November 10, 2019

Observation on the Time Change

So here we are, one week after they've changed from daylight savings back to standard time. That the whole time change business is a nuisance doesn't need to be said - we all know that. The critters especially don't care what the clock says. They "know" when it's time to eat!

My observation is that I seem to have "more" time now that we've gone back to standard. Maybe it's my inner clock still being attuned to daylight savings numbers, but it seems when I think it's time to go in or time for chores, I still have another hour of project time available. So while my days are actually shorter, they seem longer.

Is it just me, or has anyone else noticed that? How does the time change feel to you?


Kris said...

I, too, always find myself having a bit more energy and getting things done a little more after time change. I think it has to do with earlier light. Getting up in the dark puts me off... but right now the extra morning light is a boon.

Cockeyed Jo said...

Daylight hours are always good. Unfortunately after a week, my body is still playing catch-up in 5 minute increments.

ARGH! Editing! LOL Says Cockeyed Jo with forty titles under her belt.

Mama Pea said...

Since I'm definitely a morning person having the most energy and productive ability then, I really appreciate having light earlier in the day. But! Our dusk is now falling shortly after 4:30 p.m. (eeep!) and hubby and I are both feeling our time for getting tasks done outside is definitely shortened. Doesn't make sense but this clock changing backward and forward doesn't either!

Leigh said...

Kris, I haven't found the extra morning light yet! I've found (back to my inner clock) that I wake up at the "same" time, but an hour earlier since we fell back. So I have extra pre-daylight time, which has been good for writing. :)

Jo, 5 minute increments! At least you're making progress. I'm still an hour off!

Mama Pea, that's the worst part, earlier darkness. We used to have afternoon chores and dusk chores, but they're quickly becoming one.

Goatldi said...

Well I too enjoy the early light. I keep my truck and barn clocks set to standard time all year round. The biggest challenge for me since my goats will eat any time is remembering that outside of property appointments need to be made earlier when it is light sooner and later in the day when it isn’t.

I still think that time change is perpetuated because there are still folks who really think they have more time . They don’t realize they are just rearranging deck chairs.

Sam I Am...... said...

I like the standard time...I never get used to DST as, like you say, the animals go by their own internal clock regardless of what society says.
I do seem to sleep longer but I blame it on hibernation mode that I seem to go into. I am getting more done but I think it is because the girls are gone and there is no more "in and out" and feeding and watering and pill giving. I didn't realize how much of my day revolved around them but I wouldn't give up that time with them for anything and I wish I had it and them back.

Leigh said...

Goataldi, that would be hard for me! It seems like I didn't have so much trouble when I was out in the world more, but being home with the critters makes it all different somehow. They don't like waiting an extra hour for evening grain!

It's puzzling why they want to change the time twice a year. Now, kids have to wait for school buses in the pitch dark. That bothers me for some reason.

Sam, except we seem to be on DST longer than standard. As far as sleep, for one thing it's warmer in bed! Save electricity! The other is that there's less to rush to get up for. :)

Goatldi said...

One word on patient waiting La Manchas lol

I wholly agree the kids in the dark that is a big concern especially living in a mountain community.

Lady Locust said...

I prefer standard time as well, but my system sure takes a beating getting used to the switching- either direction. I'm like the critters, my system just knows and I'm not supposed to argue with it πŸπŸΏπŸ‚

Leigh said...

Goatldi, I don't recall having to wait for the schoolbus in the dark. Nor getting dropped off in the dark, which is probably a concern elsewhere. I still had to walk home, though, while it seems most kids drive them to the bus stop nowadays.

Lady Locust, makes me think I need to pay less attention to the clocks! :o

Ed said...

It doesn't affect me too much these days since I don't have work obligations outside the home or livestock. Really the only way I notice it is when the kids get on the bus in the morning. Late in the year on DST, they get on when it is still pretty dark but back on standard time, it is light.

Toirdhealbheach Beucail said...

Light in the mornings does seem to give me a bit more energy.

Leigh said...

Ed, I think that livestock has made the biggest difference for me. When I just a job, we changed the clock and although I felt cheated of an hour every spring, it didn't take much else to get used to!

TB, as a morning person, I agree!

Renee Nefe said...

I don't think that my body can take much more of this nonsense. I went from being up to nearly 11pm every night to now barely making it to 9pm...but waking up at 5:30 on a good day. I'm pretty sure that I am waking up so early due to the dog...she is just smart enough to stop making noise when she hears me squeek the bed.
I have noticed that my brain will think "oh, it should be about 4ish...I better start on dinner" only to look at the clock and see that it is really not even 3. If I were doing something productive that would be great, but usually I am not. The fun part of being between jobs. (don't worry, I start on Nov 25th)

Rain said...

Firstly I agree about it being such a nuisance. The dogs and cats are all messed up about dinner time! They start bugging me an hour earlier than usual now lol! I actually feel like you, I seem to be able to get more done lately!

Leigh said...

Renee, sounds like your internal clock is set to the old time. Mine too! A real nuisance. It's harder on the goats, so I end up feeding them earlier in the evening. But it gets dark earlier too, so I think it works out for the best.

Rain, nothing we can do about it though! Except listen to our fur family. Makes me think that next time, I should start adjusting the feed schedule beforehand. Maybe we'll be better in sync when the official change takes place!

Chris said...

I live in one of the few States in Australia, which doesn't have daylight savings. Thank goodness. It messes with my internal clock, in ways that makes me irritable. I notice a similar change from Autumn to Winter, when the days get decidedly shorter. Maybe it stems from a lack of Vitamin D (aka: sunshine!)

Quinn said...

I'm pretty much on Goat Time, no matter what the clock says.

Leigh said...

Chris, you're fortunate to not have to deal with DST. Nobody seems to know exactly why we do it, so it seems like little more than a plot to keep everybody confused! ;) LOL

Quinn, "goat time." I like it!