May 28, 2022

Closing Out May With Pretty Pictures

At least, I hope they're pretty! Some of them have been double posted over at my photography blog for Rain's Thursday Art Date and my online photography course. Here they are, in random order, just for fun.

First red raspberries

Muscadines on pergola

Does and kids

California poppy in the garden swale berm

Snowpeas and strawberries

Asparagus flowers


Onion and turnip flowers



Frog and water lily


  1. LOTS of pretty pictures! I've never seen asparagus flowers before; interesting

  2. That is one of the cutest kitty pictures I've seen. So sweet.

    Enjoy your weekend!

  3. Michelle, this is the first time I've taken the time to notice the asparagus flowers. So delicate. Thanks to my photography course, I'm now always on the hunt for something to photograph. :)

    Daisy, thanks! That is one of Sam's favorite sleeping positions!

  4. GREAT pictures! Have I ever seen flowers on my asparagus? Oh, my. I definitely need to be more observant is the bottom line! Love the shot of the grapes climbing the pergola.

  5. Deb, thanks!

    Mama Pea, the grape vines on the pergola is a sign of success. :) Last fall I transplanted some baby plants from the woods but thought they died. This spring, all three of them are growing(!) although they aren't big enough to reach the pergola trellis yet.

    I credit my online photography course for the motivation to be observant. Until that, I never paid much attention. I seem to tend to shoot the same things year after year, so now I'm looking for new subject matter to experiment with.

  6. Yum on the snow peas. I love those things and really fresh ones are hard to find unless you grow them yourself. Everything looks good around the homestead.

  7. Leigh, I've been saving all the photography lessons for "someday" but haven't dived into them yet. I'm glad you're enjoying them.

  8. California poppies were always one of my mom's favorites. They are also a favorite of The Ravishing Mrs. TB.

    It is amazing how things like the Asparagus flowers can pass under out nose without us noticing.

  9. Sue, I don't think I ever see snow peas in the stores. Or fresh peas for that matter. That makes them a real treat and wonderful addition to the garden.

    The photography course is excellent. I really like the way she explains things and the exercises she gives. Some of it bogged me down (the creativity unit) but the editing unit really has my interest. And considering how I didn't think of photography as one of my creative outlets, I'm finding lots of inspiration for it anyway!

    TB, this is the first time I've grown them. My grandmother's favorite were a red poppy, but I don't know exactly what variety. I've tried to grow poppies for that reason without success. These were just jumbled in a bucket of mixed seed for the swale berm and I'm amazed they grew! Glad too. :)

  10. Sam is a very precious pudder! Love those muscadine on the trellis! Do you freeze your muscadine? We grew them in Florida, and when frozen, they make a very refreshing snack! I have never grown snow peas, but my sugar snap peas are kickin butt this year! We prefer them raw and fresh off the vine, but it looks like I am going be freezing a lot for soups! Not complaining, mind you… happy to have abundance! Great job on the photos, Leigh! Have a wonderful Memorial Day!

  11. Wyomingheart, aren't snow peas and sugar snap about the same thing? I'm not sure! I agree, raw is best! Yes, I freeze the muscadines, but mine have huge seeds so I mostly use them for juice for jelly or wine. They are pretty inconsistent from year to year, so I have to appreciate them when I get them.

  12. Hi Leigh! ☺ I love all of the critter photos, especially the goats!! Snow peas!!! Neat! And raspberries!!! I planted 3 canes this spring, first time I'm planting raspberry plants, they are already producing leaves, I'm excited, hopefully in a few years I'll have plenty! ☺

  13. Pretty pictures indeed. I do love those photos of Sky and Sam.

  14. Rain, that's great that you planted raspberries! It's so much fun getting your own fruit. I hope they do well for you.

    Thanks, Nina!

  15. You've captured life on your property, so well. It's good to see living things flourish on the land you're endowed with. Thanks for sharing your little oasis.


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