May 27, 2013

Ziggy's Surprises

Surprise #1

Ziggy went into labor today! My circled due dates were either May 17th or June 7th. [UPDATE: before I took her to the vet, I recalculated those dates. The second one was actually June 3rd, rather than the 7th, so she was really about right on time.] That meant she was either a week and a half late, or a week and a half early. At about 1 pm, she gave birth to a little doeling.

She was calm during labor, knowing what to expect, and knowing what to do. Half an hour later...

... a little buckling was born. Ziggy was an attentive mom and made sure everybody had a thorough bath, including me. She still looked pretty big, so I was expecting more. Half an hour later, at 2 o'clock, nothing. Nothing at 2:30, nor 3. I palpated her belly but it was soft. I felt no baby heads or legs. The placenta was hanging out so I figured that was it. I was surprised considering how huge she was. I cleaned up and went in to wash up.

Surprise #2

I went out to check on mama and babies around 4 o'clock. As I watched, she started pushing again. I figured this would be the placenta. But it wasn't! It was another birth sac! This one was another little girl, but sadly she never took a breath. She was perfectly formed, but really thin.

I barely had time to deal with that when she started to push again! Number 4 was another buckling.

Fortunately he is fine.

Ziggy looks happy, but I feel as worn out as the babies. But I wanted to let you know immediately, so we can all breath a collective sigh of relief.

Whew, what a day. It was sad to lose one, but I am thankful for three healthy babies and an easy deliveries. More photos here.

Ziggy's Surprises © May 2013 


  1. Goats can have four babies!? I did not know that. It's no wonder she was so.......puffy.
    Sorry you lost the little girl. How sad for you,

  2. Congratulations!

    We're thinking
    Zeb- or Skippy.

    Darly is helping with the names here. ;)

  3. wow, I don't know much about goats, but that seems like a lot of babies! Glad that three survived, Ziggy must be worn out....

  4. Now the question on everyone's minds... "Who's the daddy?" Any indications yet?

  5. Aww...*through tears of sadness and joy* Happy that Ziggy came through fine and the other lil ones! They are adorable!

  6. I have heard of goats having three babies but did not know they could have four, wow! Sorry to hear one little girl did not make it. All Ziggy's babies are so cute, congratulations!

  7. What cuties!! Sorry about the loss, but you and Ziggy will have your hands full with 3.

    Last year, I had a set of twins that were born about 4 hours apart. She even passed afterbirth in between them, so I was sure she was done. Sometimes I think our animals just like to show us that they don't read the care books.

  8. I'm so excited to see that she's healthy and that you have 3 new beautiful babies, but I'm sorry that one was stillborn. Lots of love to your hardworking little mamma! I swear your blog has singlehandedly convinced me to get ND dairy goats as soon as we have a property to keep them on (which we're working on)! They aren't all that easy to find in Canada, particularly our area, but I already have a farm visit lined up during our family trip to Ontario next month. I won't be able to bring any home this time, but will hopefully come home with more info and contacts and possibilities for what lies ahead. I hope you get some rest tonight after such a busy day!

  9. Wow. Ziggy is amazing. Congratulations on the new kids.

  10. I told you she was carrying quads. She was just too big otherwise. Too bad one of the little girls didn't make it, but you have three more members to your family and that is worth celebrating.

    What pretty little kids. And now, that is all over with, you can just enjoy them with no more worries. Can't wait to see them bouncing all over the place.

  11. Erin, multiple births are actually common amongst the miniature breeds, also Kinders. Trips and quads are common, even occasional quints!

    Renee, thanks! Now we have to think of names, LOL. Maybe Z names would be a good idea. Tell Darly thanks! And "who's the daddy" is the question!

    Liz, thanks! It is a lot but not uncommons for her breed, Nigerian Dwarf. I don't think she can count, so I don't think she even realized she lost one.

    Pam, thanks! I'm just so glad the waiting is over.

    Shannon, pretty neat, huh? I'm sorry it was a little doe we lost, but oh well.

    Sue, 4 hours, wow! My experiences with twins has always been half an hour. Quads was a first for me.

    Rosalyn, Nigies are a wonderful breed. They have great personalities too. Glad to hear you have a potential source in your area.

    Sylvanna, thanks!

    Benita, LOL. I have to say that she seems happy to not be carrying all that weight anymore.

  12. Wowzers, Ziggy is a superhero. Congrats, no wonder she was so big :D

  13. I spend the day cleaning up from the Chicken Drama and clearing out the garage only to find that Ziggy has had time to make a family! Wow. You blink and you miss EVERYTHING!!!

    Congratulations to all and to all a good night!


  14. Wow!!! Sorry about the one you lost but 3 is really great. Well done Ziggy.
    Looks like you had a bumper kid season. Enjoy them, they are so cute.

  15. Ziggy looks like a model mama in all your pictures; what a grand goat she is! I think those babies look pretty big, like half-Kiko. Is that possible given the date she kidded? Have the kids' front teeth all erupted? (If not that could indicate they are a bit early.)

  16. Oh they are so very sweet, congratulations on three! So sorry about the little one that didn't make it...I didn't know goats had so many, I thought it was a special treat when they had twins.

    Hopefully you can take a bit of a break now and get some rest. (is that funny?) xo

  17. My goodness- four of them! No wonder she was so huge. It's always sad to lose one, but three healthy babes is a blessing indeed. Go Ziggy....Good work. Any idea who papa is?

  18. I'm so so happy for you and Ziggy!!! Bless her heart! It's such a Good thing that weight was spread out over four babies!

  19. April, when she only delivered two at first I was really surprised. Of course I was surprised when the next two came three hours later. :)

    Barb, oh no, chicken drama? Sounds like something I need to check out!

    Cecilia, it's a relief, to say the least. I'm just glad she's busy with three. I doubt she even knows she lost one.

    Michelle, she's an excellent Mama. One of the kids (2nd born) is a little larger than the others, the last born is the smallest. Honestly, they are so much tinier than Surprise's or Lily's. I didn't know that about the front teeth, thanks. The stillborn did have front teeth, so I assume the others do too, but I'll have to check in the morning. The June due date was for a possible Kiko dad. If they aren't early, then likely it was Gruffy.

    Sherri, they are adorable, aren't they? The mini breeds commonly have multiples. Not sure I can rest yet. I'm still feeling the need to make sure they know where milk is.

    Nina, dad is still unknown. If they grow bigger than Ziggy, we'll know for sure. :)

    Michelle, thanks! It was a tremendous load. She got so it took great effort to stand and walk toward the end. I know she must feel a hundred pounds lighter.

  20. Congrats to Ziggy and you too. So glad to hear she had them all without serious difficulties. Will be interesting to see who looks most like daddy. It is possible to have more than one daddy in multiple births. Can wait for to see more pictures as they grow.

  21. That is so awesome, no wonder she was so wide. I'm happy that the three kids are healthy, and Ziggy too.

  22. Wow- I had no idea goats could have so many babies at once! That's a LOT! That momma deserves a good rest!


  23. Yay! I was just going to bed and thought "I'm going to see if Ziggy had her babies yet". So cute!

  24. Wow, what a mama! Very inspiring :) Sorry about the lost little one.

  25. Oh my, no wonder she was so huge. I was going to ask if it was unusual for that many but I see you have already answered that question. Could she be early giving birth because she had so many? She even looks proud of her instant family.

  26. TL, thanks! I was wondering about that, if it was possible to have different sires like that. The 2nd born is the largest and has really stocky legs. The last is the smallest, but who knows? I think ears (Kikos have ears like Nubians) and of course size. I'll have to do a "Whose The Daddy?" post one of these days, LOL

    Thewovenspoke, I didn't think she could get any bigger!

    KK, pretty amazing, isn't it? They actually call them "litters."

    Frenchie, glad we didn't disappoint!

    Jaime, thank you so much. Now I just have to make sure she can feed everybody.

    Louise Jane, she does look pleased, doesn't she? That's a good point, about an earlier birth with multiples. I learned that also, Nigerian Dwarfs can deliver a little earlier because of their small stature, as in 145 instead of 150 days.

  27. What a blessing! Ziggy you did great. Can't wait to tell the gang. She looks like such a good moma. Hugs to your farm life:) I do like the idea of Z names.

  28. Hooray! My alpine-nubian crosses very occasionally have triplets, but the third is usually quite a runt and I either have to augment nursing with a bottle and/or let the runt nurse while the doe is on the milking stand. Do the nigerians have any trouble feeding three or four?

  29. Finally. Yay! I can stop 'waiting to exhale'.... Sorry about the loss, but glad all else is fine.

  30. THREE!! Praise the Lord for 3 healthy kids, and a healthy Ziggy.

  31. Oh Leigh, I am so happy that the Zig-meister had her "brood" - Wow, three little ones that is just awesome. Sorry for the loss of the little girl but the joy of 3 new goatie babies, hurray Ziggy!

  32. No worries about is busy enough at your end.
    I kept thinking that poor Ziggy looked awfully large for just a pair; beautiful "litter"? Sorry about the third wee one.
    Three beauties to watch get into all sorts of antics with the other babies...good luck at the ZOO! Get lots of rest when you seem to have a very eventful summer ahead.
    Cheers from Oshawa Ontario.

  33. So happy she finally delivered! Sorry about the little doe. They are all precious.

    It's going to take Ziggy a long time to get that baby weight off & back to her trim figure.

  34. Definitely a sigh of relief and glad she finally had those kids!

  35. Thanks for stopping by my blog the other day! I check your regularly...besides my small garden, it's my escape from the cubicle!

    Glad to see momma is fine. They're cuties! Will you keep all of them?

  36. Congrats on the babies, but sorry for the loss of the doeling. Bittersweet, huh?

  37. Leigh,

    Wow, now 4 babies surely explains Ziggy's size.

    I'm so sorry one little one didn't make it. But happy to hear you and Ziggy have 3 new little ones.

  38. Congratulations to you all! Those are some beautiful babies, and I'm glad the wait is over (for you AND Ziggy).

  39. Oh my gosh, Ziggy, way to go girl! No wonder you got so big. Congratulations on three healthy babies, sorry about the little girl that didn't make it. Now life can get back to normal!

  40. Gorgeous babies! She does look rather satisfied with her brood. :) Sorry you lost the one doe, and huge congrats on the three babies!!

  41. Wow, no wonder poor Ziggy was so huge!!! I'm so sorry she lost one of them but happy there's three healthy new kids at your house. Little goats are just SO cute!

  42. Good job, Ziggy! Welcome new kids!

  43. Congratulations!

    Sorry for the lost one.

  44. Wow, 4! Sad you lost one baby, but at least everyone else came thru ok. Poor Ziggy needs a vacation!

  45. Wow! Congrats on the 3 healthy babies :)

  46. You win! I'm still waiting.

    Congrats. They are gorgeous.

  47. Excited for your new family members and sad to hear about the little doe. Glad Ziggy is doing well, as well as her goatlings. It's truly amzing how they seem to know just what to do.

    Our Nigie doe had twins the first of March in a difficult birth, but she really remained calm throughout the process, seeming to understand we were trying to help.

    Have fun with your new kids!

    Jim K.

  48. congrats leigh, they are adorable. sorry about the little girl.

  49. Wow! Suddenly you have huge goat population! Sorry about the little doe, but alas.

    Also, can't wait to hear about the writing project...

  50. Thank you to everyone for taking the time to comment. :) Please excuse me if I just focus on specific questions. I don't ordinarily do that but am really pushed for time these days!

    Kate, Nigies commonly have multiples. So far, Ziggy has not been producing enough milk. See the next post for details.

    Brenda, and they do call it a "litter"!

    Jim K., I'm so glad everything turned out well. It's worrisome in the middle of it.

    Badgerpendous, good to hear from you! The writing project is huge, yes, actually a (self-published) book based on our homesteading experiences. I'm hoping to get it out sometime this summer. Lots of details to finish up!!!

  51. Leigh,

    Worriesome indeed...and we found out very quickly that my wife would rather not be around a crisis! :-)

    Jim K.

  52. Gosh! I'm so glad she finally gave birth. 4! no wonder she was so big.

  53. OH MY GOSH FOUR holy smokes no wonder she was so huge! Okay that surely explains it. So happy to hear she finally went into labor and had an easy time. I was a bit worried about her.

    I am sorry for the loss of one but so happy you have 3 babies! Is this common? 4 seems crazy... Congrats Leigh!


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