November 18, 2009

I'm Entering A Give-a-Way...

... and the rules say I need to mention it on my blog. So here it is. Cottage Homestead is giving away a manual hand crank coffee grinder, which I would absolutely love to have. Click here to go see for yourself. :)

And another ... this one is for Coconut Cream Concentrate from Tropical Traditions. For details, check out this blog.


  1. good luck - I hope you'll win it! I used to have one (didn't look as nice though) but gave it away, when I realised that I cannot get coffee beans here - only ground (though when I first came to ireland, nearly everybody was drinking this gruesome granulated stuff!). I now have an electric coffee grinder - which I use for grinding cochineal for dyeing:))

  2. Fingers crossed for you! Hope it's much quieter than the noisy electric one that Jim uses in the morning!!


  3. oooh how pretty! I hope you win it! :D

  4. Leigh, hope you are lucky and win it. Did you not forget to leave your details at her blog for her to find you?

  5. Thank you one and all. *LOL. If I do win it, I will consider a coffee tree for my someday greenhouse.

    Margreet, so good to hear from you. I think I gave her all the details. I did go back to check just to make sure but she has comment moderation on.

  6. Leigh, I noticed as well that you had not commented but it is not showing a comment to publish, hmmmm. try again and if it doesn't work then I need to figure out what is wrong, LOL. Thanks for entering Leigh!

  7. Leigh,
    I just noticed that you did win!!! congratulations.


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