August 30, 2013

Oven Fried Okra

Oven fried okra with grilled chevon burger and homegrown tomato

Last summer I shared a favorite okra recipe with you, sauteed okra. I don't fry much and this was my alternative for a close-to-fried texture and taste. This year, I had another idea for oven frying okra. We tried roasting it a few times and that was good, but fried okra is a staple southern treat. Here's one way to make it without the bother of actually frying.

Oven Fried Okra

  • fresh okra, sliced
  • olive oil
  • cornmeal
  • seasonings to taste (we like salt, pepper, and garlic)
  • either more olive oil, or oil or melted fat of choice

In a bowl, mix sliced okra and enough olive oil to coat well. Sprinkle with cornmeal and seasonings, stirring and adding cornmeal until the "strings" are gone. Generously grease a cookie sheet with more olive oil, or whatever oil or fat you like. Spread okra out on pan and bake at 425° F / 220° C., stirring frequently, for about 20 - 25 minutes (or until golden brown). Enjoy hot out of the oven.

Oven Fried Okra © August 2013 


  1. My, that sounds good! I may try growing okra next year, as I never see it available at farm stands here. Do you recommend a variety or seed source?

  2. Looks very yummy! It has been a very long time since I've had any okra. :'( This suthern gal misses it.

  3. Thanks for the recipe. It's nice to hear another way to cook okra.


  4. Totally off topic, but how are the keets and the kittens? :-)

  5. I don't actually fry anything anymore but do like oven frying foods on occasion. I find that if I put a piece of baking parchment on the pan I don't need to use much oil at all... none to grease the pan and only a tablespoon to coat whatever goodies I'm making. Makes for delicious fries, chicken and fish without unnecessary extra fats.

  6. Quinn, I've always grown Clemson Spineless. Something about the "spineless" LOL. There are a lot of interesting varieties in some of the seed catalogs though.

    Renee, I never had okra until I moved to the south, and now I'd miss it too!

    Fern, I think that's what happens to gardeners, we're always looking for new recipes for all our produce!

    Cecilia, kitten and keet update coming next! :)

    Nina, I've never tried baking parchment, although I've seen it in the stores. I do like oven baking for the reason you mention, uses less fat.


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