Well, we didn't have to wait long! Up first. . .
Can you guess how many? |
They arrived three days before their anticipated due date, and thankfully, it
was around 9 p.m. and not the middle of the night.
Twin bucklings, just a few minutes old. |
Early the next morning. |
First buckling. |
Number 2. |
Ordinarily, bucklings are not the desired outcome. But I have three people
each wanting a registered Kinder buckling, so these already have homes waiting for them.
One down, two to go. 😀
Kidding Has Commenced! © April 2022
Great outcome, when you have buyers waiting! Congrats!
There were a list of new blogs to read, but as soon as I saw kidding in your title nothing could stop me from checking it first. So happy you have a good start to the spring babies!
Michelle, Thanks! It's so much easier to wean them by sending them off to their new homes. Especially the bucks.
Tpals, barnyard babies are always a happy event. :)
You sure do produce beautiful kids! At first I thought, "Oh darn, two little bucklings." But then hearing they are "pre-sold" . . . what a delightful way to welcome them!
Thanks for sharing Leigh! Shared with family and very much enjoyed!
Those are handsome little boys! I was looking into Kinder Goats to supplement my Boers. You have only three does? I had thirty five and one buck...
Well done! 💕
Mama Pea, it's somewhat odd to have so many requests for bucklings. Usually, everybody wants does. But it's nice to know the little boys are wanted. :)
TB, this is the time of year for baby photos! You all may get tired of them before it's done. :)
Kevin, that's a lot of goats! I keep 5 does (only 3 were bred for spring) and 2 or 3 bucks. I'd love more, but we just don't have the pasture for it.
Goatldi, it's always a relief when things go well!
How cute!!!!
Nancy, it's my favorite time of year. :)
Gotta ask Leigh why so many bucks? Unless you use them for meat. Too much testosterone with a herd of does. I always switched out my buck every other year so as not to cross breed relations.
Kevin, isn't that question one of the unsolved mysteries of the universe? I've been fortunate that most years I get mostly does. I think this is only the second time I've had more bucks. I can tell you that none of the bucks were closely related to the does.
Pat Colby, who wrote Natural Goat Care thought that a diet too rich in alfalfa gave more bucks. Also that iodine deficiency favors bucks. I don't feed alfalfa hay, but during winter give each goat a handful of Chaffhaye for calcium. And they all get kelp.
Irene Ramsey, of the Holistic Goats Group tells that her neighbor, an old cattle rancher, used to swear by waiting to breed until late in the estrus cycle. Apparently, that is supposed to create a more alkaline environment in the doe's uterus which favors females. I have no clue if this is true, but in general, I have found this tip to work (although it may be coincidence!)
I think the alkaline theory is why some breeders say that raw apple cider vinegar in their drinking water results in more girls. (The Holistic Goat Group compared notes on that one last year and declared it a bunch of hooey.)
Some say younger bucks produce more males, but I've not seen that consistently enough to think it true.
On the other hand, maybe it was Providential! I've had more people inquire about buck kids this year than does. That in itself is unusual, but since my kid sales buy feed for the herd, the balance has worked out well so far!
There is something about genetics, I think. Twice I've had bucks who gave me only girls. I've sometimes regretted that I sold them, but at the time I had no one left to breed them to because eventually they're too closely related to my does. Finding unrelated bucks is a challenge, though, because Kinders are still a relatively small breed. Regionally, they all become related pretty quickly, unless one breeds first generation stock. And since I was the first Kinder breeder in my state, almost all of the Kinders in my part of the country come from my lines!
In my early Kinder days (when I had more gumption and money) I imported bucks from California and Wisconsin. Now, I keep three unrelated bucks, so that by careful rotation, no breeding is closer than three generations back.
I have one more doe to go, due in a couple of weeks. Last year she gave me my only buck kid out of five kids total, but who knows what she'll do this year!
More babies! I need to check in more often this time of year. ;)
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