February 20, 2015

How To Make Toast on a Wood Cookstove

This works with either dry or buttered bread

A picture says it all, don't you think?


Howard said...

We use a folding two part wire rask with a handle. It holds four slices of bread and the handle makes it easy to flip the toast. No heavy hot griddle to move after.

Dani said...

Rosie should be up and running again shortly... :D I can't wait.

Leigh said...

Howard, welcome! I don't see that you have a blog for a return visit, but I'm glad you took the time to comment on mine. I have one of those wire baskets so should give it a try. Does it leave bread crumbs all over the top of the stove?

Dani, and we're anxiously waiting for spring!

Dawn said...

We have done with our electric toaster since having a Rayburn I just do toast direct on top of the hot plates yes there are crumbs but they just get brushed off with a wire brush :-)

Mama Pea said...

When we had our wood cook stove I used to toast bread right on the top of it like Dawn does. Sometimes the bread would kinda stick to the surface, but cleaned up without a lot of trouble. Your toast looks done to a T! You've got a good method going.

Farmer Barb said...

Yummy! I like mine with lots of butter, please!

Rosalyn said...

We always made toast with unbuttered bread on our regular wood stove when I was a child and the power went out. It is the main driving force behind me wanting a wood stove for our family. Memories of tomato soup and "camp toast", as my dad called it, are really special!

Sandra said...

I love cooking on the wood stove. I will have to try some toast!

Sandy Livesay said...


I'm with Farmer Barb........
a little butter, and some of your homemade jam please :-)

Mama Mess said...

Yum!! One of these days I'll have a house where I can have a wood cook stove! All according to the Lord's plan of course! :)

Renee Nefe said...

Wish I had a wood stove right now! We're expecting a cold weekend. brrr!

Simply Handmade Farmhouse said...

Oh how I miss my wood stove. I loved cooking on it. Thank you for sharing. It brought back memories.

Gill - That British Woman said...

that toast looks perfectly done as well. I'll have mine with butter and raspberry jam please!

DFW said...

That bread looks to perfect to be homemade, are you cheating? Just found out that husband likes his grilled cheese sandwiches made w/o butter. The things you learn about someone after 30 years of marriage!

Unknown said...

make mine with marmalade and a bit mug of brewed black coffee! Jeepers, you are having a virtual gathering for morning breaky toast.

Leigh said...

Dawn, any way it's made, toast is a wonderful way to eat bread.

Mama Pea, it works as long as I get the griddle well heated. :)

Barb, make that homemade goat butter!

Rosalyn, I can't imagine being without a wood stove. It's such a comforting source of heat, and cooking!

Sandra, I love cooking on mine too. :)

Sandy, so let's make it homemade butter along with homemade jam. :)

the Goodwife, I never thought we'd have a wood cookstove. But God is good and when the right one came along, the funds came along with it! May it be the same for you.

Renee, do you have a fire place?

Teresa, it's been a real blessing this winter, for both cooking and heat!

Gill, I'm hoping to have raspberries next summer! I'd love to add raspberry jam to my larder.

Deb, the bread was made in my bread machine, so it's only half cheating, LOL. I'll have try some butterless grilled cheese sandwiches. Sounds pretty good. :)

Lynda, it's fun, isn't it? :)


Harry Flashman said...

Next time we fire up the wood stove in our kitchen we'll give it a shot.

The Cranky said...

I'll just pop by for breakfast!
Now to catch up on all I missed...

Leah said...

This makes me hungry! Guess I better make more bread!

Leigh said...

Harry, we love toast and in winter, this is awfully easy. :)

Jacqueline, so good to hear from you! Hope all is well. I'll be by later today to catch up on you.

Leah, bread is a time honored art :)