July 17, 2021

Window Pergola Finished

This is a continuation of my recent blog post "Dan's Latest Project." I reckon we could call it part two. Here's where we left off in that post...

The beginnings of a system to shade the windows
and grow deciduous muscadine grape vines.

The next step was to put up the trellis.

This was a matter of building a frame and cutting the lattice to size.

Here it is before staining. 

We talked about where the bottom of the trellis should be. Lower to the ground would block it off right now, but we need room to install the greywater system, build up the bed, and plant. We can fence off the bottom later if needs be.

Here it is in the sun! The lattice helps shade the
window too, even without vines growing on it.

An added bonus is the increased sense of privacy it offers. We put a box fan in the bedroom window at night, and while it doesn't face the road, I like the feeling this set-up offers. 

The shading, of course, will be even better once we get vines growing up the trellis. My thought has always been muscadines because they are native to this part of the country and make my favorite jelly! Happily, we already have some volunteers!

Volunteer muscadine vines already growing in the bed.

Now, Dan can move on to making the driveway gate. 

Window Pergola Finished © July 2021 by Leigh 


  1. It is sooo pretty! Gotta love it when your project isn't finished but is already doing it's job! <3 :D

    1. Renee, yes, that's a huge bonus! And confirmation that we're heading in the right direction. :)

  2. Oh, that looks so nice. Getting better all the time.

    1. Tpals, thanks! I can't wait to see it with something growing on it.

  3. Win, win! You've gotten the much needed shading even before the vines are up and growing on the trellis.

    1. Mama Pea, I'm not sure why I wasn't expecting it to offer some shade immediately. But I'm pleased with it!

  4. Looking good! I will have to check out the variety you are using. What is it you enjoy so much about Muscadine?

    Got the grey water book from the library yesterday! So nice to be able to take advantage of the resources once again.

    1. Your library already had the greywater book? Yay!

      I love muscadine jelly, so that's one big reason. But also, muscadines are native here and so grow very well in our heat and during dry conditions. Two big pluses. I may look into table grapes as well. And I'm open to other deciduous vine possibilities.

  5. Oh my gosh Leigh!!! What beautiful work! I love it! :)

    1. Thanks, Rain! I hope we can get the other window done this winter. :)

  6. Another of Dan's beautiful builds! Can't wait to see those grapes climbing.

    1. Rosalea, me too! (Dan will be pleased with your compliment :)

  7. That will look lovely with the vines. Well done Dan!

    1. TB, here's hoping the vines thrive and next summer we have a pretty window with cooling shade!

  8. It looks like it was meant to be there! You didn't even have to plant seed! Great job, y'all!

    1. Daisy, thanks! The volunteer muscadines are a real plus! I will probably try to either start or transplant some for the other side and the other pergola.

  9. Great job as usual! Love that it's got form, function & bonus shade.

    1. Thanks! I really like it when something functional contributes aesthetically too. :)

  10. I personally would leave the trellis bottoms up off the ground just to prevent leaves from always accumulating there in the void. I never thought about that when we fenced off our garden but on the east side, the leaves accumulate by the ton almost if I don't mulch them with the mower.

    1. Ed, as long as we don't have dogs or other predators going under the trellis to go kill more chickens, I certainly don't mind it being open. I reckon that will be a wait and see.

      It would actually be a good place to accumulate leaves, except we don't have a tree on that side. We have to add the leaves (or other mulch) ourselves.

  11. Great project, and it looks extremely private for your window. The windows will certainly be shaded and cooler when those vines climb up! We had muscadine grapes, so I am happy for you!

    1. Wyomingheart, hopefully, next summer the vines will grow and we'll get full advantage of the system. I'm looking forward to that!


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