May 30, 2010

Colors Of May

Bearded iris, the only one that bloomed.

Wild roses (all over the place)

Chickens in field

Vetch blooming purple and goat.


For more, visit Colors of May at Life Looms Large.


Theresa said...

Great colors! We get tons of vetch here too, still early but it's leafing up! Love the roses. In fact I covet your wild roses!

bspinner said...

I have the same colors but have to add yellow and deep red. Love your pictures!!!

Nina said...

love the Iris photo. They are such beautiful flowers..

Benita said...

It may have been the only bearded iris to bloom, but MAN! what a bloom!!

Life Looms Large said...

Lovely colors!! I'm way behind in blog reading since I knew about your chickens, but not about your goat! I have to go back and catch up!!

The wild roses must be a nice surprise to see this year.

Thanks for sharing your colors!


Leigh said...

Theresa, we've been pulling rose vines out, they're so prolific. Too bad you aren't closer; I'd give you a bunch!

Barb, May is a wonderful month for color, isn't it?

Nina & Benita, I love irises too. Actually there are lots of them around, this is the only one that bloomed.

Sue, thanks! You've been busy with other things for awhile!

Tina T-P said...

I had lots of pinks and whites this month - That is a beautiful iris - loved seeing the chickens wandering around in the field :-) T.

Callie Brady said...

Lovely photos! So far, I've got purple flowers on the myrtle

Sharon said...

You should call your place, Little Eden. It's soooo pretty.

Annie said...

What a beautiful iris!
I love your May colours!