October 27, 2013

Fall Firsts

First frost, first fire in the wood cookstove, and first scrap soup. This one was made with leftover scalloped potatoes and ham, the remains of a soup experiment (a successful one too, for all that overgrown summer squash), and a quart jar of chevon stock.

Fall Firsts © October 2013 by Leigh


  1. Isn't it wonderful :)

    The simple things in life are so much more satisfying than any new fangled gadget they can invent.

  2. I also like the nice, orderly kindling next to the cook stove! Cook on, my friend!

  3. We got our first freeze the other night. Now it's going to be back up in the 70's this week. I think I can salvage my green pepper plant...time will tell lol.

  4. Now on to winter projects. The soup sounds good. We are cool here this morning but expect to be back in the upper 80's by the end of the week. My volunteer tomato plants will love it.

  5. Dani, that is so true. Too often the newer, fancier gadgets are more complicated and less well made, than the old, reliable standbys!

    Barb, that size is really good for keeping a cooking fire and a good temperature.

    Stephanie, try taking a cutting and putting in a jar of water to see if it will root. I'm trying this with my tomatoes and sweet basil. It would be great to have good size plants for the spring!

    DFW, the 80s! Oh my. Our upcoming warm spell should get us into the 70s I hope. Just in time to finish up the summer garden and start hauling that leaf mulch!

  6. That picture just says, "FALL!" My favorite time of year . . . and I think that has a lot to do with wood stove fires and good, hearty, homemade soup!

  7. It all looks good to me! I can't cook on my wood stove...the Ridgeback can dip into the pot. Don't ask me how I know this...

  8. Mmmmm - I love scrap soups! To be honest, I love almost any soup - I'm a soup kind of gal. I'm happy to eat it year round. Alas, my family does not love soup. They only tolerate it when it's really cold outside, and that won't happen until December.

    I can almost smell your yummy soup simmering!

  9. Leigh,

    Is scrap soup like cleaning the refrigerator soup? I make clean the refrigerator soup periodically, and the guys love it.

    The smell of a wood stove going it just the perfect start to winter.

  10. Mama Pea, I love fall too! And I have to agree with your reasons why. :)

    Sandra, oh no!

    DebbieB, I'm with you on soups. And salads in summer!

    Sandy, that's exactly it! I make it from whatever scraps (leftovers) I find in the fridge! The bonus is reclaiming room in it. :)

  11. Looks perfect! I hope you enjoyed it. Looks like a wonderful end to a day.

  12. I bet your kitchen feels heavenly right now.

    We're actually getting a bit of fall this year. a shock of sorts. I hear more snow (our 3rd for the year) is on the way though.

    Stay warm with that yummy soup! :D

  13. Isn't it nice for the weather to be cold enough for 'first' fires?! I bet your soup was delicious, particularly cooked on your wood cookstove.

  14. I'm trying to talk my family into putting our fire pit in the front yard and having a fire out there for Halloween. they're not buying it...worried about someone getting burned. :(

  15. We went straight from Indian Summer to winter, overnight. Right now, it is snowing. I am slowly working my way through the pile of chicken carcasses. I canned 7 quarts of boneless chicken last night and started stock (which will also be canned). I'm thinking roasted garlic chicken soup is in order for lunch today. Still wishing I had room for your beautiful wood stove.

  16. And here I was using your recipe and not even knowing it! I made my own version this weekend. I LOVE scrap soup - it gets me through the work week.

  17. Jocelyn, it was great. :)

    Renee, I love that wood stove. I can't believe you've had so much snow! Makes me chilly just to think of it.

    What a good idea about the fire pit. Would your trick or treaters really get close enough to get burned?

    Lisa, it is!

    Sue, we don't usually get much of a seasonal change either. But no snow! Your chicken and stock sound wonderful. And especially the roasted garlic chicken soup!

    Susan, I think it's a universal recipe loved by many names. :)

  18. Wow, I shouldn't have read this before eating lunch... Now I'm even hungrier!

    We diced up some butternut squash and threw it in the pan with a chicken and roasted it for dinner last night. In general, I don't like squash, but even I had to admit it was a great dinner.

  19. Hahaha Leigh, I always leave your blog absolutely starving!! :)

    Thanks for letting me know what was up with blogger BTW! I haven't had much time on my computer, just my cell phone, so I haven't had a chance to edit my reading list, but I book marked ya so I could find you a bit easier ;)

  20. Oh, how neat. I love your stove! And I bet that soup was delicious!

  21. Badgerpendous, sounds like a very yummy way to eat butternut. We like ours decadently sweet, with butter and honey. :)

    Crystal, thank you! I always appreciate your comments and our conversations. I'm always please when you post to your blog too, ever though it isn't often.

    Leslie, thanks!

  22. What a great photo. It screams Fall, the stack of wood and the oven and that soup... awesome!


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