are fat, and poppies are just opening now.

Leigh said...

Rosalea, it's a beautiful time of year. :)

Nina said...

So pretty and several wild flowers that aren't native here. Our chicory won't flower for another month. I especially love the butterfly weed. It's very showy. On a walk today I noticed that the ox eye daisies are in full bloom, and they are so pretty.

Leigh said...

Nina, the only problem with butterfly weed is that it doesn't bloom long enough!

I think June is our best month for flower color variety.