August 13, 2009

HINT: They All Have Pennsylvania in Common

What do a wedding, Amish made cabinets, and a food outlet have in common? Well, it's not the kind of riddle one can answer without knowing the background. Why? Because they were all part of a recent whirlwind trip we took to Pennsylvania.

The wedding was our son's .....

Brand new newlyweds
I like the natural colors in the inset.The Amish made cabinets? Well, the morning of the wedding we were invited to join the bride's family at an area restaurant, Shady Maple Smorgasbord. I have to tell you, if you are ever in Lancaster County, PA, this place is an absolute must. It's pricey, but we went for breakfast (the most reasonable meal) and wow was I ever impressed: made-to-order omelets, chocolate chip pancakes, fresh blueberry pancakes, baked French toast, baked oatmeal, Dutch fried potatoes, out of this world fresh fruit, cream filled pastries with real ingredients (butter, cream), etc. You get the idea.

I think my Blue Willow will go well with these.They also have a farm market, which we didn't visit, and a gift shop, which we did. It was huge! And filled with every conceivable souvenir, collectible, gift, card, hand crafted and home decor item you can possibly imagine. I never thought I could spend several hours in a gift shop, but we did, easily. After pondering stained glass, music boxes, cookbooks, postcards, music boxes, stuffed toys (I love bunnies, DH likes opossums), quilts, and baskets, we finally found our way to the furniture section and settled on the two cabinets pictured here. You can click on either photo to "biggify."

These are not "regular" kitchen cabinets, but they are just the inspiration I need for planning my dream kitchen (current kitchen here.) They are unfinished pine, and so can be stained or painted if we choose. All that to be determined once the kitchen plants begin to take shape.

The food outlet was a Golden Barrel retail outlet. This was one of those impulsive stops (oddly, I was the only one with the impulse, the sign said bulk molasses and oils, so I had to go see! Fortunately the groom, best man, and my husband were happy tag along.) The store wasn't very big, but the prices for the things I wanted were excellent.

I love buying in bulk! $8 for a gallon of blackstrap molasses (I use it in bread and gingerbread), $7 for a gallon of canola oil (also for bread), and $11.50 for a half gallon of extra virgin olive oil (for everything else which requires oil except frying, which I don't do much of anyway.).

Now wish I'd gotten a pint of sorghum too. I did get a brochure and they do mail order, but I find that shipping and handling usually knock an item out of the bargain box. :( I may just send DS and DDIL on a shopping trip next time they go visit her parents!


  1. What a wonderful picture of the happy couple. You must be so proud.

    I'm glad you enjoyed our fair state. We haven't been to Shady Maples in years. One thing about Pa we do have our share of bulk food outlets and Amish made furniture.

  2. Congrats on your son's marriage, and such a wonderful picture of the two of them!

    I spent a number of summers in Bucks County PA
    and am thrilled to hear there are still smorgasbords!
    There were many during the early 60's and 70's. The whole Amish made thing hadn't really hit then, quilts yes and some other goods, but not the industry it is now. Good deal on the black strap. I use it for the horses in the winter in a weekly hot bran mash along with other things.

  3. congrats to becoming a MIL:)) the photos look fairly relaxed - in contrast to the recent "high flyer" weddings we were able to watch over here. I like the idea of having breakfast together instead of doing giant dinners and even more gigantic drinking sessions afterwards (or maybe those followed your breakfast?:))

  4. Many congratulations on your son's marriage!

  5. What a cute girl! I have been there and I love the amish they make so many neat things. I love there quilts.

  6. Thank you! She is very sweet and a good match for our sun.

    We really like Pennsylvania. At one time we talked about moving there someday, but that just doesn't seem to be a part of our life journey. We do enjoy a visit now and again though.

  7. Congratulations to the happy couple and both families! They look so happy.

  8. Congrats on your son's wedding!! I wish them many happy years together!

    It's always nice to spend time in PA! (I grew up there!)


  9. Congratulations to your son and his wife! What a great looking couple they make!

  10. I agree with all the comments re: the "happy couple!" Glad you enjoyed your brief trip to PA...would love to have you come again. Was the Golden Barrel outlet in Honeybrook on your drive home from Shady Maple? If you'd like us to bring some goodies down for you when we come back to SC in May, send me your order via email. Our S&H will be a real deal!


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