March 7, 2016

"How To Bake Without Baking Powder" Winners & Another In the How-To Series

Winners of my "How To Bake Without Baking Powder" eBook giveaway are:

Peg Cherre
Dawn Clo
Deborah Harvey
Jackie P. Neal
Ashley A.
Carmen N.

Congratulations! If your blogger profile has an email address, I'll be contacting you today. If it doesn't, you will need to contact me at 5acresandadream at mail dot com. The free code will be good at Smashwords, where you can download a copy in the format of your choice. Regular price is $2.99 at Smashwords or Amazon.

Also I'd like to announce my newest addition to The Little Series of Homestead How-Tos

It's one of a couple others I've had in the works, and is now available at Smashwords and Amazon for 99 cents.

For a list of all volumes in the series, click here. And stay tuned for announcements for more additions to the series plus another giveaway in the future. 


deb harvey said...

thank you!

Leigh said...

You're welcome!

Ashley A said...

Yay!!! Thank you!!

Leigh said...

You're welcome. Be sure to email me for the code. There is no email address linked to your profile or blog, so I have no way of sending the code to you if you don't email me first.

Jackie PN said...

Holy cannolis!! I have justgotten into my blog reading this morn and saw this! Yay!!
Thank you so much Leigh! I am so excited!
Congrats to the other lucky winners as well!!
Will send you off an email..

Leigh said...

You're welcome Jackie! I got your email and have sent you the code. Enjoy!

deb harvey said...

my daughter isn't home right now and i don't know how to make the book go into this computer.
can you give directions, please?


Leigh said...

It's been an eon since I actually bought a book from Smashwords, but when you choose the format you want, it should

1) automatically save it to wherever you've designated saved files to go - usually "downloads."
2) bring up a "save" dialog box to let you choose where to save it.

Is it doing something else when you select a format?