Violet. That's Colby in the background on the right. He's on the other side of the hedgerow. |
Jessie |
Kids playing "king of the stump." That's Beau wanting to jump up. |
Jack's currently got it. |
And he's off! The proverbial flying leap. |
Sky hunting for leftover acorns. |
Conner (I think he had an itch on his back) |
Anna. |
Windy and Anna. |
All of these were taken last weekend, on weaning day. The girls were later allowed back into their home paddock, but the little boys had to stay behind. They are not happy campers! Such is the way of having to grow up.
About a week later I got these of the bucks.
The Grizz and Colby. Beau in the background. |
Colby and Meowy |
All three bucklings and two of the doelings head to new homes this month. It will certainly seem quieter around here after they're gone.
Beautiful May Days © May 2017 by
Sweetums, all of them!! Glad the weather is being moderate and generous at the same time. :)
If only it would last! Spring is all too short for me. :)
Looks great! I guess you could say that we're in spring here...not sure we're out of danger of last frost yet though. sigh. Hubby helped me turn the soil in my garden Saturday (Mother's day gift) and turned on the sprinkler system...but he realized that I don't have anything planted in the garden yet, so turned down the timer on that zone. I would like to buy some soil for my pots and get some plants into the ground...but daughter needs to move some costumes first. sigh
love the duckling picture.
Wow, we're going to get up to 90° this week so I can't even imagine frost! Nice that you've got your garden ready.
The ducklings are growing so fast! Overnight it seems. :)
Oh, I wish we could have three Mays in a year. Everything is so pretty and green there. All the goats look happy and healthy. My two pet goats would faint at the sight off such a beautiful green pasture.
I'd like May to last all summer! LOL.
I could sit in a rocking chair with a large glass of iced tea and watch goats play, it's very therapeutic.
Weaning is so hard listening to those babies cry for their Mama.
Sandy, I think weaning is worst of all the kid jobs. I hate disbudding and neutering isn't any fun either, but the kids usually forget about it in a matter of minutes. Weaning is week's worth of hollering! It's easiest if they can simply leave for new homes that same day.
Great pictures of your 'family'. It must be hard to not get attached to them and then let them go. I know this is dumb question but why do they have to be 'force weaned'? How long would it take if it was done naturally?
I feel sorry for all farm animals, dogs and cats that have to leave their Moms to be weaned. Must be a mother's heart! Hou have quite a family of goats now. Hope we both keep getting this nicer weather! Nancy
Not a dumb question, a good question! The bucklings are capable of mating at about 2 to 3 months of age, which means they either have to be separated or there's a possibility they could get everybody pregnant! I find that at about 11 weeks old, they are getting way too bucky, make pests of themselves, and drive all the girls crazy. So they usually get separated about then. They don't like it but even their moms seem relieved. In my experience, the moms gradually let the kids nurse less and then at about 5 months cut them off completely.
Weaning is about the hardest thing to do when it comes to goats. I make sure the little boys get plenty of treats and extra attention! Soon they go to a new home and will have other things to think about. It's part of growing up. :)
Good for you for all the sales! I need to find homes for quite a few Shetlands after my bumper crop of lambs this spring. Some adults will have to go if I want to keep some of the most promising lambs....
It's always a relief when people want the bucklings, especially. More call for the girls! Fortunately I had more girls this year and more than enough folks wanting boys. That's unusual but welcome. I hop you find good homes for yours!
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