July 15, 2023

Greenhouse: First of Two Doors Hung

Once the walls were up in the greenhouse, Dan started on one of the doors. We have two doors planned: one from the greenhouse to the backyard, the other from the greenhouse into the house. 

In the photo above, the door opening is covered with the old panel gate. Dan covered it every night to keep strays out. A path on the left goes to the garden.

For the door, Dan chose a heavy-duty "full lite" exterior door. 

For logistical reasons, we decided that we didn't want it on hinges. So Dan installed it like a barn (sliding) door.

Preparing for the bottom track.

Preparing for the top track

Track installed

Door hung. Side note: Turkeys are extremely inquisitive. If allowed
out of his yard, Tommy follows us everywhere (mostly Dan).

How in the world am I going to keep that track cleared out?????

Door pull and lock still needed

So, hung but not done, with a lot of finishing work to do. Still, it's progress.


  1. Looking good! Dontcha just love a sliding barn door?

  2. I don't do a lot of sliding exterior doors because they are no conducive to my war on keeping rodents out of buildings. But they certainly are handy, especially in greenhouses where they can be left open while carrying things in and out with both hands. I have quickly grown tired of having to either balance an object on one hand or set it down, in order to open the door to our greenhouse where the door swings and automatically closes behind us.

  3. Daisy, I do! It really helps keep it out of the way when open.

    Ed, doors are a challenge, aren't they? I like the idea of a door that automatically closes. I could use one of those for our back porch door!

  4. Yippee, you are going to love that door! Someday I will blog the saga of the barn ““ door. This spring or at least the first time spring went by I found somebody to do a barn door for me. It’s the best thing I have done in that barn to date.

    Excited to see the finished product. Tell Dan he rocks 🤩

  5. Goatldi, is that you?:) Barn doors are the best! Especially when an otherwise open door would be in the way somehow. It's exciting seeing it progressing this far.

  6. Surprised to see that beautiful turkey!

  7. Sandi, he's the backyard snoopervisor. :)

  8. Starting to look like something! I bet ya can't wait to get it finished!

  9. That sliding door is a great idea.

    I wonder if for the track, one could put down some bricks or a stone or two to at least keep down on letting dirt just sort of "drift in" to the tracks, minimizing it to shoe dirt and plant off the bottom dirt.

  10. TB, I'm willing to try anything. Of course, I'll be careful, but a little help wouldn't hurt!

  11. Tommy Turkey looks exactly like a perfectly crafted lawn ornament!

  12. Mama Pea, lol. He loves to pose. :)

  13. It's wonderful you'll have a greenhouse. They seem to extend the growing season by a lot. I'm a little jealous. =)

  14. Sharon, good to hear from you! That's exactly what we're hoping, It will make a wonderful difference in our food growing efforts.

  15. Looking so good! Perhaps an old mat inside to wipe one's feet on? It might diminish the amount of stuff getting into the track. We have a mini vacuum that comes in handy for cracks and crevices, and anything one doesn't want to get the big one out for. Love seeing the supervisor!

  16. Rosalea, I think a mat would be worth a try. Right now, we're planning to make the floor gravel, so keeping that out of the lower track is something I have to figure out.


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