October 26, 2020

Reviews for The Sequel Are Starting to Pop Up and They're Good!

I had to interrupt my regularly scheduled blog post because reviews for 5 Acres & A Dream The Sequel are starting to pop up and they're encouraging!

One so far at Amazon, here.

And two at Permies.com, one here and one here.

Any author will tell you that after pouring their heart and soul into their work, they hope against hope for good reviews. That's what gets the word out. Most of us (especially Indie authors) ask, beg, and plead for people to write reviews. But for whatever reason, folks are rarely willing to write them. So that means that the reviews I do get, are all the more exciting and precious to me! 

These reviews also encourage me to keep writing. They tell me that I have something interesting and useful to offer. That the hours, weeks, and months I put into it have been well spent. It's like getting comments on blog posts. What blogger doesn't like getting comments? Every comment is an encouragement!

Anyway, I'm excited so I had to share. I hope you'll take a few minutes to read them. I'll be back to regularly scheduled blog posts next time. 


  1. Leigh, this is on my list of Flight books upcoming for November. Very excited.

  2. I can't imagine the feeling of waiting for that first review. Hopefully after several good ones, you can begin to relax again.

  3. I couldn't wait for Christmas Leigh. I just ordered your books and am looking forward to reading them! Thank you.

  4. TB, you do an excellent job of analyzing books you read, so I look forward to what you think(!)

    Ed, it takes awhile for that feeling to go away, especially if there's a lull. But, it's unpredictable. What I think sounds good in my head may not appeal to others! The first step is getting the word out, after that, the hope is that it's good enough to spread by word of mouth.

    Rosalea, I so hope you enjoy them! I'm always interested in what people think, so please let me know. :)

  5. Good for you!

    I lent my copies to the Pastor at my church. He is a huge self sufficient guy and I had a sneaking suspicion he will devour them.

    Will let you know.

  6. Goatldi, how nice your pastor appreciates self-sufficiency! I hope he finds them an encouragement.

  7. Have to apologize for not getting into your latest book yet. It's been on the table in front of our couch for weeks now, but we're still slogging through all the last minute has-to-be-done-before-winter-snows-hit chores on ye ol' homestead here. I even took it with on our latest trip to the big city planning on reading it to Papa Pea on the way home. (Makes the drive go so much easier and faster after an exhausting day of shopping.) But we had such a long day that it was dark on the ride home and the deer were so plentiful on the road that my second set of eyes were needed for that. Anywho, not excuses you want to hear, I know. We will get to it and I know enjoy your efforts that went into it to the hilt!

  8. Mama Pea, no apologies necessary. :) I do appreciate your comment though, it's still an encouragement! It is a very busy time of year too. Which is why the reviews are all the more exciting. :)


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