April 14, 2013

Potholders! Thank You Mama Pea!

I am pleased to announce that I am the delighted winner of Mama Pea's potholder giveaway.

Mama Pea's potholders

Mama Pea's potholders

Aren't they absolutely perfect for my new kitchen? The only problem is - they are too pretty to use!!! My potholders always end up dirty, raggedy, torn, worn, ripped, stained, and smudged with wood cookstove soot. I can't do that to these! Instead?

my potholder collection
4 potholders ought to make a collection, right?

The chicken potholder on the left I bought from a WARP (Weave A Real Peace) sale. WARP sells items handcrafted by weavers and textile artisans in communities-in-need. My potholder was made by a Guatemalan weaver. The sheep potholder on the right was a gift from my mother, but I have no idea where she bought it.

I love them all.


  1. Those are adorable and I love what you did with them!

  2. Leigh - They're all stunning. How nice of Mama Pea :)

  3. They are perfect :)

  4. They are fantastic! Are they made from feed sacks? They are so bright and cheery! Congrats!

  5. Oh, congrats Leigh...they are SO pretty...can't blame you for not wanting to use them! Mama Pea did good! ;) Enjoy!

  6. I feel very honored that the potholders have such a special place in your beautiful kitchen. But they are washable so if you get tired of just looking at them, put them to work! (Don't cha just LOVE how blogging hooks all of us together? I sure do!)

  7. Ashley, thank you!

    Dani, I agree. :)

    Stephanie, I agree with that too. :)

    Daisy, they are made from feed sack print fabric. Check out Mama Pea's blog for details.

    DFW, thanks!

    Pam, she did indeed. :)

    Mama Pea, I feel like my blogging community truly meets a social need. We have no one in our area that thinks like we do, so to know others out there are on the same path helps preserve our sanity, LOL

    1. Leigh totally agree that a blog community can serve the social need, I don't have like minded neighbors or community either.

  8. Those are awesome! Lovely collection!

  9. I agree. They are too pretty to mess up by using them.

  10. It's always nice to win a little something. Very nice they are.

  11. Leigh,

    Congratulations, I love your hot pads. Agreed, I wouldn't use them either. There a work of art :-)


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