Sue (
Life Looms Large) has put out the challenge to show our April colors. April has been our "greening" month, and I have to say that the predominant colors seem to be spring green, pink, white, and purple.

We've had violets absolutely everywhere. I didn't notice them last year because they were buried in the overgrowth.

My azalea bloomed. Hopefully
the ones I transplanted last fall will bloom next spring too. I had to prune off all the flower buds for a more successful tranplant.

Two little blossoms on
my new almond tree! I won't get any almonds, but was delighted to see these. Two little blossoms on one of my peach trees were pink as well. Unfortunately, I appear not to have photographed them. :( They were a brighter pink, more like the azaleas than the almonds.

The spirea bloomed this year. I noticed the bushes when I
cleared out last year, but I'm guessing it hadn't received enough sun to bloom. This year, here it is.
My rabbiteye blueberry bush was loaded with blossoms! These bloomed light pink, but have paled as they've opened. If they all become blueberries, we will be wealthy indeed.

Dogwood with one of
our old oaks in the background.

And here's another discovery, periwinkle. It too, is all over the place, and it too was smothered with overgrowth last year. Then too, I suspect we mowed both it and the violets down last summer, in an attempt to clear out around the house. This year I'll be more selective in my mowing. I love these spring bloomers and want to keep them and nurture them. Lovely little gifts of nature.
That's it for me. For more Colors of April,
click here.
Lots of beautiful colors & discoveries. LOVE that almond blossom shot!
sigh..I'm so jealous. Lovely colors. I did see one little flower yesterday, a wild low growing lily, or maybe a species of trillium. I'll have to go have another peek at it.
April has certainly revealed some color that springs forth hope for the coming harvest!! Your periwinkle is very pretty! I wonder if the mowing made it come back even stronger? The almond blossum is the first I've ever seen. Very nice!
Lovely! Spring contains some of my favorite colors - mainly greens and purples. Although I love the flowers on the almond tree.
Our purples (redbud trees) are beginning to fade. But the peonies have huge buds on them.
I love seeing how different the flora colours are throughout the world. I think fruit producing trees are some of the prettiest in the spring. Can you imagine how lovely your almond tree will be in a few more years!
I've some pink spirea to plant later this week. It's so pretty and flowers here so very early!
Lucky you on the blueberries though. Yummy!
Very pretty pictures!! I love the almond blossom!!!
It's so nice to see all the pretty colors of the flowers blooming but isn't green the best of them all?
Great colors! I love the blueberry blossoms, I've never seen them, thanks that was a treat for me.
You little five acres is becoming a bit of an oasis, not that you haven't worked your tails off to make it. Gorgeous. I'm with Theresa, a little jealous, but I'll get over it.
I love the flowers that come with Spring.
Ya'll, who can't but love blooming spring color!
Michelle, I was so surprised to get those almond blossoms. Not sure how many years before it starts producing, but oh will we love the color every spring.
Theresa, that just means that we'll get to enjoy your spring color in the near future! And you'll be laughing at our weeds and heat. ;)
Julene, you may be right about the mowing. I've made it a "no mow" zone, which is good because the eventual goal is to have very little grass to cut. Unfortunately, it's riddled with weeds, like everything else around here. :(
Benita, those are my favs too. I did get a couple of redbuds from Arbor Day Foundation. I just have to decide where to plant them!
Nina, isn't it interesting? I'm so glad Sue did her Colors of ... Challenge. Pink spirea sounds lovely.
Barb, I think green is actually my favorite color, followed by purples and blues. And I do like a cool pink too. :)
Sharon, that's the plan anyway. But oh Sharon, now that everything's growing it's becoming a jungle. To top it off, we don't keep up with mowing our lawn like our neighbors do, so we look like the neighborhood ragamuffin most of the time!
Robin, you should join in! Still two days left in April!
Pretty colors of the flowers...
That almond bloom is just gorgeous - so delicate looking.
beautiful colours, especially the pink of the almond tree. If it is flowering maybe you will get almonds sooner than you think!
The purple flowers of spring are my favorites. I had to look up 'periwinkle' in the dictionary and indeed, it's what we here call 'virgin's palm'. No idea why.
Ours is blossoming more then ever at the moment, but we haven't mowed or cut it. Probably the winter weather may have influenced it?
Beautiful spring colors! Thanks for sharing them!
Our violets have had a banner year this year. Our dogwood....not so much. I suspect frost arrived at an inopportune time for it. It's great to see your dogwood. That's one of my favorite trees!
I love that cascading white spirea that you've uncovered!! I really want to find a sunny spot for a few of those on my property, but I'm not sure it will happen. (We don't have much sun.) Maybe I'll just enjoy yours from afar!!
I bet it has been fun finding the little treasurers of spring this year! T.
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