February 2, 2018


The other day Dan had an unfortunate accident with his table saw. He nearly sawed off a finger but fortunately didn't lose it. He's one of those people who are always so careful, but accidents still happen sometimes no matter how careful we are.

Of course it meant an emergency room visit where he was treated for shock, had an x-ray taken, and given an IV antibiotic and a tetanus shot. The flesh is badly torn but the ER doctor told him he'd only lost a little bone on the tip of two fingers and that the worst one was dislocated. He numbed those fingers and realigned the dislocated one. He also told Dan that the injury was more severe than they usually handle there, and to save the fingers he would need to see a hand specialist at the ER of a larger hospital the next county over. He made arrangements for that for us. We were told to turn in Dan's paperwork at the front desk when we got there, and tell them Dr. So-n-so was expecting him. They wanted to send him by ambulance, but I got permission to drive him.

There was a three hour wait at the second emergency room. No one bothered to let him know what was going on or look at his hand. Eventually they took another x-ray (rather than look at the one our hospital had taken.) Finally a resident came in to stitch up his fingers. Apparently the specialist was on call but not answering his calls. They re-bandaged it and sent him home.

We could really use your prayers: most importantly for healing, but also for the funds to pay for two emergency room visits plus meet our financial needs because Dan won't be able to work.

Ordinarily I have no complaints about our financially meager lifestyle. It's not that we particularly choose to be poor; Dan would love to have a higher paying job and I'd love to make a lot of money on my books. But rather than complain, we've accepted our lot in life, tried to live within our means, and be thankful for what we do have. Our lifestyle is how we strive to do that, but things like this are an extreme test of faith. All we can do is hang on to Philippians 4:19, "And my God will supply all your needs according to His riches in glory in Christ Jesus," and ask for prayer from good friends like you.

I'll be back when I have baby goat news.

Dan © February 2018 by Leigh at


  1. I lost half a finger three years ago, it was a bit of getting used to. Glad he’s ok.

  2. I'm glad the injury wasn't worse, but sorry for your 2nd ER experience. I wonder if writing a letter and sending it to the first hospital, the second hospital, and the newspapers in each town, might yield some satisfaction - if only emotionally.
    Thank goodness you don't have the ambulance charge on top of the other expenses.
    I hope Dan continues to heal well!

  3. Much love Leigh and Dan, hope you heal quickly! -Liz (eight acres)

  4. Prayers coming your way.

    I'm so sorry that this happened.

  5. Oh Leigh, I will be praying. I totally understand about the bills too. We are still paying ours and I'm trying to sell crocheted items to help pay them off. They can be a huge burden, especially when the hospitals and doctors won't take a payment plan. I pray that his hand heals and pray for the nurses and doctors that watch over him during this. And prayers for you! Hugs.

  6. I'm so sorry. You are right, things happen way out of your control. I don't normally comment on blogs but this struck close to home. We too live a simpler life which also equates to poor financially. I really enjoy reading about the evolution of your project and decision making involved. I digress. I wanted to share, that I discovered some hospitals have their own charity care program to which you can apply for help post visit. You have to dig to find out about them. It might be worth a long look. Take care you two, I'll be winging thoughts your way for a steady recovery.

  7. I'll be praying for Dan (& you). Hope he heals quickly & just glad it wasn't worse. ERs are a terrible place to go. Don't worry about trying to pay them off all at once or even in large chunks. Just send what you can. They can't 'come after you' if you are making an effort, even if it's a small amount each time.

    1. From experience, I second what DFW said - you can set up a payment plan with the hospitals and also ask about a sliding scale based on income. Some also have a charity program where all or most of the bill is forgiven for those experiencing hardship. Praying for you both, Leigh. You'll get through.

  8. I'm sending some prayers your way! I know two people who have lost tips of fingers in tablesaw accidents. They do heal up and live normal lives again and I know Dan will too. One of these days, the Saw Stop technology will be on every tablesaw and will be affordable so that these sorts of things never happen again. I have another friend that works in a custom cabinetry shop and they have the Saw Stop system and are on their third cartridge, i.e. two appendages have been saved already.

    Also I would like to throw in having a spouse in the medical industry that the reason new hospitals take new x-rays, is that every x-ray tech and machine are different along with the doctors that review them. Rather than waste your time and the doctors time looking over an old x-ray that doesn't show what they need to see, they almost always just take a new x-ray by default. Unfortunately that comes out of your wallet.

    Heal up fast Dan!

  9. Sorry to hear about this. You are resourceful folks and will get through this. God bless

  10. How do I get to Dan's etsy shop? I'd like to purchase something, to help you.

  11. Hang in there and stay positive. Things will work out as they should. I'm paying off medical bills myself so I get it - hard not to worry. But worry is wasted (and negative) energy. I'm thankful you're both okay. Sending healing prayers your way.

  12. I understand how very stressed you must be feeling after that experience. {Hugs}

    After my husband died and I was paying the little I could afford towards his medical bills, the hospital forgave his debt. It was a charity policy I didn't even know they had.

  13. I'm imagining we're in the same financial "state" that you and Dan are so can understand fully your worries and concerns. As one of the commenters above said, pay as much as you can to work on the emergency room/other medical costs and it will all work out. You are good, responsible people and that will be recognized.

    This will be hard for Dan, especially, to handle as I'm thinking he'll feel much the same way my husband has regarding his accident (although not as serious as Dan's) nearly six weeks ago. He blames himself for not "being careful enough" and rushing because of time constraints. Why do these things happen? I don't know, but possibly they are to tell us something, give us cause and time to rethink certain aspects of our lives. (End of sermon.)

    Know that our (Papa Pea reads your posts regularly) thoughts and prayers are with you and Dan. This, too, shall pass.

  14. I'm so sorry to hear of Dan's injury and the ensuing financial worries. You and he will be in my thoughts.

  15. Oh my gosh Leigh, I am so sorry that this happened. How horrible, I'm sending good healing energy to Dan and to you. Please take care of yourself too. Alex and I kind of went through a financial crisis a while back and I was terrified. But I do try to always believe that things will work out in the end. Sometimes we just have to shift our path a little temporarily. I hope and pray that you both will be okay. xxx

  16. Healing thoughts to Dan and hugs to you both. I have insurance, but the deductible is so high that it will really only help in a huge emergency.

    I have a friend that lost most of the fingers of one hand several years ago (industrial carding machine for wool). Luckily for her, she was near the power button & used to be an EMT, so it wasn't worse. My worst was having the tip of the electric shears kicked into my finger while I was shearing a goat. I was just going to wrap a bandage on it when I noticed I could see bone, so off to the ER I went for several stitches and a tetanus shot. I try to be very, very careful since I am usually working alone. It's faster in the long run to take my time.

  17. Oh Leigh, that is a blow! I know God will take care of you guys and reward your faith somehow; I just wish I could be one of His conduits. Still putting off dental work here because of lack of funds, but it isn't an emergency; some things CAN'T wait! Prayers for speedy and uncomplicated healing, funds, and all other needs.

  18. Praying for Dan & you, most fervently. ((cyber hugs))

  19. You both have my prayers for healing and finances...I know we all at times succumb to worry , but I feel moved to remind you that this too will sort itself out, and your needs will be met. In the meantime, virtual hugs & mugs of chamomile tea.

  20. Prayers - and thanks that it wasn't worse !

  21. Prayer said, and I'll keep you both in mind with my nightlies. I am so sorry that this has happened to you, but I hope, and this may sound odd, that some how, some way, this turns out to be a blessing for you. Maybe through the mysteries of His works, He's got something wonderful up His sleeve for you. Have faith and trust that He'll take care of everything.

  22. Prayer said and hope everything will turn out well. Nancy

  23. I'm very sorry for this bump in the road. You handled everything sensibly and I'm sure the healing will progress. I'm glad you won't have the crazy expense of the ambulance, at least.

  24. Prayers for Dan and you. Damn shame about the ER failure. I hope Dan will get right into therapy so as not to lose much function. And I will echo those that advise that hospitals/doctors will work with you on payments. Please keep us posted and let us help. Kris

  25. Sure am sorry to hear that. Sounds like he got typical ER treatment.😟 When they send you the bills go over every item. Hospitals usually overcharge. For instance, a bottle of laxative that you can buy at any drugstore for under a dollar will be billed out at $20.00. A bed side kit, when will be billed out at $75.00, when it consists of a plastic basin a toothbrush and tootpaste, total cost to the hospital $1.64.

    You can set-up a payment plan, at zero percent interest, for as long as you need to. The business office is so used to dealing with individuals who don't pay anything (can you say "illegal aliens" or "druggies") that they primarily just want you to pay something to get the hospital administrator off their backs. I have an acquaintance whose little girl was badly burned and had to be flown to Chattanooga. The total bills for her accident were well over two hundred thousand dollars. He is a man of modest means and had no insurance. He pays the hospital $20.00 a month, and will never get the debt paid off but they leave him alone.

    Again ,I sure am sorry this happened. Life is brutal sometimes.

  26. I have nothing much to add to what's already been said, but that I do hope Dann will be ok again soon! we have a lot of trouble with the health system over here, but at least people don't have to pay for A&E visits below a certain level of income. fingers crossed!


  27. Hi Leigh Although I don't comment often I am a regular reader and am grateful for your blog. When I read your post yesterday I said prayers as you requested. As I was working in my kitchen today your post came to mind so I prayed again. I'm sure blessing will becoming your way.

  28. So sorry to hear about Dan’s injury. Tom had an open finger fracture from the hay elevator and I had one with a trailer accident. So we both know how painful and debilitating Finger injuries can be.

  29. leigh,
    will pray. $ very short now due to lots of copays and the month is only started. several things on back burner --again, they always end up there, always something pops up -- so praying is best i can do.
    finger injury is badly shocking. the shock to the system is the worst part of it. thanks to God it wasn't worse!!
    all things work together for good to them that love Him. this is what i cling to.

  30. I'm so sorry! Definitely will keep you in my prayers for awhile. You both have some challenges to deal with in the upcoming weeks. In addition to the financial challenges, recovery can be stressing mentally as well as physically. Taking things one day at a time is far more easily said than done, and the temptation to 'rush' your recovery is very strong. I pray for wisdom, strength, and a path through the financial jungle for both of you.

  31. I'm so sorry to hear this tragic news. I'm praying for Dan's speedy recovery and for God's great provision to provide for your bills during this time. Hugs!

  32. OH MY GOSH!!! I missed this in my blog roll feed. Sending healing thoughts and good vibes his way. My Dad cut the tip of his thumb off once (on a table saw). Have to laugh, he used duct tape to put it back on. They used stitches, ha. That's how we men roll! ;-)

    Stay strong, both of you!!!

  33. Oh Leigh. So sorry this happened. Keith nearly lost a finger with a skill saw 18 months ago. We paid the ER bill over 123 months. It helped our daughter, an RN like me, was working in ER that night. Like others have said just pay what you can when you can. Hospitals budget for patients like us!

    Big HUGE prayers coming your way for fast healing.

  34. Sending my prayers as well! And really... I'm not sure that even if you had the best insurance that money could buy that Dan would have been treated any differently... Now... Having a close relative in the ER... That could make a difference! Praying that the worst is over, that the babys do well and brighten spirits!

  35. We have been following your blog for years and I've even read your book. I pray financial prosperity over you and your family. I pray poverty be broken off in Jesus's name right now. I command healing of your husband's hand. No pain. I speak prosperity over you!

  36. Oh, Leigh, I'm so sorry! What a difficulty! I understand your position -- we also live very simply, and are happy and content to do so. When Adam also damaged his fingers badly last spring with his table saw, we had surgery, and we will be paying off those bills $25/month for a LONG time. Which is one way to do it, and it's not too much of a hardship, and they don't charge you interest. The ER/hospital especially will let you do that, if you call and talk with their billing office.

    Wow. Reading that was rather like deja vu. I hope he heals well, that he got all the treatment he needed, and that you will find peace about it all. God WILL provide all you need, and nothing is a surprise to Him.

  37. Oh, sorry to hear about Dan. Wish you all the best and a speedy recovery for those fingers.

  38. Leigh,
    I just got back on the computer and seen this post. OMG....poor Dan! Thank God he has you taking care of him and getting him to the places for medical help. Bulldog Man and I have Dan and you close to our hearts and in our prayers.



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