June 26, 2009

Trial Set-Up For My Studio

This is actually a duplicate post. I published almost the exact same thing on my fiber journal because it's appropriate for both blogs, though for different reasons. Though I haven't posted much on that blog lately, I am still a weaver and fiber person at heart.

After a lot of thought and some trial & error, I've finally settled on a set-up for my studio. This was formerly the "sun room," claimed as my studio on first sight.

The room is long and narrow, about 9.5 by 20 feet, and this presented some challenges. My loom takes up roughly 6 by 5.5 feet worth of floor space, so where to put it took some deliberation. I finally decided to start with it near the living room entrance, as the width of the double French doors afford a little more room there.

Part of the problem is having enough floor space to walk around all sides of the loom. With this set-up I have 18 inches of space in back of the loom, and 20 inches on the left side. I'm going to work with this for awhile, and if it's not adequate I'll make adjustments.

The long tube on the floor behind the loom is a reed holder. It was handy previously, but it's in the way now. I'll have to come up with another way to store my reeds.

To the right of the loom I left the floor open, and used a book shelf to define both studio and office space for myself without blocking the windows.

All of my spinning, dyeing, knitting, crochet, sewing, and design books are on those shelves, along with a few weaving books and a box or two of equipment. Behind the bookshelf .....

.... is just enough space for my desk and computer (currently both in DH's addition.)

This will be my "office" area.

That's not a permanent home for my warping board, just a handy place to keep it. Eventually the closet will be replaced with more shelves.

My Sterilite stackable drawers (full of weaving yarns) are in front of the door which goes out to the screened in front porch. Though I like the idea of being able to use this door, I really don't need it. In the corner between the closet and my stackables is my tri-loom and raddle.

These shelves were left in the house. I was able to get a lot of my yarns out of boxes and stashed here. I really like being able to have at least some of my yarns visually handy.

The other little shelf unit contains most of my weaving books and is handy for my bobbin winder. Hopefully the space between this shelf and the loom will be adequate for entering and exiting the rest of the room.

The rest of my stash: weaving yarns, handspun yarns, commercial knitting yarns, and all my fleeces and other spinning fibers, (as well as my sewing machine, serger, and dye equipment) are in the spare room.

Being a "try it and see" sort of person, I figured that the only way to know how well this Hopefully I'll have something to show you on that front soon.

Copyright by Leigh 26 June 2009 


  1. It looks great! The cats sure must love the cat condo where it is too. You've certainly made the most of the room and how nice of the previous owners to leave those shelves.

  2. I think it looks great! I hope it works out for you...it can't be fun moving the loom.

    I see that Catzee made herself at home there. Is she still chewing on your weight bottles?

  3. Oh how lovely, a well organised studio ready for action...!

    It's good being able to see your yarns like that, I've got half of mine stashed away which is a shame because when you can see the yarns you think about them more.

    I've always used more space behind my loom, but shall be very interested to see how you get on with the 18" space, if I could manage with less space behind the loom I might be put my loom in a different place, in fact I might get a bigger loom in... (I shouldn't think like this! No to new looms!)

    I see that Catzee is happy with the cat furniture, that is a really good spot for seeing into different rooms. We were wondering recently why our Phoebe kept finding her way to the top of the fridge freezer, then I saw that it gives her a good view up the garden. Cat wisdom.

  4. I'm with you all the way on the trying and seeing. After having had my loom in the same place for a couple of years, I finally decided a few months ago to move it about 6" further to the right. I asked Stuart what he thought of my new arrangement and he was mystified, but after a few months' trial I realise that it was all I needed to make the space work perfectly for me!

    And I agree with all who have commented on the cat lookout post. Exactly what a moggie wants in life: a comfy spot with a view.

  5. The loom looks so inviting framed by the doorway, with feline sentinel!

  6. The cats must be kept happy at all costs. :)

    Theresa, Renee,and Trapunto, thanks. Renee, I had to chuckle at your question. Thankfully, no, she's outgrown that!

    Dorothy, I took your earlier advice into account as I thought this through. I'm not convinced about this amount of space, but figured I won't know unless I try!

    Cally, someone else told me a similar story at Guild meeting yesterday. Interesting how so little can mean so much. I will definitely be fine tuning this arrangement.

  7. It looks great! I have my loom close to a wall right now too. So far so good, but too soon to tell!

    You've done smart things with bookcases - blocking a door to get more wall space and using a bookcase to create a small office space.

    Good job!!!


  8. What a beautiful room and you have utilized it well! I love to see how other people utilize their spaces especially for storage of materials as I sew, knit and craft and I have a huge stash of books on every category imaginable. I turned my sun porch into a library. Your room looks very nice!

    1. Thanks! It's interesting you should mention the library because that's what this room was when we first saw the house. Pretty nice actually, and that's an idea for us as well, especially if I put my studio into the front bedroom (assuming we ever get the inside of the house done!)


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