October 23, 2018

Dr. Schultz's Super Tonic

"Let food be thy medicine" is attributed to Hippocrates, or at least it used to be. With the current social trend to question and criticize everything, who knows? Either way, it points to a different philosophy of heath and medicine than is common today.

So who is Dr. Schultz and what is his Super Tonic? I'm glad you asked. Dr. Richard Schultz is an herbalist and former student of Dr. John Christopher. He developed a food-based cold fighter and immune booster which he called Super Tonic. I found out about it from a friend who loaned me a video. That was about fifteen years ago and we've been making and taking it ever since. We recently needed a new batch, so I thought I'd take you a few pictures and tell you about it.

The ingredients can easily be homegrown or found in the produce section of most grocery stores. All are fresh, and preferably organic. I use equal parts by weight, but there's no need to be exact. For a one gallon jar I used about a quarter pound of each.
  • Garlic (not necessary to peel)
  • Hot peppers (the hotter the better such as habaneros)
  • Ginger root
  • Horseradish root (sometimes hard to find)
  • Onion (hottest you can get such as white)
  • Apple cider vinegar, raw, organic

Chop all ingredients. You can do it by hand or with a food processor, the only precaution is to wear gloves when handling the hot peppers, because they burn! Put it all in a glass jar and cover with the vinegar. I let it settle and add more if needed, the proportions I'm looking for are 3/4 settled herb and 1/4 vinegar on top. Exactness not required.

Place in a cool dark place for a minimum of two weeks; longer is better. Give the whole whole thing a daily shake to mix it up. When you need it, strain it into dark glass bottles, but save the veggies for squeezing.

I use my wine press to extract as much of the herbal vinegar as I can.

From this batch I squeezed out more than two extra cups of tonic.

Store in a cool dark place.

There is no specific dosage, but it's recommended to start small, such as half a teaspoon in a small glass of water or juice (tomato is good). It can be used as the vinegar in oil and vinegar salad dressing, to season greens, etc. All the ingredients are common foods, so it's impossible to overdose. It mostly boils down to taste preference and how much health support you want.

Why are these ingredients so good for you, and how to they help fight winter colds and sinus problems, plus boost health and immunity? I'm glad you asked that too.

Garlic - antiviral, antimicrobial, antioxidant, antibacterial, expectorant

Hot peppers - anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, decongestant, antibacterial, analgesic, stimulant

Ginger - antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, stimulant, digestive, analgesic

Horseradish - antibiotic, decongestant (especially sinuses), expectorant, stimulant

Onion - similar to garlic, anti-inflammatory, anti-allergenic, decongestant

Apple cider vinegar - antioxidant, antibacterial, antiseptic, antiviral, and ant-fungal, preservative

All that healthful benefit from common foods. You can understand why we keep in on hand.

Dr. Schultz's Super Tonic © October 2018 


  1. Glad you offered. Sounds delish and I assume with the added bonus of vasodilation therefore increasing much needed body heat in winter. I haven't seen this one in particular on my herbalist site but I would think it has a kick and gets the job done.

    Thanks for sharing and I find it mildly amusing that after batch number three of organic applesauce in the jars I now have three half gallon jars in my kitchen busy bubbling up some ACV. I may brew up a batch when my ACV is ready to consume.

  2. Goatldi, that's what I need to do - make my own ACV! You're making it from applesauce?

    1. The bones from applesauce .

      I found a recipe on another blog and gave it a whirl. Will send it over today. I will do a post on it in the end but that is several months out now.

  3. Looks interesting we will have to give it a go. Think I might have to pinch my nose as I take it though or mix it in vodka ha ha

  4. Goatdi,I would love to make ACV. Please share.

    Leigh, That tonic sounds like Fire Cider. I add turmeric, lemon and rosemary while brewing. But before consuming to ward off a sickness I had some raw honey. It knocks out whatever sickness quickly. My husband doesn't like it at all.

    1. Stephanie post on my blog as I can’t access you through Goggle.

  5. Mark, you can mix it with anything you like! LOL

    Stephanie, mixing with the honey is a really good idea. So are your extra additives!

  6. Ahhhh, Fire Cider. It's a fair bit older recipe than you've been led to believe...

  7. Thank you for the recipe and the directions. I eat almost all those things but not together and definitely not Habaneros...lol!

  8. It almost looks like the fire cider I make. Thanks for the recipe.

  9. Thanks for sharing another natural mixture that keeps us hale and hardy! If more folks believed in the natural, common sense way of warding off germs and strengthening their immune system, their whole bodies would be in better shape. Better in SO many ways than taking antibiotics in pill form from a pharmacy! (Let me count the ways, right?) The only ingredient I would object to (strictly personal) is the ginger root. Can't tolerate the stuff which has always concerned me as ginger is another natural ingredient that is so, so good for us. In your final mixture, do you taste the ginger at all?

    Your mixture does sound a lot like the Fire Cider sold at our local organic co-op except MUCH more economical! And I can't help but believe better for us.

  10. Unknown, yes, there are a number of similar variations with various names. Master Tonic is another of them.

    Sam, you can certainly use whatever peppers you want! Hotter ones are better circulation boosters. The other option is to cut the amount of peppers. My favorite hot pepper is Serrano. Not quite as hot with a good flavor.

    Kristina, it probably is! Just similar ingredients.

  11. Mama Pea, Fire Cider does have a few more ingredients which would likely make it more expensive. My Super Tonic is pretty bare bones, but I can grow all the ingredients and we've seen it make a huge difference in our overall health.

  12. I think I should try this. I still make my mom's ginger tea when I feel a cold coming on, and it really does get rid of a sore throat (hot water, tad of milk and a lot of ginger. Just think of all the benefits if all the other things are added! Phil

  13. Do you have to "burp" it daily, as it ferments? Sounds good!

  14. Thanks Leigh. I am going to try this - sinus infections have become a thing for me in Winter.

  15. Nancy, no, because it's what I would call pickled, i.e. the vinegar is added. It's not fermented to make it's own "vinegar."

    TB, Dan has a lot of problems with his sinuses as well and finds that this helps. What he really likes for that, though, is a nasal snuff that we get from Heal Marketplace, https://store.healmarketplace.com/?q=hats/nasal-snuff. He says that knocks it out faster than anything. You have to join to purchase from them, but we've been members for years and find their products absolutely excellent.

  16. Phil, I somehow wasn't paying attention when I responded to comments. :) Ginger is a wonderful herb. I keep candied around for stomach upsets and nausea. Also helpful for circulation. I'm only sorry that I lost my potted ginger last winter.

  17. I make something very similar ,but never thought of pressing the remains,Thank you for the isea. Where did you get that wonderful press?

  18. Carolyn, I got it at a beer and wine making store in Asheville, NC eons ago, primarily for squeezing herbal tinctures, and also jelly making. I found the same brand on Amazon, here although mine isn't red. It's been a wonderful kitchen tool, well worth the investment.

  19. Leigh, I have a problem with sinus issues, too, so may I ask: how does Dan use that "nasal stuff"? It's listed on the website under Salves, Gels, and Poultices, which seems...unlikely? Thanks!

  20. Quinn, it's a literal snuff, i.e. finely powdered herbs that are meant to be inhaled through the nostrils. Just a tiny pinch. I've never used it be he's suffered from sinus infections for years, and says this snuff stuff does a better job of opening the sinuses and clearing out the infection than anything he's used. For best results you have to do it before your nose gets clogged and runny, so first twinge of a problem is the time to start using it.

    We've been members of Heal Marketplace for years and I visited their store and met them when they used to be located in Hendersonville, NC. Most of their forumlae were originally developed by John Christopher or Richard Schultz, but they're not resellers, they make them there under their own label. They sell products for system cleansing (they're big on that), superfood, tinctures (or the dry herb mixes to make your own tinctures), salves, poultices, essential oils, etc. for natural healing methods. Based on personal experience, quality is excellent, and I think the prices are reasonable. Call the number on the website and talk to Dara if you have any questions.

  21. I have to laugh at myself - I originally misread it as "stuff" not "snuff"! My excuse must be fatigue :)

  22. I do that a lot too. It's too bad we can't edit our comments after they've been published.

  23. Has anybody ever experienced fizzing when opening a bottle if homemade super tonic. I made this about a year ago, and just opened a bottle. It fizzed up and out of the bottle like shaken soda pop, then continued to fizz slowly for several minutes. Fermentation? Do you think it's safe to use. Been making it for years and never had this happen.

  24. Anonymous, it certainly sounds like fermentation, which seems odd considering how acidic it is. I've never had that happen to supertonic before, but personally, would only be concerned about mold growing in it. It depends on your own comfort level, though. If I'm not convinced something is safe to consume, I compost it.


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