It's official. We now have a Kinder herd name and Certificate of Herd Registry. That means that next spring, when our Pygmy / Nubian cross kids are born, they can receive Certificates of Merit from the Kinder Goat Breeders Association.
Since the Kinder is a relatively new breed and not very common, it is possible to start from scratch to develop one's own line. Kids born of a Pygmy sire and Nubian dam are considered 1st generation Kinders. These are recognized as Kinders by K.G.B.A. with a Certificate of Merit. Generations 1 through 4 receive these, and generation 5 and above receive Certificates of Registry. All our kids will be certified under the name of Cedar Ridge.
How did we come up with Cedar Ridge? Well, we have cedars and we have ridges! It was our first choice in the three we submitted, and we like it. I reckon now, we could call ourselves Cedar Ridge Homestead. What do you think?
Herd Name - We're Official! © July 2011
Love the name! Congrats on the registry and good luck with all your goats. =)
City Roots, Country Life
sounds nice - you could market your textile crafts under that logo too? I always have to smile, when hearing the breed name "kinder" - kinder means children in german:))
Yes, Cedar Ridge has a great sound. And it makes me think of good smells, too.
I think that sounds wonderful! Will you change your blog header now too?
Emma thanks!
Bettina, I often think about that too, that kinder is children in German. It would be interesting to learn how the name was chosen. Actually, we will probably use the name with anything we produce. Textiles when I get back to them, herbs, etc. I have a graphic logo design in mind, I'll have to see what I can do to get it made. In all my spare time, LOL
Alice, that's true! A name of the senses. I like that.
APG, thanks! Probably won't change the blog name, but at some point will probably create a Cedar Ridge Kinders website, to just focus on that aspect of our lives. It will be awhile before we actually have any Kinders, and even longer to build a herd! Just happy to be able to get started.
I learn so much when I come here. Thanks for sharing part of your life. Congrats to your herd and you! How cool is that!?
Great news! I really like the name too.
Love the name!
Congrats! It just makes it feel more official, doesn't it?
Picking a name can always be a challange. Mine (Majora Acres) comes from the first 2 letters of each of my kids names. Not really appropriate now, since the middle child is gone, and the youngest has legally done a name change (and is contemplating another one). Still, it makes me smile, so I keep it.
Good luck with your breeding program!
Crow, thank you! I appreciate your kind words, they are an encouragement.
Thanks Penny and Toni!
Susan, it took us weeks to come up with something we liked. Very clever of you to use your kids names like that. I can see why it holds good memories. :)
What a great name! And I like the fact that you have the Cedars and Ridges at inspiered the name. When you get the heard up and running, Do you see yourself selling breadding pairs? I have though of getting a pair, but its a long way down the road!
Look forward to reports on the heard and news from "Ceader Ridge Homestead".
Bravo!!!!! All your hard work has amounted to some nice goats and a great name to boot. Congrats!!!
Congratulations!!! I still love my farm name/prefix; when it's right, it's right, and somehow a named place has special meaning, at least to me.
Ceder Ridge Homestead is an excellent name. Did you consider Ceder Ridges since you have many of them?
Congratulations, and I love the name!
Cedar Ridge Homestead has a wonderful ring to it. And congrats on your new identity and herd.
I love the name! Congrats on being "official" :-)
I plan on joining ADGA for my Alpines & Lamanchas in September....still toying around with herd names & tattoos....Hopefully by September I'll have made up my mind.
Sounds like the Kinder registry works like the Miniature Dairy Goat Association in regards to breeding up... My mom is focusing on the minis & we just registered my doe under her herd name (no sense in me joining MDGA for 1 doe, especially when my focus isn't mini's)...
We started out with 3rd generation does & next year plan to breed my polled Alpine to a mini for the possibility of polled 1st generstions to add to my mom's herd.
When will you be doing your first Pygmy x Nubian breeding?
I think I'm going to breed my does late October for late February kids so it's not as cold & the kids can get a jump on growing without all the warm weather bugs & flies bothering them (don't like disbudding in warm weather because the flies flock to their heads once the scabs start peeling)...Tootsie kidded in December last year & I wasn't fond of sitting in the barn at 2am on a icy December night, lol.
Will all of your girl's be bred to the same buck this year?
Tom, we do too, LOL. I imagine we eventually will sell breeding pairs. We are just in the very beginnings of our breeding program; our first Kinders won't be born until next spring. It will take a number of years to get to a solidly established point. It's just a relief to be able to begin.
Thanks Barb! I'm very thankful to be able to do it.
Michelle, I agree with you about named places, which seems to be a tradition lost. We're all about numbers nowadays! It's true that the right name is, well, right!
Jody, we have a whole page of possibilities, LOL. We really wanted a name that described the features of the land, and we really do love our cedars. We don't have lots, but we do have some beautiful old ones.
Candace and Benita, thanks!
Crystal, it does take awhile to find the right name, doesn't it? I'm sure with ADGA, it's more difficult because there are so many, many more members, and the herd name must be unique. It's fun to think about, and exciting to anticipate whether one gets that first choice!
Last year we bred in November, and had April kids. For around here, that seemed late, but I agree about wanting to beat the freezing cold! I may aim for October as well.
To start, I have 2 Pygmy bucks and 2 Nubian does. Obviously we'll pair each doe with one buck this year, and the other next year. I figure that will give me a few years to work with genetics-wise, before I have to worry about "fresh blood". As far as I know, there isn't anyone else breeding Kinders anywhere near me, so I'm guessing I'll have 1st generation kinders around for some time to come.
Congrats on the registry Leigh and good luck with your Kinders.
Love the name Cedar Ridge. Hubby and I have been mulling over names for our farm for months now and we still haven't decided.
Congrats! Great name! You have some great plans! I look forward to reading about the kinder kids next year!
Can't wait to see the pictures of the fruits(kids) of your labor...wonderful name!
Congratulations on selecting a very nice (imho) herd name and having it official!!
Congratulations Leigh!
Establishing your own herd & farm name is a huge accomplishment.
Very exciting!!
Love it! Congratulations!!
Big congrats! our farm is "Cedar Bridge" :) This is a very exciting step!
I love it, Leigh! Very cool. I can't wait to see your herd established!
Nice to come across your blog - and what an amazing list of useful links you have put together! We also have 5 acres and a dream (and goats and a garden and etc, etc) in the Southern Appalachians - just east of Asheville in Swannanoa. Where are you?
Leigh,I've got a question. Wondering if you used registered stock to breed your first generation. Please clarify for me. It's my understanding that Kinders cannot be registered because they are a "mutt" breed. Our intention is to start a Kinder herd and not sure about the breeding stock. Hubby says to start with registered to be on the safe side.
Thanks for your help. I love reading your blog.
Everybody, thanks! I seem to have gotten waylaid in responding to comments. :o
Berte, yes, definitely start with registered stock. Kinders are a recognized breed and eligible to be registered through the Kinder Goat Breeders Association. 1st through 4th generations receive Certificates of Merit, 5th generation and up receive Certificates of Registry. To be registered though, both sire and dam must be registered with the National Pygmy Goat Association, the American Dairy Goat Association, or the American Goat Society.
Please see the link for more information. You will need to be a KGBA member to apply for a herd name in order to register your Kinders through the Association. I believe though, that they are the only ones who register Kinders.
There is a Kinder Goat Yahoo group too, more information here
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