March 12, 2019

Carport Repair: New Roof

With all the rain we've had, progress on re-roofing the carport has been slow. Any time we have a few days without rain, Dan gets busy and finally the new roof is on! You may recall where we left off.

Snoopervisor Sam performing an inspection.

Bracing to stabilize the roof rafters was first on the job list.

The next step was roof battens (purlins) to screw the roofing panels to. What to use for them prompted one of our "time versus money" discussions. Dan looked through his stack of boards by the sawmill but didn't have many of consistent depth. The length and width of the boards could vary, but if they aren't the same depth, the new roof will have dips in it. We have a new "crop" of fallen pines thanks to the waterlogged ground, so should he drag them through the woods and mill new boards for battens? Or would it be more expedient to buy them? After consulting the piggy bank, we opted to buy them.

The most economical choice was grade-2 decking planks.

Dan orders the metal roofing panels cut to specifications from a small local company. It's actually cheaper to buy them that way, rather than buy standard length panels from one of the big-box home improvement stores.

There are three sections to the roof and Dan spent a day on each.

Then new fascia.

Then the gutters and drip edge.


I think Dan is planning to replace the old siding next.

 Carport Repair: New Roof © March 2019


  1. Hi Leigh wow this is going to be so good,your man is very handy,great post,hope you have a wonderful day my friend xx

  2. Yep, the (time vs $$ (and around here) vs talent) formula gets used often around my place. I've never regretted those projects that I finally gave into expediency vs going it alone. You've got a lot more footage under cover now - and that's going to really serve you well. Another good job, Dan!

  3. I think I may have mentioned this before - you are so darn lucky to have such a handy husband. Neither my husband or I have ever been handy. We learned very early in our marriage if we wanted to remain married we never do anything ourselves. We hire it out. We are married 50 years this June so I guess that technique to a long marriage WORKED!!! Hahaha.

  4. Thanks Gorges!

    Sheryl, indeed! Dan is skilled plus he's willing to take on something new! We've both learned a lot that way. :)

    Kris, I think the key to no regret is because at least we engage ourselves in the question! Weighing the pros and cons really helps.

    RT, so you worked out an agreement and stuck with it. Good job! That's important to a successful marriage. :)

  5. We always order our metal cut to length as well for the same reasons. One of my least favorite jobs is cutting metal siding to length or to fit on gabled ends.

  6. That looks awesome! Do you have plans to catch the rain off that great roof? Please tell Dan, his hard work is appreciated by us all!

  7. As expected from Dan it looks great and it should serve you well.
    OK, now what's the next project? :-)

  8. Nice job! I bet it feels great to have it done!

  9. Great job! And it looks so nice.

  10. Ed, we were so happy to find this place. Certainly makes things easier.

    Jo, thanks!

    Greenjournalhomestead, welcome and thank you!

    Wyomingheart, yes, we are definitely going to catch the rain runnoff. Currently trying to decide on the kind of tank and exactly where to put it.

    Mike, Dan got started on replacing the old, disintegrating siding today. Then it will be putting the space to work. More on that soon. :)

    Susan, it does indeed!

    Rose, thank you!

  11. Hello from rural Greece, I am one of your new followers. And since we keep talking of the need for a carport to protect from our harsh Mediterranean sun, this was of interest! Great job.

  12. Jackie and Joel, hello and welcome! What an interesting blog you have! Yes, a carport-like structure is wonderful shelter from the sun! Also from the rain (of which we've had a lot lately :) Ours will become sort of an outdoor living space, we hope.

  13. Well done. Love the way your relationship has each of you weigh in on a decision and the make the choice. I imagine if one of you is better versed in the steps of the project and potential outcome than that persons opinion would be more weighted. We all can’t be experts on everything 😊

    Wonder what the pine will be used for when harvested?

  14. Our friend John who does our cabin maintenance does the same thing with his roofing panels. They are quite heavy. I remember getting the delivery of the panels for his new cabin at the marina. A crane was needed to transfer them from the delivery truck to our large cedar log work float. Those were the days before we had the barge.

  15. I'm sure you're delighted to have one more project completed, Leigh - nice job, Dan!

  16. Goatldi, having the same goals and mindset is key, I think. Plus, it is so much easier to get things done when each of us only has to focus on being expert in half the things that need to be done around here, LOL.

    Margy, a crane would definitely be helpful! They are indeed heavy. They do make the best roof though, don't they?

    Debbie, it's always a relief to get a project or a step on a project done! :)


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