September 29, 2013

Sammy's Silly Sunday

Sam and Katy are about four months old now and recently had their spay and neuter. Because the procedures were part of their adoption package, I took them to the clinic at the shelter.

Neither kitten was too happy about it. Sam, in particular, reverted to his withdrawn, hissy self. I'm sure all the sounds and smells brought back memories of their being there. After I picked them up and brought them home, Sam was a different cat. As soon as he came out of the carrier and realized where he was, he grabbed on to my leg and gave me a huge hug. He purred and purred. He followed me around and wanted to be picked up and petted. He must have realized he was HOME, forever. He no longer cringes when we reach for him or pet him. In fact, he loves it.

They remain high energy tear-em-ups. One of Dan's (many) nicknames for them are The Hooligans. I told him that if I was still into cat blogging (Welcome To Rascal's World and Little Cat Zee), I'd make them a blog entitled The HooligaNation.

Riley remains completely unimpressed and unappreciative of their presence here. We decided his blog would be called CurmugeoNation. No, I'm not actually going to do it, but it's fun to think about.

Sammy's Silly Sunday © September 2013 


  1. Kittens are so fun to watch. All that tearing around and investigating everything! Wh would think that a drinking glass would be so entertaining?

    I didn't realize that you could introduce kittens into a house with an existing cat without bloodshed. Do the kittens ever try to press their luck with Riley or does he just hiss them down? I have never had a cat or known them too well, so I am clueless.

  2. They are just adorable Leigh. My cat has a hissy-fit also when we took him to the vet. When he realized that it was home that he will stay...he became a totally different cat. :) m.

  3. That gave me such a chuckle this morning!

  4. Awww, cute story. We adopted a skittish cat. Something changed in her when we brought her home from her first vet trip. She realized she was home, that we were keeping her. So nice.

  5. Adorable kitty!! Was waiting to see him get his head stuck!! Or knock the glass over and spill it everywhere!! Happy and funny ending!

  6. Kitten through the Looking Glass .lol
    Very cute

  7. So cute. Glad that Sam knows that he his in his furever home.

    Lilly doesn't like the vet or groomer at all, but I'm not sure if she associates that with being at the shelter. Harder to tell with dogs because they go a bit bizerk whenever you come home. She does have some separation anxiety though...even follows me to the bathroom...quite annoying.

  8. I love the color of that kitten. I have a gray tabby. I have had him for 14 years and he has been an absolutely great companion for that whole time.

  9. Sammy has some pretty handsome markings! I am so glad he's happy to be Home.

  10. That's funny! Scott calls our boys The Hooligans, too. Kittens are far better to watch than TV any day.

  11. They are adorable! Sam & Katy will be such fun and bring you much happiness. Thanks for coming by.

    So glad to read this good news. When I saw Tina's comment about some of the kitties at the bridge, including Rascal & Catzee, it brought back happy memories of when they were blogging.

    Don't know if we can manage to leave a message. You have word verification on and some of us have a REALLY hard time with it since Google changed it. Have you considered turning it off?

  12. That is precious! But I want to know is - what was in the glass??

  13. Haha! These pictures are just adorable, what a riot!


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