November 14, 2010

Riley's Balancing Act


  1. Don't you sometimes wish you were a cat - they make it look so easy :-)

  2. Riley says, "What? It's easy. No big deal." The agility of a cat . . .

  3. Quite the talented kitteh! :D

    How are his hunting skills?

  4. Dani, that's so true. :)

    Mama Pea, it's funny because he's really still at that awkward age.

    Renee, he's turning out to be a pretty good hunter. So far I've seen him get (besides numerous bugs), 2 chipmunks, a short-tailed shrew, and a rat. Good kitty.

  5. I love cats!! They make everything look so easy.

  6. Actually Barb, he's at that awkward where his body has grown faster than his agility. For him, this stunt is really good!

  7. Cute pictures! Cats always amaze me. I wish I had half the balance of even my dottering old cat. When our house was being worked on, one day he went outdoors by balancing down a 2x4 left propped into a second story window, and on another day we found him sitting on the end of a corbel (about 2.5" wide) where the eaves were missing.

  8. Cats are a marvelous source of entertainment. Riley gig is great.

  9. Lee, their balance is amazing but so is their bravado!

    Sharon, you've got that right :) It's why I've learned to keep my camera with me at all times!

  10. Great photos. There's a good outdoor cat!


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