September 4, 2017

Ship's Ladder for the Hayloft

Dan's been taking advantage of some time off.

That last shot was just a trial fitting. The ladder still needs to be secured and hand rails added. It will also need some sort of gate to keep the goats off! LOL

Next > "A Start on the Hay Loft"

Ship's Ladder for the Hayloft © September 2017 


  1. Nice ladder! A gate to keep the goats off? You are a party pooper aren't you? lol Can't wait to see the finished product.

  2. You have given a good try. Waiting to see the completed one:)

  3. Goatldi, LOL. It's steep enough that I'm wondering if the goats could actually climb it. Adults? Probably not. Kids? Well, you know how kids can be!

    Weekend-Windup, good to hear from you! I'm really happy with how it's turning out. The next step will be the the upper story walls and roof, then Dan can finish the ladder.

  4. Awesome! It's coming along! :)

    How are the goats?


  5. Looks great Leigh! Very inspiring. :)

  6. Caroline, thanks! The goats are all fine. The bucks are ready for action but the girls are biding their time. :)

    Thanks Rain! It was exciting to see this come together, especially with homegrown lumber!

  7. Dan should be proud, but he's probably not one to make a lot of fuss or suffer a lot of accolades -- YOU can brag him up though, and take the accolades to him without embarrassing him. He's doing a marvelous job; true craftsmanship is not terribly common any more (such a shame).

  8. Nothing like good quality wood working to stand the test of time. I hope someone 100 years from now admires that same ladder and ponder the person who put in all that time making it.... and the barn around it.

  9. can it be lifted up on hinges like an attic ladder? even just half way with a rope? Very nice job btw!!

  10. Mrs. Shoes, you are correct about Dan. Mostly he focuses on what he considers mistakes! But I don't mind bragging on him and he's always pleased with the compliments these posts receive.

    Ed, those old barns are truly works of art that we can't hope to compare with, but this kind of construction is amazing and worth it. Have you seen Eric Sloan's The Age of Barns? Lots of amazing drawings of old barns in it.

    Seeking Serenity, you know, when we were in the planning stages Dan asked if I wanted a retractable ladder, but I said no. We have one for the attic and it's a nuisance to deal with. This one is sooo heavy, I'd never be able to hoist it even if it was on hinges!

  11. That is super cool! I love watching this project come together. Thank you so much for sharing it with all of us in pictures. Have a great day and a wonderful week. Sincerely, Mommy of two growing blessings & so much more!

  12. Your husband is so talented! Where did he learn all that woodworking? I still want to learn but other things keep taking priority. One of these days! LOL! Beautiful craftmanship!

  13. Nice job! That is a wonderful ladder! It's nice to have such skills available... :)

  14. I've never heard of Eric Sloan until I looked him up on Amazon. The Age of Barns and several other books look interesting. I'll have to put a couple on my list the next time I have a gift certificate to use up.

  15. That is a nice ladder! It would be fun for the goats to play on it! LOL Nancy

  16. Blessings Mommy, thanks! Sharing the picture is a great way of keeping a record to look at later.

    Sam, I agree! He learned woodworking first by helping his dad when he was a kid and later in shop classes in school. His go-to book is Carpentry and Building Construction by John Feirer and Gilbert Hutchings. We found it at a yard sale. He's referred to it for almost every remodeling, reconstructing, and building project we've done.

    Susan, thanks! I know it wouldn't look that good if it had been up to me to build it, LOL.

    Ed, you can't go wrong with his books. Very interesting and with a lot of solid common sense wisdom. Plus the illustrations are great.

    Nancy, especially the kids!

  17. Seriously, how can you not be planning to LIVE inside that magnificent barn!And that ladder...fantabulous. Keith and I are moving ahead with our barn too. Old posts, salvaged wood, new wood. It's so eclectic.

  18. Donna, you're not the first person to say that, Dan included! LOL On my way now to visit your blog. I'm curious about your own barn progress!


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