November has been the month of frost and falling leaves. Most of the trees on our place are oaks and pecans, which don't produce very spectacular autumn color. But I can still find bits of it here and there, so the goats and I took a trek. The girls hunted for acorns and I hunted for color.
Here's what we found.
We have a nice seasonal view from the front porch, too.
A few other fall photos.
The last of my sweet potatoes are harvested. There are from the African keyhole garden. |
Sunday morning French toast. I love cooking on my wood cookstove. |
Classic Sam |
Gorgeous color you found! Looks like time well spent.
Have a wonderful Thanksgiving.
I do love this time of year, with it's colours and crispness of air.
Enjoy Thanksgiving though it is something alien to me upon these shores.
We don't get much leaf color either around our house since the predominant two trees are oaks and black cherry. Eventually, all the trees I have planted will get bigger and perhaps put on more of a show.
P.S. I walked down to my ditch and collected a handful of redbud pods as well as looked up a new "recipe" for getting them to see from our state ag extension office. Maybe next spring will be the year!
Daisy, it's one of my seasonal traditions. :)
John, thank you! So very kind. Hopefully, we're all enjoying the change of seasons.
Ed, that's a good idea to plant for color. Always a bonus. And your redbud project sounds hopeful! I'm looking forward to planting mine from our forestry dept when they arrive this spring.
Beautiful. I too, only have a few trees that give a hint of fall. Maybe I should snap a few pics one year. Hope you have a good Thanksgiving.
Lovely Autumn colors Leigh. Sadly, New Home has precisely zero like this. I have to return home to see something like this.
Very pretty, Leigh. I also love the covering of your leaves on the ground. I could almost hear them crunching and crinkling as the goats ambled over them.
Deb, thanks! Yes, you should take some fall photos! For one thing, it's an interesting record of when the leaves turn. Oddly, it changes from year to year.
TB, no autumn color? Aw, that's a little sad. I have lived in places where there was very little turning of the leaves. Having been raised as a midwesterner, however, it's something I'l always happy to see.
Mama Pea, yes, they do crunch! And the goats eat many of those dried leaves too. It's interesting to watch them pick them out. I have no clue as to what makes one leaf edible and others not even worthy of a second sniff.
We had a mediocre colour display due to the weather. Then poof, it got cold, snowed, stormed, and poof, all the leaves just fell, without our usual reds, oranges and yellows. I love the heat of wood stoves. Ours is going 24/7 now, and we've even had to fire up the second stove a couple of times, which is early for that. I do love seeing your extended season though. November always seems too early for parkas and snow.
Nice colors! And your goats sure look happy foraging around. I didn't know that code say acorns? They must have some pretty tough teeth. Happy Thanksgiving!
Our color was pretty sad and I blogged about it as well. But I got some pretty nice shots of the sun reflecting off the yellow colors in my son’s yard - made the leaves look golden. But red was really missing.
Sounds like a lovely relaxing walk. I love being part of the herd, they can be quite companionable.
Nice foliage colors Leigh, Autumn is my most favorite season. I use to take my goat herd down the road a bit this time of year to forage the pecan shells in a grove that has been picked over by humans. I love watching young kids exploring and jumping and playing. Nancy @Little Homestead in Boise, goats only have lower teeth, no uppers, they do have an extremely hard upper palette to grind against.
Nina, sounds like you're done with autumn and on to winter!
Nancy, acorns are a favorite. As Cederq said, goats only have lower teeth, but you are right, they are pretty tough chewers!
RT, red really makes it, doesn't it? I didn't think we had much here until I set out to look for it. I didn't see much orange though. And I have to admit that I like the subtle shades of brown too, even though they don't photograph prettily.
Debby, it was! Goats do love to go for walks and most of the time they stick pretty close. Until they're done and ready to go back to the barn. Then I'm abandoned.
Kevin, thanks! Interesting about the pecan shells. Mine have never shown an interest in those, but I have had goats who liked the green sweetgum balls. They do have their peculiar tastes!
Lovely colour shots, Leigh. 'Walking the Goats'..! What fun to watch the kids explore. Cats can always find the warmest spots. Happy Thanksgiving!
Thank you Rosalea! Taking the goats for walks is a favorite pass time. And yes, cats do like the comfiest spots, especially Sam! He's the comfort king, lol.
Happy Thanksgiving to you and all of my readers!
Leigh, I would like to wish you and yours a wonderful, prosperous, and Blessed Thanksgiving! May peace reign and continue...
I never think we have many colors here either but this year was phenomenal. Sometimes I think maybe I just don't take the time to look. Your goats are so cute and French toast sounds yummy!
Kevin, thank you! I'm grateful to have so much to be thankful for. But then, thankfulness is truly a state of mind, isn't it?
Sam, color hunting with the goats is one of my autumn traditions! (And yes, the french toast was very yummy. I make cinnamon bread just for french toast. :)
Beautiful photos and look at how big those babies are good grief cuter than a bug in a rug!
Goatldi, thank you! Yes, the do grow quickly!
OMG. Love the fall photos!
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